Enjoy the world

Chapter 265 I am the stupidest person

In the private room of the noodle restaurant in Gaoqiao Town, Wang Fengshou suddenly picked up his voice with his spiritual consciousness and said mysteriously: "To say that all the industries in this place under our feet belong to Huanxiang Industrial, it is better to say that they all belong to one person. It’s just Feng Zibin.

I have studied the ownership structure of Huanxiang Industrial. No matter how you trace it back, it ultimately belongs to Feng Zibin. Even the other nominal holding institutions, in the end, everyone is Feng Zibin.

Don't you think this person's identity is strange? From the establishment of Huanxiang Industrial to the present, he has only appeared twice in total, one was at the establishment ceremony of the headquarters, and the other was when he was awarded a medal in the country of Beli.

It can be said that Huanxiang Industrial is the economic and organizational backing for all the actions of the New Alliance so far. The New Alliance's own cadre training and economic management system has only recently been initially established.

The new alliance made such a big noise, but Feng Zibin made no noise at all. He never asked about anything about Huanxiang Industrial, let alone made any demands.

Have you ever discovered that the real operator of Huanxiang Industrial is actually the kid Xiaohua? Even the attitudes of the three elderly people seemed to be effective in preventing Xiaohua from messing up things and keeping him in check.

There’s more! The initial start-up capital of Huanxiang Industrial was said to have been invested by Feng Zibin. However, the additional funds injected later were all raised by Xiaohua through various means, including the alchemy business and the income from the sale of Chunrong Pill.

These are huge sums of money. They have been injected into Huanxiang Industrial through various methods. They have become assets under Feng Zibin's name and have already exceeded the original capital by countless times! Others may not know the inside story, but can I not know?

According to my analysis, Xiaohua is probably Feng Zibin, or Feng Zibin is his other identity. Only in this way can it be explained! My little junior brother is so thoughtful!

You may find it incredible when I say this. But you have all seen Gu Wentong’s methods, right? Do you know the magic of transformation? There should be more than one way to do this in this world... Hey, why do you all have this expression? "

Wang Fengshou talked for a long time, thinking that everyone would suddenly realize or shout that he was surprised, and look at him with admiration or surprise. However, the reactions of the other people were not like this. They were obviously dumbfounded.

Li Jingzhi pressed Wang Fengshou's shoulder with one hand and said: "Since you have guessed it, don't talk nonsense, just keep it in your heart."

Wang Fengshou's eyes widened: "Big Tank, it turns out you knew it a long time ago!"

Wang Fengshou has been holding this speculation in his heart for a while. He neither feels comfortable nor dares to talk nonsense. Today he finally found the opportunity to speak out. Unexpectedly, he discovered that he was the last insider present.

Li Jingzhi nodded silently. Of course he already knew that Feng Zibin's trip to the Palm Manor was arranged by him and Shen Sishu.

Wang Fengshou looked at Locke and Lian Na again with questioning eyes. Locke said expressionlessly: "The first day I met Xiaohua, I decided that he was the real boss. In fact, you were also present at the time."

Lian Na explained: "It wasn't Locke who told me at first. I saw it after Feng Zibin went to the country of Beli to receive honors. I asked Locke, and Locke asked me not to tell anyone."

Wang Fengshou leaned back in his chair and let out a deep breath. He came here after a long time and said, "So you all know about it! What about Charles?"

Locke added a final word: "Ciel is smarter than you think."

Wang Fengshou: "So, I am the stupidest person?"

Li Jingzhi comforted him: "Dafengsheng, you don't have to be so humble. In fact, I didn't guess it myself, but I knew it from the beginning. But Lawyer Dong hasn't reacted yet. This is the last thing that should be done, but It’s okay if he doesn’t know!”

Wang Fengshou held it in for another long time before asking: "Then what is Xiaohua's purpose? If you just want to transform Fesoport and liberate the country of Kilili, there is no need to do more!"

Lian Na pondered: "From my perspective as a bystander, he probably wants to create a utopia."

Locke shook his head and said: "It can't be considered a utopia. He is really doing it, and he has done a lot. I saw this potential in him a long time ago, and it was exactly what I was eager to see.

It is a miracle that the Beiluo River Basin has been transformed into what it is today. He also bought hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, and he probably wants to create even greater miracles! Whatever the future holds, whether successful or not, it is not a utopia. "

Wang Fengshou: "Well, then, what about Fesuo Port, the New Alliance, and the Kingdom of Jili... Datanzi, you should say a few words!"

Li Jingzhi was a little dazed. When he heard Wang Fengshou calling him, he came back to his senses: "Ah, you ask me? I know what Xiaohua has been doing, and that is what I am willing to do. The three old people all support it.

But I don’t know what else Xiaohua will do or what else he will do in the future? When I heard Director Liena's words just now, I realized that this was to build an ideal country in the wasteland!

Transforming the African port and liberating the country of Kilili are all prerequisites. He needs a country that can calm the war, restore order, and get on the right track of development. He also needs a country that will not hinder his plans, but can help his plans. "

Locke: "It's not just his plan, it's our plan, isn't it?"

Wang Fengshou: "Wait, I'm a little confused, let me sort out my thoughts... Tell me, what kind of ideal country does Xiaohua want to create?"

Locke: "You should have an idea if you look at what happened in the Beiluo River Basin. It was also a deserted beach."

Wang Fengshou: "But, but, every plant and tree here belongs to Feng Zibin, that is, Xiaohua himself. Does he want to have a private kingdom?"

Locke shook his head slightly: "He did this because he could only do this. In reality, he is not allowed to mess around on other people's territory. He can only do it on his own territory. Haven't you noticed? The place he bought was originally a deserted wilderness.

But the fact that he used Feng Zibin's name instead of his own name can explain some problems... If you look at Fesuo Port and Kilili Country today, you can also know his thoughts on the world. This is a pure practitioner of idealism. "

Lian Na, who had not drank just now, subconsciously picked up Locke's glass and drank it. Locke next to her silently filled her cup again.

Lian Na picked up the wine glass again and said thoughtfully: "An ideal country? I don't know Hua Zhenxing's plan, but throughout history, what does people's ideal country look like?

Even though I’ve read a lot of books, I don’t know the answer! I only know that since ancient times, people have been saying that this world should not be like this!

Many things used to be private property, but later people thought it should no longer be private property, such as people. If people become private property, they become slaves. It is a consensus that slavery should no longer exist.

Another example is hereditary power, including those territories and titles, which still exist in some places today, but are no longer the mainstream of civilization. It has become a consensus that positions of power and its external manifestations cannot be hereditary or privately awarded.

Even though many people still use various covert means to try to achieve similar goals, they cannot do it openly, and power and position are no longer private property.

But in modern times, wealth is still an individual's private property, which may be fair but unfair. If you oppose it, it may go against human nature.

Therefore, from the perspective of true social fairness, to solve this problem, we need to redefine the scope of personal wealth. What can become personal wealth and what should not be personal wealth?

Hua Zhenxing's method is naive. Shouldn't it belong to personal wealth and belong to Feng Zibin in name? Even if he doesn't own it himself, it actually belongs to him to create that ideal country.

He pointed out the theoretical ultimate state of capital society, and then used the same means to subvert it, but created a logical problem for possible critics in reality. This is the child's imagination, he did it on purpose!

This is my kindest idea, and based on the facts I have seen, it is also the most reasonable speculation. But if he wants to do this, there must be at least one prerequisite. Not to mention whether he can succeed, can he guarantee that Feng Zibin will always stick to his original intention? "

In the distant mountains and forests outside Tianhe Town, Ke Fuzi happened to ask a similar question to Lina.

Hua Zhenxing replied: "I can only try my best to stick to my original intention. As for what will happen five hundred years later, Huanxiang Country does not exist yet! I can only start from now."

Ke Mengchao glanced at him: "This is also fun, right?"

Hua Zhenxing did not answer this question, but lowered his head and said, "I will keep your words in mind!"

Ke Mengchao turned around and walked forward: "Keep going, don't lose track, the road ahead is really difficult!"

May 1st arrived in a blink of an eye, the Labor Day holiday. All the members of the first training class of the Yangyuan Master Headquarters reported and gathered in Fufeng Garden. The next day, they set off on foot under the leadership of the principal and deputy squad leader, with everyone carrying their backpacks. Got enough supplies.

The total duration of this training is two weeks, and you have to stay in Yangyuan Valley for ten days. Some supplies can be obtained locally, but some things need to be brought there by yourself. Fortunately, the members of the training class are all at least third-level Yuan Yuan masters, so they are not afraid of carrying heavy loads on the road.

They arrived at Gaoqiao Town that night, rested in the town for the night, and continued their journey into the mountains the next day. The straight line distance of 20 kilometers on the map took them all day and arrived at Yangyuan Valley at around five o'clock in the afternoon.

If we were an ordinary person, this journey would not be a matter of how long it would take, but that it would be impossible to walk at all and we would have to take a helicopter. When they finally stood on the ridgeline and looked at Yangyuan Valley, they all exclaimed, and the fatigue of the long journey seemed to be gone!

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