Enjoy the world

Chapter 19 Desire

The immortal rose, also known as Welwitschia and desert octopus, is a plant found in the desert. It can also be seen in arid grasslands and the Gobi. An inconspicuous clump has often grown for thousands of years. Its root system is very developed. The rhizome can go deep into the ground up to two meters, and the diameter of the spread roots can reach seven or eight meters. The part exposed above the ground only has a lignified root disk with only two leaves growing on it.

The two leaves are very wide and grow around the root disk. As the leaves extend, they curl together like a huge flower. At first glance, they look like a rose. When they dry up, they will be torn into many strips by the wind. Kind of like an octopus.

During the dry season, the leaves of the Immortal Rose will appear withered and dehydrated, as if they have died. But whenever the rainy season comes, the leaves will continue to grow from the root disk. Just these two leaves, withering and growing, can last for thousands of years.

Yang Te turned his head red and said: "There has never been such a thing as the Chunrong Pill in ancient times. What Xiaohua wants to get is the Chunrong Pill, not the Nine Turns Purple Gold Pill. Think about his dream. The Chunrong Pill is going to be a big one." Industrialized and mass-produced on a large scale!”

Mo Shangtong: "You can't mass-produce it industrially. Where can you find so many Welwitschia that have been growing for more than a thousand years? Even if it has its magical effect, wouldn't it work with the Resurrection Grass?"

Welwitschia is used in the medicine Chun Yong Dan, which requires plants that are more than a thousand years old in order to obtain its full vitality. This alone has almost blocked the road to large-scale industrial cultivation and supply of raw materials. Because theoretically, even if welwitschia can be grown now, it will take a thousand years to harvest it. Who can afford to wait? Only look for wild plants in their natural environment.

Yang Tehong squinted his eyes and said: "Resurrection grass is not good. Its spiritual effect is too weak and the dosage is too large. It is very tiring to collect and prepare. You can't make a pill bigger than a human head. How can you tell people to eat it?"

And it doesn't mean it can be replaced if it has similar characteristics. There is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. If the spiritual effect is too weak, it means it is useless. Otherwise, only the effect of hair growth is obtained, why not use the peeled spring osmanthus twigs? Because what Xiaohua wants to make is Chunrong Dan, not Xiaobuihu Decoction.

After thinking about it, this immortal core is the most suitable. Let me give you an analogy. Welwitschia grows every year. This year, the ones that are one thousand years old are used, leaving those that are nine hundred and ninety-nine years old. Next year, those nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old welwitschia will also be used. It has become a thousand years, and if you use it in this way, it will be inexhaustible. "

Mo Shangtong: "A thousand years is just a rough guide. How can we strictly distinguish them?"

Yang Tehong: "That's what Xiaohua will have to worry about in the future. How to protect the origin, determine the adoption standards, and formulate a sustainable development plan. We'll talk about it then. Whether Chunrong Dan can be tinkered with is still open to debate. Let's try our best first. Help Xiaohua try it, even if it works, large-scale industrial production is still not a thing, I don’t know what year or month."

Mo Shangtong: "According to your idea of ​​using the immortal core, it is better to directly extract the essence of heaven and earth and use it as medicine."

Yang Tehong glared at him and said, "Is that an elixir refined for ordinary people? Is it possible to achieve large-scale mass production? How about following your nonsense and letting everyone ascend to immortality?"

Mo Shangtong probably felt that his suggestion was too nonsense. He waved his hand and said, "If you don't want to die, don't die. Anyway, it's still early for the experiment to be successful, so let's not talk about it. You have worked hard to sort out the secrets of various schools throughout the ages, and created this How could Xiaohua teach that foreign devil so easily the art of cultivating energy?"

Yang Tehong: "What can't be taught? I created it for Xiaohua to practice, just to see if it has the desired effect. Xiaohua understands what I mean best. Look at his dream, it's so wonderful. Five A hundred years later, it has been included in the compulsory education curriculum! In the future, it will be promoted all over the world. Who can teach it? Besides, it is not a harmful thing."

Mo Shangtong: "Then why have you never taught others?"

Yang Tehong: "I'm too lazy to put in the effort. I don't owe them anything. Xiaohua is willing to teach, so let him do his work."

Not to mention the chit-chat between the two old men, Luochaide over there saw that Hua Zhenxing didn't respond for a long time, so he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his eyes: "Hua, what's wrong with you?"

Hua Zhenxing finally came to his senses, collected his thoughts and stopped paying attention to the system tasks. He smiled and said, "I was just recalling something."

Rothchild: "I've already reacted, what's next?"

Hua Zhenxing: "That's what happens next! This is nourishing the essence, accumulating vitality. If the vitality is not enough, what else can you say? Now that there is a reaction, lift the anus slightly when inhaling, and gradually make it natural. Don't let your mind wander and concentrate. Don’t be nervous. The second step in getting started with Yang Yuan Technique is more difficult than the first step. You have to learn to control and adapt, and take it inward rather than outward."

Rothchild: "What does it mean to be introjected but not exuded?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Actually, you will understand if you continue to practice, but I'll tell you in advance. Once you feel the vitality gradually blooming, you will become very sensitive, and all kinds of desires will become stronger and stronger, because you experience them It's becoming clearer.

The so-called introjection is to try to feel it as much as possible, as if you are constantly understanding yourself. Different people have different desires, but there are many basic desires that are the same.

Since we are human beings, people with civilized wisdom, or to put it more easily for you, rational people, must learn not to indulge, let alone lose control. This is called non-waiting. Anyway, someone told me that I must not mess around in Port Fiso.

The desire becomes stronger and stronger, the mood becomes more and more restless, and it is easy to do all kinds of outrageous things. When sensibility is amplified, use reason to examine and control, and you can still be calm. This does not mean that you are not emotional, but that you can experience and understand it more clearly..."

These last few sentences were actually neither spoken by Old Man Yang nor Hua Zhenxing themselves, but quoted from Ke Fuzi. Rozchild asked again: "What's next? How do I know that I have completed the second step?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If you complete it, you will naturally know it. Then when you practice, you will feel very comfortable, even very happy. This kind of pleasure is not impulsive, it is felt so naturally, and it is not short-lived, but It's as long as it lasts. I can't describe it specifically, I can only feel it for myself."

Rozchild: "Your description is so magical. If you control and adapt to your desires, you can also get pleasure?"

Hua Zhenxing: "You can understand it this way, but don't think you have found the principle. Then in the third step of getting started with Yangyuan Technique, don't be confused and don't be afraid. You can feel this state, but whether you feel it or not , it just exists. It cannot affect your conscious activities, because when your mind is distracted, your thoughts will wander.

I think you also know the specific thoughts. For example, your penis will rise and fall with your breathing. What will you think of and what do you want to do? Whatever you want to do, don’t think about it now! By the way, I would like to remind you that when practicing, wear looser clothes, especially pants.

If you can do it, then the rest may not be enjoyable. With abundant vitality, people will not only be sensitive to their own desires, but also to external stimuli, and their senses will become very sharp.

If there is no corresponding method to guide you, even if you are no longer restless inside, you will still be disturbed by external stimulation, so you must learn to actively control it. The third step in the introduction to Yangyuan Technique is marked by the completion of the ear opening. "

Rozchild: "Is the purpose of opening your ears to train your hearing?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It's about adapting to hearing, not training it. Perception becomes more and more sensitive, which is what happens naturally at this stage. When you practice, you will hear all kinds of subtle noises, which were previously ignored by the conscious mind. The stimulation is so exciting that you may even think you are hallucinating.

To open the ears, you must maintain all the states just mentioned. After feeling various subtle sounds, keep your consciousness calm and do not be disturbed by them, but do not take the initiative to listen. At this time, you can even hear the sound of your own blood flowing, not to mention your heartbeat and breathing. "

Rothchild: "I kind of understand! The average person's sensitivity and tolerance are opposite. The more sensitive they are to sound, the more intolerable they are to noise. And the kind of exercise you mentioned can improve both sensitivity and tolerance." Receptive?”

Hua Zhenxing: "You are quite professional. You do have this effect, but more importantly, you can avoid interference and accurately capture the sounds you want to hear. For example, when we are talking face to face here, if you want to hear my heartbeat, you can You can hear, and you can even tell whether something is normal or not. If you can do this, you are considered to have first opened your ears."

Rothchild: "What happens after the ear opening?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If one orifice is clear, the seven orifices will be clear, and if the seven orifices are clear, all the organs will be clear. But it is too early to tell you this now. I have not yet reached the stage of clearing all the organs."

Rothchild: "Then how far have you reached?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Qiqiaotong. Start with the ear orifices, and gradually experience the changes in other sensory abilities. Today I used my fingers to measure the temperature and wind speed, and used my nose to feel the air humidity. That's it."

Rothchild: "That's it! But I'm still curious. You can sense normal temperatures very accurately, but what about very high temperatures? For example, you can't touch molten steel close to two thousand degrees with your hands, right?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Who would touch that thing with their hands, wouldn't they be seeking death? But if you use your brain, you can learn to measure it through training. For example, stand at a safe distance to feel the different heat radiation intensities, and then find a way to measure it. Once you feel the temperature of an object, you will have experience.”

Rozchild looked longingly: "Well, this is indeed a way."

Hua Zhenxing: "Don't think so far ahead. Just start from the first step. Concentrating your mind and holding your energy during meditation is the foundation. If you already have a reaction, then start to cultivate your vitality. What I just taught you are all meditation skills." , this is the foundation, because all the steps are completed first in static exercises. In addition, there is a set of dynamic exercises, which are auxiliary and applied methods, and we must keep practicing."

The function of dynamic exercise mainly has two aspects. First, when you are emotionally agitated due to strong desires, the energy of transportation and vitality can be restored to calm, or it is a safe way to vent, and it can also strengthen your body. You said that I have good physical strength, which is largely due to this aspect. Another function of Qigong is to help you learn to concentrate while moving, and ultimately be able to concentrate at any time. "

Rothchild: "Concentrating on movement? I didn't quite understand. Didn't you just say that you can concentrate on calmness?"

Hua Zhenxing: "That's experiencing the stillness in motion. Let me ask you a question, if you want to listen to someone's heartbeat, do you still need to sit upright for a long time? The day before yesterday, I noticed that the armed jeep was chasing me from a distance. I didn’t even get out of the car and meditate. The static exercises are the foundation, allowing you to reach the state, and the dynamic exercises are auxiliary, allowing you to experience concentration while moving.”

Rozchild patted his butt and stood up: "Then you can teach me the exercises now."

Hua Zhenxing: "It's too late. Don't delay your rest. Let's talk at noon tomorrow. You can try again during the vigil to see if you can find the state you just had. Only a moment of experience is not enough."

Hua Zhen marched to the tent to rest, leaving Rozchild to sit upright again. Maybe he was too excited because he had just found the feeling. For a long time, Rozchild couldn't find the feeling again. It took almost an hour to gradually adjust his body and mind to the right position, and then he couldn't stop thinking about it... Of course, this was another problem. non-compliant.

The two old men in the distance had been observing, and the more they watched, the more interested they became. Mo Shangtong rubbed his chin and said, "Your energy-raising technique sounds so simple when Xiaohua explains it like this. It feels like even a fool can learn it."

Novels are all fictional, and realistic writing methods are usually used to express needs, but they must not be taken seriously!

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