Enjoy the world

Chapter 20 People should have ideals

Old Man Yang said with a smile on his face: "You are exaggerating when you say that. A fool can't learn. But what I pursue is simple and easy to understand. Otherwise, how can it be included in the middle school compulsory education curriculum?"

Mo Shangtong: "It sounds like Xiaohua's dream has become a reality."

Yang Tehong: "People should have ideals! You are the purest idealist I have ever seen. Why are you talking about me?"

Mo Shangtong: "That is Xiaohua's ideal, the world presented in his deduction realm."

Yang Tehong: "Same, anyway, I taught him the art of nourishing energy."

Mo Shangtong: "I observe that his method of entry, which strengthens the foundation and cultivates the vitality and generates Yang, is clearly derived from Dan Jue."

Old Man Yang: "So what? When you saw Doctor Luo taught by Xiaohua, did you ever tell him an elixir secret? If he really talked about the secrets of the golden elixir, I'm afraid the foreign devil wouldn't understand a word of it! It's ordinary and unremarkable. , remove the mystery, be easy to implement, and easy to get started with, this is the brilliance of Yangyuan Technique.”

Mo Shangtong: "If you practice to a high level, you won't be able to do it if you don't understand it."

Old Man Yang: "Then let's talk about advanced studies. You don't need to know calculus in kindergarten, but it would be shameful if you don't understand it after you get a doctorate. You don't have to worry about it."

Mo Shangtong: "That's right. The set of movements you teach should be taken from the ancient guidance technique. The movement and stillness are suitable, which is enough for ordinary people to practice for a lifetime. It would be better if they didn't enter the realm. If they can practice it layer by layer Go up there, the pill formula is prone to errors."

Old Man Yang: "That's why I didn't ask Xiaohua to teach you that way. I only taught you how to adjust your body and mind, and gave you a verifiable standard for each step. It's not all about elixirs."

Mo Shangtong frowned slightly and said: "No matter how you cultivate your body and mind, accumulating vitality is the foundation, but each school has different opinions. After this step, there will be many changes. It pays attention to picking herbs to Tongdu, and going to Huangting to combine the spirit and energy is the elixir formula; to produce turbid fire, Refining the treasure vase is a secret method; gathering the five aggregates and generating joy is also a Zen method... It would be better for you to just talk about emotional touch."

Old Man Yang: "You are not as good as me in this area of ​​research. Regardless of this method or that method, after Yang is born, there must be emotional contact. Then go and experience emotional contact, from body to heart, from heart to action, and from action to character. . This level must be passed. It depends on how you pass it. Those who engage in asceticism in the Hengzhu Kingdom will stay in this level for the rest of their lives and are just zombies."

Mo Shangtong: "Didn't you hear what the foreign devil asked Xiaohua, is this an exercise to improve sexual ability? You are not afraid of promoting it and others will practice it. You simply ignore the importance of emotional touch, and it is easy to become Yan Dieer. Some obscene magic like law?"

Old Man Yang smiled and said: "What age are you in? What kind of thoughts do you have? As long as you don't mess around, how can you be a witchcraft? Can't you just enjoy the fun of life in your own home? It is always mysterious and mysterious, so it is easy to be tricked by those tricks. It’s used by crooked people to mess around, but it doesn’t matter if you just explain it clearly, because everyone knows what’s going on.”

Mo Shangtong: "In addition to this set of dynamic and static exercises, have you taught Xiaohua the method in the house?"

Yang Tehong said sarcastically: "It's not time to teach him yet. Let him figure it out for himself in the future. I don't have much research on that aspect."

Mo Shangtong: "You are too humble. Isn't that what you are best at? You are an old gangster."

Yang Tehong said angrily: "You are the old gangster! Not only an old gangster, but also an old magician, an old underworld, an old Taoist sect, an old bangzi, and an old leader of the vitality organization!"

Mo Shangtong was not angry, and did not want to continue arguing with him, so he returned to the conversation and said: "Introduction to Yangyuan Technique, one is Yang generation, emotional touch, joy, and spiritual awareness. The next step is to open the ear orifices. What are you doing? We are back to the path of alchemy. But how do we practice the path of Shravaka and Avalokitesvara to sound like the path of Buddhism, and before that, we must not first talk about refining the Qi in order to gain enlightenment?"

Yang Tehong: "What about sravakas and Guanyin? Not mentioned at all. What about refining essence and transforming qi? Not even a word here. Did you see that Xiaohua just mentioned the words "yangsheng", "emotional contact" and "joy"? Take the essence of all methods without being rigid. If you can understand the ears and apertures, it means that you have refined and transformed the Qi to understand the regulations. Why bother to explain it again? If you don’t say that everyone can understand it, it will be difficult to understand if you explain it. "

Mo Shangtong: "Even if you have reached this stage of practice, you can use different techniques. Why does it have to be to open the ear orifices?"

Yang Tehong: "To reach this stage, you don't have to have the ear acupoints. There are thousands of ways, and I just chose this one. Because one of the benefits of having the ear acupoints is that it is easy to judge. Once you practice it, you will know it, and others can verify it. ."

Mo Shangtong: "Your so-called verification standard is to listen to the heartbeat of the person opposite you in the midst of the noise? Ear-opening is more than that. Being able to 'close your eyes and listen to the shape' is the first step in Kung Fu."

Yang Tehong: "Well, there has to be a standard. As for whether it is suitable and whether it can be changed to a better standard, let Xiaohua worry about it in the future. I think that after practicing to open the ear orifices, according to Xiaohua If you dream about it, you can issue a first-level certificate.”

Mo Shangtong: "After opening the ear orifices and opening the seven orifices, continue to practice. When you reach the point where all the organs are connected with each other, isn't it the 'appearance of the soul'? Xiaohua hasn't mastered it yet, so he didn't follow Luo for many steps in the process. The doctor elaborated. If you can achieve the mastery of all the officials and the manifestation of the soul, it will not only be at the level of a second-level certificate."

Yang Tehong: "Why do you say Yuan Shen appears? You can't explain clearly to others what Yuan Shen is...Old Mo, you are really a technical expert. What you just said should be said in front of Xiaohua. If you ask me, he will know how good I am after hearing it.”

Mo Shangtong: "I don't need to ask you in front of him. He should have already understood how powerful you are. You have been showing off in front of him for many years, right? You still use me to give you words of support?"

Yang Tehong stopped talking and just laughed.

As soon as daylight dawned the next day, Hua Zhenxing and Luochaide had a simple breakfast and set off again. This was the third day of a long walk. Normally, he should be very tired, but Rozchild seemed very excited. Perhaps it was because of the feeling gained from the nourishing technique last night, or because the destination was just ahead.

The two of them were walking no slower than yesterday. When it was close to noon, Hua Zhenxing suddenly said: "Doctor Luo, we have crossed the border, and the country of Tema is in front of us."

Rothchild looked both ways: "Why isn't there even a sign?"

Hua Zhenxing: "There are boundary posts, but there is only one quite far away. Anyway, it is a straight line. Over the years, the rain has made the grass grow and the wind has blown the sand, so many boundary posts are not easy to find even if you walk by."

The border between Kiri and Tema is a straight line, which has nothing to do with the terrain, water systems, mountains, or the distribution of indigenous tribes' settlements. It was drawn directly on the map when the colonists divided the territory more than a hundred years ago.

Rozchild: "It's too easy to cross the border. Not to mention no one patrolling, there's not even a barbed wire fence."

Hua Zhenxing: "This border is 300 kilometers long, and most of it is deserted. Even if we put up a barbed wire fence, it would be an unbearable big project for both the Kyri and Tema countries. No one is willing to pay this money."

Besides, many overseas foundations have also made it clear that they are not allowed to pull barbed wire fences, saying that it will hinder the migration of wild animals and threaten the survival of wild animals... Let's find a place to rest first and have lunch under the sun. "

Rozchild: "As you promised yesterday, it's time to teach me how to nourish the essence."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then finish teaching first and then eat."

Hua Zhenxing spent more than half an hour teaching Luochaide the set of exercises. It cannot be said that he taught him, but he just made him remember it and told him all the essentials of the movements and the standards for meeting the standards. It feels like a set of radio gymnastics. It takes about fifteen minutes to do the whole set of movements. It is easy at first, but it is quite tiring in the end, and you will sweat a layer all over your body.

It is required to practice Qigong once every morning and evening, and complete at least one set of movements each time. The more stringent standard is to do three sets of movements in a row. Each set of movements seems to be the same, but in fact, it has its own particularities. Rozchild did not find the feeling that Hua Zhenxing said, which is normal, and because the dynamic exercise is an auxiliary exercise after the introduction of the silent exercise of Yangyuan Shu, he is not yet a beginner.

Maybe it was because Hua Zhenxing's explanation method was very simple, maybe it was because Luo Child's understanding ability was very good, but in short, he understood everything and there was no communication barrier. Hua Zhenxing told him that after practicing, there would naturally be a force running in the body, as if it could make people automatically complete the set of movements. Luochaide also said that he completely understood.

In order to prevent forgetting, Rozchild also took out his mobile phone and turned it on, recording Huazhenxing's explanation and demonstration process. Hua Zhenxing saw that his mobile phone battery was running low, so he took out a power bank from his backpack and handed it over.

Rothchild was a little surprised and said: "You asked me to turn off my phone the day before yesterday, saying it was to save power. Why didn't you tell me earlier and you still have this thing with you?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The original plan was to drive and charge in the car. Fortunately, I also brought a power bank. For three days, one power bank was not enough for the two of us! You can charge it for a while first, and we will eat ."

When it was time to eat, Rothchild asked again: "Hua, what if I have mastered everything you taught me and still want to continue learning?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You have my contact information. You can call me or chat online."

Rozchild showed a smile and said: "It'll be great if you can continue teaching! Maybe we can meet again. If not, I will come to Feso Port to find you. Then I won't be afraid of big money."

Then you won’t be afraid of Jin Datou? Rothchild's words revealed a different kind of information. At this moment, Hua Zhenxing was slightly startled again. He sensed that the "Huanxiangguo Mission System" had just changed again, and immediately summoned it with concentration.

Under the "Chun Rong Dan Development Task", there is another "Yuan Yuan Technique Teaching and Research Task" with a digital progress mark. The current completion progress displayed is (1/9).

The specific content of the task displayed by the system was a detailed summary of the practice methods that Hua Zhenxing taught Luo Childe from last night to just now, and the assessment criteria for the first-level Yuan Yang master were given, which is to open the ear. Finally, there is a note: Only when you can pass it down and promote it can you really achieve the nourishing skill you want.

Although Hua Zhenxing already knew how to practice and teach Yangyuan Technique, the new mission still revealed more information. First of all, the system defaults to nine levels of Yangyuan Technique, and Hua Zhenxing has just finished teaching the first level. This also means that Hua Zhenxing’s teaching is qualified, and whether he can practice it or not depends on Rozchild himself.

What’s interesting is that this is a teaching and research task rather than a practice task. Hua Zhenxing not only needs to practice by himself, but also knows how to teach others to complete the corresponding progress.

What's even more interesting is that Hua Zhenxing doesn't know what level his current level of nourishing the essence is, maybe he hasn't reached the third level yet, but is about the same as the second level. In that dream, he had obtained the third-level Yuanyuan Technique certificate, but many details were vague. The dream was just a dream, and he did not know the assessment standards for various levels of Yuanyuan Technique.

Although the new mission appeared and one-ninth of it was completed, no reward information was displayed. Maybe unlocking some kind of achievement and telling this information is the reward itself. It seems that this mission system is to guide him step by step on how to turn his dream into reality, and his dream is lofty enough!

Hua Zhenxing was stunned for only a short moment. Rozchild, who was in excitement, did not notice anything strange. He smiled and patted Hua Zhenxing on the shoulder and said: "Let's leave quickly. When we get to the airport, I still have gifts." For you."

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