Enjoy the world

Chapter 22 Rewards beyond expectations

Rozchild collected a lot of information, many of which should be electronic versions that are easy to save and transmit. What he carries with him are the most important originals and samples. Along the way, he had been carefully guarding his backpack, not even letting Hua Zhenxing see what was inside. Unexpectedly, the two old men had already seen it without even realizing it.

Yang Tehong asked again: "Are you going to give Xiaohua the money to complete the 'mission'? How much do you plan to get this time?"

Mo Shangtong: "A few billion meters of gold, with a limit of tens of billions."

Yang Tehong: "You're too ambitious! Why don't you just buy the Kingdom of Jili?"

Mo Shangtong: "Even if I can buy it, what's the use? What Xiaohua wants is not the country of several miles now, and he doesn't want to be the king. If Xiaohua's dream comes true, I don't know how much manpower and material resources will be invested. The time, money and wisdom consumed are immeasurable. A mere tens of billions of dollars is not even a splash, at most it is the start-up capital for the next few years."

Yang Tehong: "I'm not saying Xiaohua is big-hearted, I'm talking about you! Can you really make so much from this deal?"

Mo Shangtong: "You don't understand the current international situation, do you? There is a global epidemic, and the most serious place is Mi Jianguo. Mi Jianguo has launched an unlimited quantitative easing policy and fully injected liquidity.

Interesting? The global capital market is very sensitive now, and the pharmaceutical assets that attract the most attention are the pharmaceutical assets. If there is any disturbance, the market will be like a shark smelling blood. The so-called financial innovations in the United States in recent years, regardless of whether they are short or long, those derivatives have already magnified the leverage many times.

The total market value of the dozen or so largest pharmaceutical groups in the Western world is several trillion dollars, and this time it is not only pharmaceutical groups involved, but also several large investment funds. I know exactly what Rothchild could do with that information. Mi Jianguo is now releasing water to cut leeks all over the world. I just made a small cut on their fingers for cutting leeks. "

Yang Tehong waved her hand and said: "Okay, you don't have to say anything. While those pieces of waste paper are still useful, use them to do something really useful...it's just Lao Mo, can you outplay those human beings?"

Mo Shangtong smiled and asked: "Are these people who have been playing this trick for more than a hundred years?"

Yang Tehong also smiled, patted Mo Shangtong on the shoulder and said: "Don't be too big, just stop when you're ready."

Mo Shangtong: "I still have something I want to ask you for help with."

Yang Tehong: "Why are you looking for me?"

Mo Shangtong: "You know that although I am good at making money, I am not good at saving money, so I am short of capital in a hurry. And you are good at saving money, so borrow some."

Yang Tehong glared and said, "Why did you ask me to borrow it? You know I've always..."

Mo Shangtong: "It's nothing, right? This isn't me borrowing money from you, it's that you set up a task system for Xiaohua, and we need to get some start-up funds for Xiaohua. Otherwise, Huanxiangguo will be like this five hundred years later. , how can you open a small shop comfortably? So, after all, this is also your own business! "

Yang Tehong muttered: "Who knows if it can be done, it's something without a shadow."

Mo Shangtong: "Then let's start with things that have a shadow."

Poor Hua Zhenxing only knew that Jin Datou wanted to kill Dr. Luo because of the benefit of 30,000 meters of gold, so he took the trouble to escort Dr. Luo away, but he didn't know that there were two old men following behind him, so they were talking about tens of billions of meters of gold. Buy and sell.

When he could hear the sound of airplanes passing by while walking on the grassland, Hua Zhenxing stopped, found a place, dug a hole and buried the big backpack and many things inside. He only carried a hand-sewn cloth bag, which was clean but looked very worn. He also had a small pistol, a dagger, a finger tiger and other common items hidden on his body.

Rozchild wondered: "What are you doing? You don't have to go through the security check. No one cares about carrying these things."

Hua Zhenxing explained: "What I'm afraid of is that no one will care! After I send you to the airport, you have to go back again. A kid like me is carrying such a big bag and is alone. Aren't I tempting others to rob me?"

Rothchild: "You are so thoughtful! I can't take my gun with me, so I'll leave it here. Anyway, since you're taking me all the way to the security checkpoint, it's useless for me to carry the gun."

Hua Zhenxing: "You seem to have some liquid samples in your backpack. Can you take them on the plane?"

Rothchild: "I'm afraid it won't be easy in the United States, but it's no problem in Tema."

After burying everything that should be hidden and erasing the traces of digging holes, the two continued to set off. The airport was only a few kilometers away. Miri is the capital of Tema Country. The airport is of course not in the city center. A few kilometers further west from the airport is the grassland. Rothchild glanced back and said, "Can you remember this place? Don't look back and lose it."

Hua Zhenxing: "You don't have to worry about it!"

The oil paint that Hua Zhenxing put on his face before setting off was already spent, so he repainted the face, neck, hands and other parts exposed outside the clothes evenly into a dark color. Not far ahead, a dirt road paved with gravel appeared at our feet, leading from the direction of the airport to the depths of the grassland. There were very few vehicles and almost no pedestrians.

A dirty off-road vehicle was approaching and started to slow down when it got close. Hua Zhenxing decisively took out his pistol and made a gesture, as if to say hello. The car didn't stop and sped past again. Hua Zhenxing then put away the gun.

Looking up, you can already see the airport buildings and towers in the distance, as well as the runway area enclosed by high barbed wire. At the end of the gravel road is a concrete road leading to the airport terminal. There are obviously more vehicles. After walking for three days, it finally became popular. There are actually police on duty on the roadside.

The policeman was also very surprised when he saw the two people approaching on foot. He glanced at Rozchild several times but said nothing, while Hua Zhenxing was completely ignored by him.

The Miri International Airport terminal is a row of long buildings with only one floor. The style is very ethnic and looks very beautiful. The environment is very clean and tidy in this area. Walking in gives people a sense of comfort. It feels weird, probably because the air conditioner is on. They arrived at just the right time, as there was a plane bound for Brussels, a city in Romania, in an hour.

There are no direct flights from Miri International Airport to Mijian, and Rozchild had no intention of returning directly to Mijian, so he bought a ticket to Brussels. Boarding here is actually very simple, it doesn’t take as long as elsewhere, there is no bridge or shuttle bus, just go through the security checkpoint, go through the lounge, and walk directly from the tarmac.

After buying the ticket, Rozchild said to Hua Zhenxing: "There is still some time, let me treat you to something to eat."

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said, "No, I don't really want to eat the food here. If you want to eat something, I will sit with you for a while until I send you to the security check."

Hua Zhenxing felt not only relieved, but also curious and a little anxious. What’s curious is that Rozchild is about to be sent away. I don’t know if this counts as completing “Task One” and how the system will reward him. What's worrying is that "Task 2" doesn't seem to be completely completed so far. Although the completion progress is over 90%, it still feels like it's not perfect yet.

Rothchild looked around you and said, "Then let's have a cup of coffee."

There are many small vendors outside the airport, setting up stalls around the parking lot and on both sides of the road, selling many local specialties, handicrafts, snacks, etc. In fact, many of the handicrafts on the stalls are made in Dongguo, but they have been processed into the indigenous style here. There is a cafe inside the airport terminal, which also sells some light meals.

He found a remote seat in the cafe and sat down. He ordered two cups of coffee and a sandwich for himself. He finished it in a few mouthfuls and took another sip of coffee, looking very comfortable and enjoying it, as if he had already decided. Full of pride. Hua Zhenxing just looked at him without saying anything. Rozchild finally said, "Hua, I said I have a gift for you, and now it's time to cash it in."

He took out a folder from his backpack, opened it and started to sign several documents, then pushed it to Huazhenxing and said: "There is a manor on the southern coast of Feso Port, including a private beach in the front and a beautiful garden in the back. , it’s yours now. I have already signed the transfer documents, leaving only the places where you should sign.

You can find a lawyer to help you with the procedures. There are also lawyers in Fesoport... Forget it, you'd better not do it yourself. Let Boss Yang from the grocery store do it for you. If he can teach a child like you, he must be A very capable person. "

Hua Zhenxing seemed to hear the system prompt sound in a trance, and when he looked inside attentively, the system indeed showed that "Task 1" had been completed. He was a little confused, so he took the document and looked at it. It was in English, with maps and photos. The scale of this manor is quite large, a bit beyond Hua Zhenxing's imagination.

The central area is a three-story building, which is very elegantly decorated on the outside. The gate faces south instead of the east coast. There is a columned porch on the front. There is also a small parking lot and a helicopter parking lot on the east side. Ping, and there is a row of ancillary buildings with two-story buildings. To the west of the manor is a garden with many tall trees and artificial pools, like a private botanical garden.

The front yard and back garden of the manor are surrounded by a high riot fence, and there is an electrified wire fence above the fence. Outside the main entrance is the beach. This section of the private beach is several hundred meters wide and is not fully enclosed. There are "Private Domain" signs on both sides. There are also some single-story independent buildings scattered in the open space above the beach and in the garden.

If you look closely, there are actually three land deeds in the document, covering the manor, beach and garden areas. It seems that the owner has purchased all three adjacent pieces of land.

In the "Task 1" note given by the system, the reward for completing it is "a villa on the southern coast of Feso Port". However, the property that Rothchild gave to Hua Zhenxing was such a manor, which went far beyond the concept of a villa.

Is this the reward given by the system? Is there an error in the system, or has the task been completed too well? This is not right. It was given by Dr. Luo. Could it be that the system had already known that Dr. Luo would do this, and then calculated the predicted result as a reward for completing the task, but the prediction was still inaccurate?

Seeing Hua Zhenxing in a daze, Luochaide reminded: "You can put it away first and deal with it when you get back."

Hua Zhenxing put all the documents in order, raised his head and asked in confusion: "Doctor Luo, how come you have such a manor?"

According to Rozchild's self-reported experience, before he came to Port Feso, he was already a homeless man waiting to die on the streets, but after coming to Port Feso, he owned such a luxurious property? This makes no sense at all!

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