Enjoy the world

Chapter 21 Scorpion or Leaf

Entering the territory of Tema Country, the landscape has not changed much. It is still a vast prairie, with rolling hills and patches of woods, and various wild animals roam among them. In the afternoon, you can occasionally see traces of local activities, such as wheel marks on the exposed sand. Whenever someone might approach, Hua Zhenxing would detect it early and avoid it.

Passing under a big tree, the two of them both slowed down and walked over. They saw a blood-stained noose hanging on the canopy of the tree. There was also a dark blood stain on the ground, with animal internal organs and hooves scattered in pieces. , small pieces of fur and other debris attracted many flies to gather.

Rothchild: "What kind of animal is this?"

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said: "It's a giraffe. In the mountains and forests in the southern part of the country, many people poach giraffes and just chop off the heads. Because people here believe that the brains of giraffes can cure AIDS, and a deer head can cure AIDS." The giraffe was sold at a high price. But this giraffe was cut very clean, and the skin, venison and even bones were all transported away. It should have been taken back to eat or sold in the market."

He saw people selling giraffe meat at the market in Fiso Port. The price was very cheap, equivalent to only one-third to one-quarter of beef. Sometimes you could even see dried venison. But the most valuable part of a giraffe is the head. A complete deer head is much more expensive than the rest of the body combined, and is only traded on the black market locally.

Rothchild held his breath and lowered his head to look carefully: "I have also heard such rumors. Some pharmaceutical groups have specially conducted experiments, and the results are not very clear. Anyway, there is no definite conclusion so far. But this group of poachers Not only was the deer head and meat taken away, but all other internal organs were still there, but only the liver was taken away, which should be used for smoking."

Hua Zhenxing said in surprise: "Pump?"

Rothchild sighed and said, "Yes,"

This was a trivial knowledge that Hua Zhenxing didn’t understand. He was dumbfounded and said: “There is such a thing!”

Rothchild glanced at him: "You are still young and don't understand the world, or even the place where you grew up. There are many people who smoke scorpions."

Hua Zhenxing: "How to draw a scorpion?"

Rothchild: "The easiest way to remove the last section of the scorpion's tail is to dry it and grind it into powder... There are many varieties of scorpions, and their toxicity varies between individuals. If you are not careful, you can easily die. Every year Many people died from this.

I work in a hospital, and sometimes I encounter situations where the anesthesia is not effective during operations. Those people either smoke scorpions or giraffe livers, and there are even other weird things that you can't even imagine! "

Hua Zhenxing: "I know that many people in Feso Port smoke leaves and chew grass. When they are rich, they buy high-end goods for fun. Most gangsters do this kind of business in their territory. I have never heard of what you are talking about. thing."

Rozchild shook his head and said: "If you come from other places in the world, you will feel that Port Feso is the most chaotic and backward place. But in the eyes of the indigenous people in this wilderness, Port Feso is the most prosperous place in the world. Metropolis.

The indigenous people in those villages don't have a penny in their pockets. They usually make a living by collecting, and occasionally get some things to exchange for daily necessities or receive some international donations. Where can they buy leaves and grass? They can only enjoy these things.

Hua Zhenxing's frown deepened: "Can't you live a good life? Do you have to kill yourself with a scorpion?"

Rothchild glanced at Hua Zhenxing again, and said with infinite emotion: "For them, this is the best enjoyment in life. It's not that they don't want to live well, but they can't see hope at all, and they don't even know what it means. Hope, life day after day is just the simplest repetition.

If there is a particularly smart person who understands what ideals are, or comes into contact with the real civilized world, he will only feel pain or even despair. They have no opportunity to receive education or engage in any modern jobs. Even if they want to change their situation, they have no conditions to change.

In this world, hard work only makes sense if you have wisdom, capital, and opportunities. Don’t tell me that digging one more cassava every day will make a qualitative difference in my situation. Even if all the cassava is dug out in the wilderness, it will not change anything. It will only make it impossible to dig cassava in the following days.

Making medicines from giraffe livers was first used by tribal witch doctors to treat diseases. Now it has become a way for many people to anesthetize themselves, or it is their only enjoyment. A very small number of very smart, courageous and ambitious people will leave their villages to find hope. So where can they go? It is a place like Fiso Port.

But what can they do when they arrive at Fiso Port? They steal, rob, beg, or do odd jobs, working as a labor force at the bottom of society. There are many people who have joined gangs and learned to smoke leaves and chew grass... You killed several such people in the past two days.

If they come from the wilderness, they are actually the elite in the village. It's funny and absurd, but this is reality! If they could become someone like Jin Datou, it would be their ultimate dream for this world.

The structure of the world is such that there is no hope for either the Kingdom of Kilili or the Kingdom of Tema. And within the Kingdom of Jili or the Kingdom of Tema, there is even less hope for those villages in the wilderness.

Hua, you are actually very lucky, very lucky. I have heard your story. You still have the opportunity to work hard and continuously improve yourself. Many people have not had the chance to turn over since they were born, and the world will not give them such a chance.

You are from Dongguo. If you were really born in Dongguo, even to the most ordinary Dongguo family, you will have the opportunity to get a very good basic education. At least you will have the ability to understand the world and learn new things, and you will have the opportunity to integrate into this world. modern world. If you work hard enough, you still have the opportunity to improve your situation, not only your own situation, but also that of future generations.

Some people think that everything they have comes from their own efforts, but in fact they are lucky enough. Look at the people here, all they can choose is scorpions or leaves. "

Hua Zhenxing interrupted: "Doctor Luo, have you been to Dongguo?"

Rothchild: "I've been there twice, both times for medical exchanges and seminars. I was surprised to see that there were so many Dongguo colleagues who were about the same age as me, and many of them were born in very ordinary families, even from remote villages.

In the past two years, when I came to the country of Jili, I saw another completely different situation. I have participated in charity activities organized by international organizations, delivering medicines, clothes, and water purification tablets to remote villages.

Later, because of other matters, I passed by one of the villages and was stopped by a villager who asked me for something. I told them that this was not a charity event and I didn’t bring those supplies. Guess what the result was? "

Hua Zhenxing: "You were beaten in the end?"

Rozchild looked a little painful: "Yes, they didn't believe it, and then they started to snatch my belongings. That was the first time I was attacked by locals. Fortunately, there were guards in the convoy, and they shot and drove away the villagers. ."

Hua Zhenxing said in a sincere tone: "Dr. Luo, thank you very much for telling me so much."

Rothchild: "You don't need to thank me, I should thank you. You saved me this time. I have also had the experience of not seeing hope no matter how hard I struggle, so I can understand why those people smoke scorpions, but they themselves may Unaware.

Do you know what is the biggest difference between them and a normal American or Eastern person? It’s not that the difference in monthly income is hundreds of thousands of dollars, but that they missed hundreds of thousands of years. This is how I feel when I come here.

The simplest principles in a civilized society are the consensus that people have reached through continuous exploration for thousands of years. They are not common sense that everyone is born with. Without this accumulation, people would not have that common sense, and even if you tell them, they will not recognize it. "

Hua Zhenxing: "For example, I shouldn't beat you up."

Rothchild nodded: "You understand this, but they don't think like you do. That's the difference. So I say you are lucky, and I am even luckier."

The two old men following behind looked at each other. Mo Shangtong nodded slightly and said, "Xiaohua's trip was not in vain. He taught Dr. Luo the art of nourishing energy, and Dr. Luo also taught him a lesson."

Yang Tehong: "Dr. Luo's lesson will have a lot of content in the future, and Xiaohua will learn a lot of it slowly."

Mo Shangtong: "At least in Port Fiso, Dr. Luo is a good person."

Yang Tehong: "That's why you asked Xiaohua to save him. Not only did he save his life, but he also had to escort him out of danger. This is his blessing. If he were replaced by someone like Jin Datou, then Don’t even think about it.”

Mo Shangtong: "What he said to Xiaohua just now is very insightful. Many Americans cannot say it."

Yang Tehong sighed: "He is considered an elite and has experienced a lot. Now he has regained his sense of superiority. At this time, it is inevitable for anyone to feel compassion for others. In fact, there are not many fools among the real elites. Regardless of the facts, the key is what kind of facts they want and what are their lowest values?

How long have you, me, and Mr. Ke been quarreling? But after going through so much, we seem to have changed, and we have become able to sit at the same table, drink and quarrel, and then teach Xiaohua a lesson together. This is why, no matter how many differences we had back then, the underlying values ​​we learned were the same, which were all for the harmony of the world and the happiness of all people.

At that time, we all thought that our ideas were right and that we could achieve our goals as long as we did that. In fact, we all have rights and wrongs, but our lowest values ​​have always been in common. Therefore, people in the future can learn from us at the same time, and it will not affect their most fundamental understanding.

Xiaohua can watch us quarrel without struggling in his heart because he knows the purpose of our quarrel and will have his own opinions. Remember that time we argued about ‘killing, stealing, not killing’? Despite the quarrel, no one thought that 'stealing' was right.

As for Rothchild, a foreign devil, his future is hard to say. He may return to his own society and climb to the top, or even become a great philanthropist, but he can't really change anything. Dr. Luo just said that the elites in the village will go to Fesoport, but what about the elites in Fesoport?

The elite of Port Fiso want to leave this world and go to the world that Dr. Luo will return to. The world in front of us is a zoo and a breeding farm. It is best to provide leisure and entertainment for the people of that world forever, and harvest it again and again when it is valuable.

Dr. Luo has also participated in the activities of charity organizations, but what have those organizations been promoting these years? They must protect the original ecological traditions here! Rather than giving them hope, it prevents them from changing their status quo. In fact, people here not only need real education, but also need someone to set a real example. "

Mo Shangtong: "Old Yang, you talk a bit too much today!"

Hua Zhenxing, who had already left the big tree and was on his way, also said at the same time: "Doctor Luo, you were very excited just now!"

Rozchild smiled: "There are many memories before bidding farewell, and I just spoke from my thoughts."

Hua Zhenxing "looked" at the mission issued by the "system" - "Find out the inside story of Jin Datou's plan to kill Luochaide". At this moment, it was still at more than 90% completion progress, and he couldn't help but ask again: " Doctor Luo, what do you plan to do with the collected information?"

Rothchild: "Actually, I am also very conflicted. If all these materials are made public, international hospitals will be greatly affected. Those research projects carried out in the name of donations will be exposed, and many donations will probably be lost. In any case, many All medicines have side effects, the key is to see if they can cure the disease.

If there were no Fisoport International Hospital and those donation projects, many people would not be able to get treatment. Even if you try the medicine on your own, it would be better than having no treatment at all... What should be done specifically, I still have to spend a lot of time. Take some time to think about it carefully. Fortunately, there is a lot of information. Think of different ways to deal with different information. "

Mo Shangtong in the distance sighed: "There is a problem with Fesoport International Hospital, but after thinking about it, we can only choose the lesser of two evils. I just didn't expect that Dr. Luo could dig out so much conclusive evidence, which is a bit shocking. He is really not simple.”

Yang Tehong suddenly said: "This Doctor Luo is going to make a fortune."

Mo Shangtong: "Do you already know what he will do?"

Yang Tehong said lightly: "After so many years, I have been to so many places and seen so many people and things. I can tell it with my heels."

Mo Shangtong: "We have also read the information he brought with him. Do you want to make a fortune too?"

Yang Tehong: "I'm not interested. Do you want to take this opportunity to make a fortune?"

Mo Shangtong shook his head and said: "I don't want to make a fortune myself, this sum is just for Xiaohua. If Xiaohua hadn't been involved in this matter, we wouldn't have known that Dr. Luo was actually doing this work, let alone seen it. That information.”

The ancient history master Drunkard returns to his starting point with his new book "The Sun and Moon of the Tang Dynasty", a happy historical fiction, recommended!

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