Enjoy the world

Chapter 18 Vitality

Seeing the completion progress of "Task 1", Hua Zhenxing decided to keep his word, stood up and said to Luochaide: "If you want to learn the art of nourishing the essence, then I will teach you. The method is actually not complicated, the key is whether you can really do it. Now I’ll teach you the postures of Jing Gong, which are the basics… Hey, your flexibility is pretty good?”

Rozchild: "I have practiced yoga, which is also a mysterious physical and mental cultivation method from the East."

Hua Zhenxing: "No wonder, many people can't even squat down with their heels on the ground, let alone sit cross-legged like this... Forget it, you should loosen your legs. It's too forced and affects the state. It's as simple as that Just cross your legs and sit cross-legged. The prerequisite is that you are stable, as if you are rooted. If you can find this feeling, you can even sit on a stool without crossing your legs."

Hua Zhenxing spent more than ten minutes teaching Rozchild to adjust the posture. With limited time, he just tried his best to explain it, letting Rozchild remember it first, and then slowly try to find the real feeling.

"Stable" is followed by "Zhong", which is like taking root and growing upward, from the perineum and Weilu to Yuzhen and Baihui. The perineum is facing Baihui, the tail is facing the jade pillow, the tip of the nose is facing the head... The eyes cannot see it, so this is the feeling you are looking for. After "Zhong" is "Zheng", the neck is straight and the shoulders are flat, the waist is straight and the hips are flat, and the body is straight and the qi and blood are flat.

"Upright" is followed by "loose", as if there are hundreds of threads lifting the body upward, naturally closing the jaw and embracing the chest, sinking the shoulders and straightening the back, allowing the body to relax and the mind to relax. "Relaxation" is based on the premise of "stability", "centeredness" and "righteousness" and is not simply relaxation.

"Song" is followed by "quiet", which means concentration. Getting started with the art of nourishing the essence is not complicated, it just requires concentrating the mind to hold the essence, first concentrating the mind and then holding the essence.

The so-called concentration is not a mystery. It is an ability that everyone must master from infancy to adulthood. It is similar to what people often call "concentration", which is concentration. Although everyone knows it, the degree of mastery and application in behavior is often different from that of the so-called scumbag students and the top students.

Achieving a state of relaxation and concentration at the same time may sound contradictory, because when the mind is highly concentrated, people are prone to stress and fatigue, which tests the quality of will and is difficult to sustain. Usually the closest experience to this state is a bit like finding a comfortable position and environment to watch a movie.

If a person is completely attracted by the movie, and forgets his own existence for a while, and ignores other things around him... When the movie ends and he comes back to his senses, it feels like a dream, which is close to being relaxed and focused. state. But this is a state caused by a single external stimulus, and not everyone can achieve it by independently adjusting their body and mind.

The concentration in Yangyuan Art has unique requirements. It requires physical and mental adjustment to achieve relaxation, tranquility and nature. The first step is posture and breathing. The posture is first adjusted to the correct position, and then other conscious activities are stopped in the awake state to achieve relaxed concentration. This usually requires the heart to focus on one thing. The art of nourishing energy starts with breathing, and it is abdominal breathing.

There is a term called "meaning to guard the Dantian". It is difficult to explain it clearly to people like Rothchild. In fact, there is no need to explain it, or even to know this concept. How to guard the Dantian? If you think you are thinking about a place called Dantian, you are wrong. "Thinking" will cause the mind to disperse, and the mind to disperse will not be able to enter. The so-called entry means reaching a certain state.

The introductory method of mindfully guarding the Dantian is to focus on abdominal breathing.

Where is the "Dan Tian" at this time? There is no need to measure a few inches from your belly button down. Everyone has hip bones, and the center of the line connecting the tips of the hip bones on both sides of the abdomen is where the Dantian is located, or it is the approximate location of the so-called "lower Dantian". You don’t have to look for it, it’s the core area of ​​abdominal breathing and you can feel it naturally.

There are two types of abdominal breathing, cis and reverse. The so-called cis posture means that the lower abdomen expands when inhaling and retracts when exhaling, while the reverse posture is the opposite. The introduction to Yangyuan Technique requires reverse abdominal breathing. When inhaling, the lower abdomen is drawn in and when exhaled, it is relaxed, with the Dantian as the core.

People who have not received special training may find it awkward. At first, they need to deliberately control it. This is a process of gradually achieving concentration. At this time, the consciousness is not thinking about the problem, but just controlling the breathing and body. If you are too deliberate, it will lead to insufficient relaxation.

So the standard for relaxation and naturalness is to transition from a deliberate state to a non-conscious state, focus on breathing, and naturally maintain retro-abdominal breathing without deliberate effort, and at the same time adjust the breathing intensity to achieve long and silent...

How to measure whether practitioners have achieved results? Some people say it’s a fever in the lower abdomen, some people say it’s a slight numbness all over the body, and some people say their arms can’t help but lift up. These descriptions are relatively vague and difficult to quantify scientifically. If you really enter the state, you will feel it; if you don't experience it, no matter what you say, it is useless.

How long does it take to practice to reach this standard? There is no limit. It doesn’t matter how long you can’t get into the state. If you can get into the state, you may be able to do it in the first practice. For example, after Hua Zhenxing finished his story, he asked Rozchild to try it on his own. After about twenty minutes, Rozchild suddenly exclaimed: "Hua, this is actually true!"

Sometimes people are surprised by their own reactions. He yelled like this and got out of the state just now. Hua Zhenxing smiled slightly: "Isn't it normal to have reactions?"

Rothchild: "What you said is actually true! I swear I didn't think of anything else just now."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why are you looking at me like this? If you don't believe me, why bother learning from me. If you are willing to believe it, there is no need to be so surprised."

Rozchild nodded repeatedly and said: "I really believe it now. What is the principle of this? Is it training your ability?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "If you think so, I don't know if it's right or not. Of course it has a training effect, but if you use it like this, I'm afraid you're going astray. At least that's not how the Yangyuan Technique I learned is used. It’s just the first step, the purpose is just to make you feel alive.”

Rothchild: "What kind of life do you feel?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't know how to translate this term to you. It means the power of life, the characteristics of life, the symbol of life, the desire of life... maybe they are all related but not quite accurate. I can only understand it.

The so-called "yuan" in Yangyuan Shu refers to vitality. I can only tell you directly the pronunciation of this Dongguo Chinese word. It is difficult to translate it. It uses the same word as the Dongguo currency unit, but it is not the same word. mean. "

Rothchild: "I understand what you mean. It is very abstract. It can neither be seen nor touched."

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "You are a doctor, how could you say such a thing? Life can be seen everywhere, and you touch it every day. A doctor's job is to save life, which is actually to maintain and stimulate the patient's vitality. If a person loses his vitality, he will die. Death means that treatment has failed. This is something you deal with every day. Although it is abstract, it is real."

Rothchild: "Can I understand it as the inner maintenance mechanism and ability of the living body?"

Hua Zhenxing thought for a while: "You can say that, but don't give such a definition directly. This is just one of the manifestations of vitality. Anyway, the old man Yang who taught me told me this, don't take it personally if you don't understand it. I don’t understand it myself, but I can observe it and feel it.

Doctor Luo, have you ever raised flowers? Some flowers can survive by cutting. Take two branches and insert them into the soil, water and fertilize. One branch will grow into a new flower, while another branch will wither. Why is this? It is because the former retains its vitality, while the latter's vitality has dissipated. So it's visible and everywhere. "

At this point, Hua Zhenxing looked around, pointed not far away and said, "For example, the immortal rose is only coiled up to a size of less than one meter, but it has actually survived for thousands of years. It only has two leaves. It kept growing, the tips withered, and the leaves were torn into many strips by the wind..."

Rothchild interjected: "Immortal rose? This is not a flower but a leaf? I think it is completely dead!"

Hua Zhenxing: "It just looks like it's dead, but when the rainy season comes, the green leaves extend from the roots and hover like a rose. You can see that this plant has maintained its vitality for thousands of years."

At this point, he suddenly froze, because the "system" in his consciousness suddenly jumped out again, and a new "Chun Rong Dan development task" appeared.

This task does not have signs of one, two, or three. It appears directly before the unfinished task one. It is located at the top of the system. There is also a progress bar behind it, but the degree of completion is close to zero. It is just a little bit displayed. There is also content.

Discovered one of the basic raw materials of Chunrong Dan: Immortal Core

Properties: hair growth, aphrodisiac

Method of harvesting and processing: Only plants of the Immortal Rose that are more than a thousand years old can be used as medicine. At the beginning of the heavy rainy season every year, the core of the rhizome is taken, which is about three inches thick and one foot long, and is light green and slightly yellow like jasper. Dip in ether and cold extract until the color of the liquid changes, dry in the shade and collect the crystals for later use. Or you can extract its essence directly by using the method of controlling things. The texture is like green sugar, the taste is pungent, dry and slightly toxic. If you want to get the best effect, this method is recommended.

Method of refining medicine: currently missing

At this moment, Hua Zhenxing's head seemed to be opened, and he suddenly recalled certain contents in his dream. In that dream, he had read through the original prescription of Chunrong Dan, which was like a thick dictionary. There are a total of 360 Chunrong Pills in a complete set, and each one has different ingredients. It is made from a total of 108 medicinal materials, and the Immortal Core is one of them.

When refining Chunrong Dan, the 108 medicinal materials are divided into five groups: aphrodisiacs, summer medicines, autumn medicines, winter medicines, and Chinese medicines. The immortal core belongs to aphrodisiacs.

This aphrodisiac is not that aphrodisiac, it is not meant to aphrodisiac, but it is used in elixirs taken in spring; this Chinese medicine is not that Chinese medicine, it is meant to be a neutralizing medicine.

Hua Zhenxing "remembered" these all at once, as if something he had forgotten was suddenly found in his memory. It should be what he saw in the prescription. But no matter how much he thinks, he can only think of so much for the time being.

It seems that how much this "Chun Rong Dan development task" can be accomplished depends not only on whether he can see these medicinal materials in reality, but also on his current understanding ability. For example, the method of refining the immortal core is not available at the moment. Show... Hua Zhenxing was stunned and fell into deep thought for a moment.

In the distant night, two old men were sitting in the haystack chatting. Mo Shangtong said: "You scared the child and suddenly sent him a task. You look at him and he is dumbfounded."

Yang Tehong: "It doesn't matter. Xiaohua has a strong ability to adjust. I made a system for him and sent him two tasks earlier. Look, isn't he quite calm? Since he dreamed about something like Chunrong Dan, then Let’s think about it, don’t rush, just take your time step by step.”

Mo Shangtong: "Why did you let him use Welwitschia? As far as I know, there is no Welwitschia in any Eastern medicine prescription. Even the prescription of Nine Turns Purple Golden Pill does not contain Welwitschia."

Based on the feedback and suggestions from some enthusiastic book friends and editors, I revised and adjusted the first nine chapters of this book, deleted and merged them into five chapters, and the serial numbers of all chapters were adjusted accordingly. Thank you for your corrections and help, thank you! Please vote! Happy Dragon Boat Festival to everyone!

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