Enjoy the world

Chapter 266 A dreamlike experience

Hua Zhenxing, the general instructor of the training class, stood at the end of a stone road to greet all the students. There was a barbecue party that night. The dormitory has not been built yet, and you can rest temporarily in the office building, but the conditions are almost like empty rooms without furniture, but it doesn't matter to these people.

This was the first time for these people to come to Yangyuan Valley. Although they were amazed by the scene here, it was not as exaggerated as when Hua Zhenxing came last time. Because there was a lack of comparison between before and after, everyone did not know some of the inside information.

The last time Hua Zhenxing came here, he was really shocked when he saw a large courtyard appearing out of thin air, and a complex of Huizhou-style buildings with three entrances and nine palaces.

Now not only the office building has been completed, but also the training department and research institute have been built. The training department is located in the northeast of the small square in the valley. There are three three-story buildings arranged in sequence. Each building can be passed through the doorway in the middle of the first floor, and the central axis is aligned.

The three buildings basically have the same layout, but the architectural styles are slightly different. There are four classrooms on each floor. Each classroom is still very spacious for fifty people, but there are no doors, windows, tables, chairs or benches at the moment.

On both sides of each building, there is also a large staircase classroom. The space is very high and spacious. Fan-shaped seats surround a large podium in the center. Each large staircase classroom can accommodate 200 people.

There are three three-story buildings with thirty-six classrooms, which can accommodate 1,800 people; there are six large terraced classrooms on both sides of each building, which can accommodate 1,200 people. If all the classrooms in the training department are full, they can accommodate a total of 3,000 people, but this is unlikely to happen, at least in recent years.

As for the institute, which is located in the northwest of the small square, it is also a three-story building with a basement. It is hidden among natural vegetation. The trees there are so tall that the institute is almost invisible from a distance. The institute has an overall "I"-shaped structure and is divided into many different functional areas.

Ke Mengchao and Mo Shangtong, two old men, somehow managed to complete these two buildings in more than a month. Anyway, they were done. Wasn't the office building that Yang Tehong was responsible for already completed?

That night, not only was there barbecue, but everyone also tasted another special cold dish, which was the mutton cake made by Huazhenxing himself. The chief instructor also shared the recipe of this dish with everyone, and everyone was full of praise!

For fifty people, even if they were cut into thin slices, each person would not be able to eat more than a few pieces, but it would add up to a lot. You can imagine how many mutton cakes Hua Zhenxing made in the past few days.

There is no electricity here, and of course there is no refrigerator, but this is not a problem at all for Old Man Yang. Even if he writes the word "refrigerator" on the wooden shelf, it is estimated that the shelf can be used as a refrigerator.

When Hua Zhenxing was a child, he thought the refrigerator had its own refrigeration function. Although there were frequent power outages in Fesoport, I later learned that it was not the refrigerator that was magical, but that Old Man Yang had too much talent.

Early the next morning, in a classroom selected by the monitor, although there were no tables, chairs, doors or windows yet, the podium had been built overnight. The training class held an opening ceremony, and the students lined up and sat on the ground.

There was a small climax in the opening ceremony, which was the awarding of the fourth-level Yuan Yuan Shu instructor certificate. Lian Na and Locke had passed the fourth-level Yangyuan Skill proficiency assessment in Fufeng Garden, and passed the re-examination after coming to Yangyuan Valley. Chief instructor Hua Zhenxing awarded them certificates in public, and all the students stood up and applauded!

This certificate is not big, just like a work card or membership card, and can be put into your pocket for easy carrying. But it was designed and made by Mo Shangtong himself, and it bears the legal deed of the holder, making it almost impossible to counterfeit.

Open this certificate, which contains information such as photo, name, issuing authority, and date of issuance. The text information is all recorded in East Mandarin, and it looks no different from a regular certificate.

But if it is activated by the method of royal weapon, the three-dimensional light and shadow description and introduction of the holder will appear above it, just like a magical creature in the movie. If you want to examine it in this way, the examiner must have at least the four realms of cultivation, or let the certificate holder demonstrate it by himself.

The scene of awarding and displaying the certificates made the students very excited and envious. Everyone excitedly expressed that they would also work hard to become a qualified intermediate Yangyuan Shu instructor.

Chief Instructor Hua Zhenxing then spoke: The reason why we organized such a special training in Yangyuan Valley is that we hope that everyone can become Yangyuan Technique instructors in the future. This is a rare opportunity for learning and practical practice.

On this occasion, Hua Zhenxing is no longer the same Xiaohua, but has become a person who teaches the Dharma, guides and resolves doubts. During the ten-day training, Hua Zhenxing mainly covered the following parts:

The first is to consolidate the practice of the third-level Yangyuan Technique. How can we achieve the state of perfection and what kind of insights are needed? Secondly, there is the use of various methods to cultivate the three realms, focusing on the power of spiritual consciousness to control objects and the method of refining, which is also the process of sharpening the soul.

In addition, he also explains about the demonic realm. Under what circumstances will the demonic realm be triggered, how to be aware of the demonic realm, and how to deal with the demonic realm? This is what every monk in the Three Realms needs to understand and master after achieving the realm.

If you can get clear guidance from your teacher in advance, and if your mental and psychological state is normal, many unexpected dangers can be avoided, and even if they are unbreakable, they will not damage your soul.

According to the traditional saying in the eastern spiritual world, this should be regarded as a "Dharma Assembly". But Hua Zhenxing didn’t regard it as a Dharma conference, it was just a training and open class.

It should be noted that even if you can prove some realms of cultivation yourself, and being able to teach them to others and explain them clearly are still two different things. The three elderly people would observe every open class held by Huazhenxing, but they did not interrupt, indicating that they were basically satisfied.

Hua Zhenxing doesn’t have much time to give public lectures. Some key points in practice only need to be given accurate guidance, and the rest must be verified by everyone on their own. During these ten days, students have to complete many tasks, all of which are related to the content of this training.

First, each group must build a collective cave house, which must be completed within the first five days of arriving at Yangyuan Valley. Mo Shangtong prepared twenty-eight sets of drawings, and each group could choose a preferred style.

The dormitory area is located on the hillside opposite the office building, between the training department and the institute. The terrain in Yangyuan Valley is also undulating, with many lakes and hills. There is a continuous small mountain range in the north of the valley extending to the central area. The end of it is the location of the dormitory area, which is roughly the U-shaped area above the foot of the mountain.

The places where caves can be built have been marked, and you can't just dig and build randomly wherever you want. There are 251 possible locations for building a collective cave for twelve people. Currently, everyone can choose by themselves.

How could twelve people build a collective cave in five days without any construction equipment? At this time, you can see what kind of abilities a group of organized and coordinated Third Realm monks can unleash!

Each group completed the task on schedule and moved into the cave they built themselves five days later. Of course, the monitor and deputy monitor also helped, and even the chief instructor also contributed to each group, providing on-site guidance and demonstrations.

Everyone has their names engraved in the public areas of the cave, and inscribed into the individual rooms where they live. Some people still continue to create and decorate various details with an attitude of striving for excellence. This depends on personal cultivation and hobbies.

Many of the students, such as Xia Changqing, had only broken through the three realms of cultivation and had their souls clear when they first came here, because they only practiced the art of nourishing the soul and did not spend energy on mastering other methods.

But after five days, everyone is basically familiar with the art of controlling objects with spiritual consciousness and the method of refining. Even if they are not yet proficient, they have understood and mastered it. It depends on how to sharpen the soul in the future.

Manman stayed at Fufeng Garden this time and did not come to Yangyuan Valley with the training class. In fact, she has many water-bending methods that can be used in the three realms, and they are very subtle and subtle in the use of spiritual consciousness.

But these don’t seem to be suitable as content for open classes, and not all students can master them quickly. If any of the students show special talent in this area, they can also use it as a research direction to specialize in cultivating certification in the future. However, it is better to wait until they break through the four realms, because Manman's experience is difficult to copy and is not suitable for simple imitation. .

Locke's experience is even harder to replicate. The paper airplane technique that Locke figured out on his own and the wooden magpie technique that Uncle Mo originally taught are actually the same.

Locke created ever-changing paper airplanes when he was cultivating in the Third Realm. He spent ten years working on this when he was unable to advance further.

But if you want to teach it publicly, it is not suitable for these three-level students. After someone breaks through the fourth level, you can study it specifically and learn from it... These can be regarded as research directions in the institute. But right now, Yangyuan Valley lacks not only a qualified teaching staff, but also a qualified student team.

The cave was built within five days and all the students successfully moved in. This sense of accomplishment is indescribable!

There are four types of caves in the dormitory area. The first type is a collective cave where twelve people live, and each person has a private room. It was planned to be a dormitory for students from the Fourth Realm in the future, but now it was built by these students from the Third Realm and moved in in advance.

The second type is a cave for four people. Each person has his or her own suite. It is planned to be a dormitory for fifth-level Yuan Yuan masters. Lian Na and Locke also built one this time. Although their cultivation level has not broken through the fifth realm, they also enjoyed the treatment of fifth-level Yuan Yuan masters in advance during the initial period of the headquarters, and stayed in one of the suites. Who said it was built by them themselves?

In the next five days, each group has another task, which is to build tables, chairs, doors and windows for the classrooms where they usually have classes. Everything must be made from local materials.

Everything else is easy to talk about, but where does the window glass come from? This requires the use of divine consciousness essence method. The raw material of glass is nothing more than silicon-containing sand or stone, which is refined into transparent glass with mana sacrifice.

A classroom is too easy a task for them. This training class also needs to decorate a room in the office building and the research institute respectively, including desks and chairs - these are the simplest requirements.

Yangyuan Valley covers hundreds of square kilometers. As long as there is no indiscriminate deforestation and overfishing, what these fifty people do will not cause any damage to the environment. On the contrary, it can also play a role in cleaning up redundancies.

Trees grow and die every year. Clearing out redundant trees and branches is actually more conducive to the renewal of the overall population. Just like bamboo, proper harvesting and thinning out the overly dense parts will leave better space for new shoots to sprout.

The trainees did cut down some bamboo during the task, but they did not cut down the trees. They did not have time to carry out the task of cleaning up the redundant environment. In the lake of Yangyuan Valley, there are countless dark wood piled up over the years. It is enough to pull out a few branches together, and no good aniseed is needed.

As for the fresh and tender wild vegetables in the mountains, the chief instructor will lead everyone to identify and pick them. He will also teach everyone how to cook them and guide everyone to build various living utensils in the cave.

As for all kinds of game, according to the regulations of the Yangyuan Master Headquarters, even picking a bird egg must be approved by a leader at the deputy director level or above, and there are designated areas, quantities, and types. This is not a problem. The chief instructor and the principal and deputy squad leaders are of sufficient rank and can make arrangements.

In just ten days, it was a dream-like experience for the students. Many things happened that they could not even dream of before coming. It felt like they had created a miracle with their own hands.

In addition to attending public classes and completing tasks, the rest of the time, especially every night, is of course used for practice. The chief instructor and the two monitors also give individual guidance to the students... There is no need to go into detail about these.

The effect of this training course is beyond imagination! In just these ten days, fifteen of the forty-eight students have broken through the four realms of cultivation! It all happened in the last five days.

This was somewhat beyond Hua Zhenxing's expectations, but judging from the reactions of the three elderly people, it seemed that they had foreseen it.

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