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Chapter 267 Locke’s decision

The so-called breaking through the realm only means that the cultivation skill has reached the fourth level. In a sense, they should be the weakest monks in the fourth realm. But what does it matter? As long as we have this foundation, this is already an amazing achievement!

Moreover, this group of people is different from Lian Na, Locke, Wang Fengshou, Li Jingzhi, and Shen Sishu. They are based on the Yangyuan Art and have been trained by the Yangyuan Art Center and the Yangyuan Master Headquarters. The first batch of fourth-level Yuan Yuan Shu instructors are of extraordinary significance.

On the afternoon of May 13th, the first training class held its closing ceremony. The chief instructor Hua Zhenxing awarded the fourth-level Yangyuan Shu instructor certificate to fifteen students on the spot!

But the focus of the graduation ceremony was not them. In these ten days, Lian Na actually broke through the fifth level of cultivation. Not only has she become a fifth-level spiritual master, she is also a fifth-level magician!

Lian Na started abstaining from the grain on the fifth day after arriving at Yangyuan Valley. She retreated in that stone pavilion from the seventh day and came out of seclusion the day before the graduation ceremony.

This time she and Locke brought forty-eight students here. In fact, she and Locke were the official students. Yangyuan Valley, as the headquarters of the Yangyuan Master, was originally planned to be a training place for the Yangyuan Master after he reached the intermediate level.

While other students were receiving guidance from their instructors, she and Locke learned even more during this time. At Hua Zhenxing's request, Old Man Yang passed on the soul imprint of Fufeng Pan to them, so that they could initially operate this artifact and understand the entire Yangyuan Valley formation.

The two of them not only practiced Xin Zhai and Bigu, but also read the three sect canons from Dingfengtan. According to Hua Zhenxing's plan, the three sect classics will become the training courseware for the Yangyuan Valley headquarters. Lian Na and Locke have already cultivated the four realms, so of course they can also dabble in them.

Locke did not expect that here he would be able to obtain the artifact inheritance of Fufeng Pan, initially operate the Cave Heaven Formation, and see "internal information" such as the Sect's Three Codes.

If this was the inheritance of a sect, these things would only be accessible to the absolute core and high-level people, but according to Hua Zhenxing's introduction, as long as the intermediate Yangyuan Technique instructors who came here for further training would have the opportunity to learn.

Locke was very surprised, and then he made a decision to take out the Fulgen family's inheritance book and use it as teaching materials for the Yangyuan Master's headquarters, just like the sect's three canons.

Hua Zhenxing was also very surprised. This thing is different from the three sects of Dingfengtan. The sect of Dingfengtan has been destroyed, but the Fulgen family still exists, although there is only one Comrade Luo Fugen left. .

He specifically consulted Old Man Yang, and Old Man Yang personally asked Locke: "Are you really planning to do this?"

Locke: "I am the head of the Fulgan family. I can make this decision."

Yang Tehong: "What do Lian Na mean?"

Locke: "This is what Lian Na suggested, and I made the decision after thinking about it."

Yang Tehong: "What would Gambistine think if he knew about it?"

Locke: "Gambistine is not a person, but an organization, and it won't think anything of it. Cambystine cannot prohibit the Fulgrim family from passing on magical skills to their apprentices, otherwise the Fulgrim Friars would not be able to exist.

My purpose is not to turn the people who come here for training into magicians of the Fulgen Monks. I just want the inheritance of the Fulgen family's magic to become a research direction of the institute. "

Yang Tehong: "What about your descendants? What will they think?"

Fulgen: "I like my descendants. They will also have the opportunity to study here in the future. They will be proud of my current behavior."

Yang Tehong thought for a while: "This is indeed something you can decide. In fact, Gambisting also received the inheritance of Yangyuan Technique, and Xiaohua taught it himself.

What we are training here are not magical masters, we are just letting these Yuanyuan Technique instructors understand the magical arts. But as far as I know, Gambistine also formulated a code of conduct for all magicians. "

Locke: "The Yangyuan Art Center has also formulated a code of conduct for Yangyuan masters, and there is no contradiction between the two. Even if you don't study the Fulgan family's inheritance book, if the Yangyuan master trained here behaves like a black magician, Can we allow it to just leave Gunbisteen alone?"

Yang Tehong smiled: "Now that I say that, it seems that you have figured it out. You can discuss this matter with Xiaohua. I think it is okay. If someone uses this excuse to cause trouble for you in the future, it will probably be made public. No, as for the private matters, I’ll take care of it for you!”

The matter has been settled in this way, and Hua Zhenxing certainly welcomes it. The core inheritance of Dingfeng Pond is a complete system, and the Fulgen family's magical inheritance is a reference for another system, which can make up for various shortcomings after the Yangyuan Master reaches the intermediate level and develop many future research directions.

Placing the Book of Inheritance in Yangyuan Valley now has a small advantage, that is, the three old people can "charge" it regularly without having to worry about the problem of the desire to control the gods dissipating due to too many openings.

Of course, Locke didn't bring the Book of Inheritance with him, so he could only look for an opportunity to send it back later, but he didn't need it right now. The fifteen students in Yangyuan Valley who have just broken through the level of the fourth realm are not suitable for contact with such a profound and complex inheritance system. To be on the safe side, it is best to wait until the students here break through the level of the fifth realm before going to the institute. touch.

Locke's contribution is very great and his talent is outstanding. He has done a very impressive job as the mayor of Port Feso. In terms of prestige, he is second only to Charles in the new alliance. However... the person who broke through the five realms this time is not he.

If the above-mentioned background conditions represent the realm of cultivation, wouldn't Ciel have hope of achieving greatness? It's a pity that so far, Xiaer hasn't even obtained the first-level Yuan Yang Master certificate. This also gives Hua Zhenxing a headache, and he is currently thinking of a way, even if he just uses elixir to "accelerate ripening"!

If we really do that, using all the resources at our disposal, and letting the three old people take care of it, Hua Zhenxing estimates that he can push Charles to the third level of Yangyuan Technique at most, which is not even a qualified third-level monk. As for the fourth-level level, Ciel would never think about it in this life, so Hua Zhenxing was also very hesitant and never took action.

In fact, Hua Zhenxing thought too much. Even in his dream, in the country of Huanxiang five hundred years later, Yangyuan Art had been included in compulsory education for many years, and a complete teaching system had been formed. Those who could obtain the first-level certificate No more than 40%, and only 1% can eventually obtain the third-level certificate.

Hua Zhenxing felt that it was possible to use various means to push Ciel to level three, and the prerequisites were beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

As for Locke's situation, it is completely opposite to that of Charles. Locke was once the most outstanding magical apprentice among the younger generation of the Fulgan Monastery. His talent, qualifications and understanding were nothing to say. Unfortunately, he was injured for ten years due to an accident. I'm getting better and better at playing paper airplanes, but it's a pity that I can't make any progress in my cultivation.

After meeting Hua Zhenxing, his injuries healed, and he quickly broke through the four realms of cultivation, but after all, his foundation was still affected a bit, and even if he used the Yuan Yuan Technique to recover, it would still take time. Moreover, Locke's work has been very busy, taking up too much energy that should have been used for cultivation, so this time, it was Lian Na who had the opportunity to break through the five realms.

Lian Na had already become a magician of the fourth realm several years ago. Originally, in the eyes of several elderly people, her hope of breaking through to the fifth realm was not great.

But this time Lian Na led the team to Yangyuan Valley and went through a similar process to Hua Zhenxing's last time. Through the Fufeng Pan, she understood the Yangyuan Valley Formation and experienced the artistic conception of heaven and earth blending into form and spirit, so she took advantage of the situation and retreated. Breakthrough of the five realms.

Strictly speaking, Lian Na didn't achieve breakthroughs by practicing Yangyuan Technique. Rather than being a fifth-level Yuan Yang Technique instructor, she is better said to be a fifth-level magician.

However, in the first training class at the Yangyuan Master Headquarters, someone broke through the five realms, and he was also the squad leader. This is also very worthy of celebration. Therefore, at the graduation ceremony, Mo Shangtong, the director of the institute, personally awarded her a fifth-level Yuanyuan Technique instructor certificate.

Why wasn't the chief instructor Hua Zhenxing awarding it? Because Hua Zhenxing also stood in front of Mo Shangtong and received the same certificate.

The Yangyuan Shu level certificates all look similar in appearance, but the colors are different. The first-level certificate has a red cover, the second-level certificate is orange, the third-level certificate is bright yellow, the fourth-level certificate is lake blue, the fifth-level certificate is azure, and the sixth-level certificate is dark purple. No one has received the sixth-level certificate yet.

After the ten-day training, all forty-eight trainees were reluctant to leave. This place is the legendary paradise. Although there is no electricity supply or mobile phone signal, the things we do every day are so interesting, and we have created miracles one after another that we have never dared to imagine in our lifetime.

What's even more special is that when you stay here, you seem to have forgotten all your worries and are far away from everything in the world. It seems like you don't have to worry about anything anymore... This is what is called freedom, right?

At the graduation ceremony, a group of people received another good news. Other students will leave under the leadership of the squad leader and deputy squad leader, but the fifteen students who passed the Level 4 assessment this time will stay and continue their training for two weeks.

The fifteen students were divided up on the spot, seven went to the training department headed by Master Ke, and the remaining seven went to the further education department headed by Uncle Mo. They still don't know how rare it is to have such an opportunity to get daily guidance from such an expert, even though they seem to work together every day.

There is another one, why doesn’t anyone want it? This person is Mo Xiaoyue. He also passed the Level 4 assessment this time, but he and Xia Changqing were punished by facing the wall for two weeks and were imprisoned in the cave room they built by themselves.

The last part of the graduation ceremony was for Mo Xiaoyue and Xia Changqing to read out their self-reflection and reflect deeply on their behavior of slapping Zhou Zhuyuan. This is a serious violation of the Yangyuan Master's code of conduct. Although they did it very covertly and no one complained, the Yangyuan Master management organization will not let it go.

The chief instructor Hua Zhenxing decided on the spot to punish the two of them by facing the wall for two weeks!

The squad leader and deputy squad leader led the remaining thirty-two students to leave Yangyuan Valley. They still had the last two days to travel. On the first day, they arrived at Tianhe Town to camp, and on the second day, they walked from Tianhe Town to Gaoqiao Town to disband. . All students have to perform one last task on the road, learning to collect two elixirs, Zijun Ning and Peach Blossom Tears.

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