Enjoy the world

Chapter 16 Do you want to learn?

Yesterday when I left my car and walked, Huazhenxing asked Rozchild to bring a five-liter bucket of mineral water, and I have finished it by now. Carrying heavy loads across the prairie consumes a lot of water without even realizing it.

Hua Zhenxing reached out and touched the air: "Fortunately, the temperature is not too high, about 24 degrees."

Rothchild: "Can you feel it so accurately?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I can't be too sure, because there is wind and the temperature is constantly changing, fluctuating around 24 degrees Celsius."

This is a bit like bragging, or even pretentiousness. Rothchild deliberately made things difficult for him: "What's the wind speed?"

Hua Zhenxing stretched out his hand in the air and moved it slightly: "Are you talking about the current maximum wind speed? It is about three meters per second, which is equivalent to a second-level wind."

This can also be touched. Is his finger a multi-functional detector and sensor? Rothchild simply asked: "What about the air humidity?"

Hua Zhenxing pointed to his nose and said: "At this altitude, the relative humidity of the air today is between 25% and 30%. When we set out in the morning, it was about 30%. Now Probably 25 percent.”

Rozchild was doubtful. In another situation and with another person, he would definitely think that the other party was talking nonsense. However, he had discovered too many magical things in Hua Zhenxing, and he did not dare not believe it completely.

"How do you feel it? For example, temperature, people can only feel the difference with body temperature, how can there be a specific value?"

"The measurement method determines the value. The value is originally determined by people. You can feel different temperatures, and then you will know clearly by comparing it with a thermometer. If you remember it, you can know it without a thermometer. It is as simple as that."

"Is this simple?"

"Oh, it's not easy. It requires training... Let's go find water first and follow me."

In the vast grassland during the dry season, Hua Zhenxing observed the terrain, and after walking for more than ten minutes with Rozchild, he found a low-lying puddle. It is surrounded by dry and exposed soil, in the middle is moist swamp-like silt, and in the innermost part is a body of water. It looks turbid, but there is water anyway.

Hua Zhenxing glanced at it but pulled Luochaide away. Rothchild wondered: "Aren't we going to get water?"

Hua Zhenxing: "There are several big crocodiles lying there. Forget it, let's move to another place."

Rozchild hurriedly left, looking back as he walked, but he couldn't see the crocodile hiding in the puddle. Where are they and how did Xiaohua discover them?

Sure enough, there was another puddle not far ahead. The area was much smaller than the one before. There wasn't much mud around it, but the water looked muddier and dirtier. Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "It's okay here. I'll fetch water."

Rozchild handed the empty bucket over and said, "Use this?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head: "No, don't get it dirty." He took off his backpack and took out a round piece of cloth, which was the cushion he used for rest last night. When he walked to the puddle, he actually picked up a bag the size of a football. water.

It turns out that a loop of string was threaded through the edge of the piece of cloth, and three small holes were left symmetrically to pull out the string. This became a pocket that could hold things, and it was sealed and waterproof. Hua Zhenxing carried a bag of water and said, "Let's find a place to rest first. The temperature is still rising. Don't rush on the road at noon, the hottest time."

There were many trees on the grassland. After finding a safe shade, Hua Zhenxing hung his bag on the branches of the trees and asked Rozchild to collect dead branches while he cut down several branches of different lengths and thicknesses. Rozchild was already thirsty and was sweating again. He looked at the pocket and said, "You can't drink this water directly. Have you brought water purification tablets?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Bring it, boil it first and then put it away."

What to boil water with? They didn't bring a pot. After clearing the surrounding weeds and lighting a bonfire, Hua Zhenxing directly hung the bag on a branch on the fire, and actually boiled the water. Rozchild stretched his head and asked, "What material is this piece of cloth made of?"

Hua Zhenxing replied casually: "The latest high-tech materials, limited edition handmade." He did not realize that it was strange to put "high-tech" and "handmade" together. In fact, he himself did not know what the material of this piece of cloth was. , it was given by Uncle Mo anyway.

Rozchild didn't ask further questions because he was already confused. After the water is boiled and allowed to warm, put in the water purification tablet and let it settle for a while. Then slowly pour the clean water from the upper layer into the bucket, which happens to be full again. The remaining half a bag of water with impurities was poured out, and the cloth was shaken clean and put away. The two took out dry food and had lunch. The hottest day was over, and they continued on their way.

Hua Zhen was about to put away the barrel of the gun with the bayonet, and processed two long sticks, sharpened one end and slightly hardened it with a campfire, and each of him and Rozchild held one. Only then did Rozchild realize that he was a little stupid. Why hadn't he thought of finding a stick to lean on earlier?

When it was time to camp before dark, Rothchild took off his shoes. His calves were already a little swollen. He sat down and asked, "Hua, how far have we walked today, and how far is there left to go?"

Hua Zhenxing: "We walked less than 40 kilometers today, and there are still more than 30 kilometers left. If you keep at it tomorrow, if you can maintain today's speed tomorrow, you can make it to the airport before dinner."

Rothchild gritted his teeth secretly. It seemed that he would have to risk everything tomorrow. He couldn't let a child look down on him. Both of them were carrying bags, but Hua Zhenxing's backpack was obviously much larger and heavier, and he looked much more relaxed at the moment. He couldn't help but ask again: "Hua, why are you so strong?"

Hua Zhenxing asked, "Is this considered good?"

Rozchild: "Of course it's great! I've loved sports since I was a child, and I've signed up for many classes. I've been a member of the school's rugby club from middle school to university. I've also kept up with fitness after work. There was only a short period of time when I was idle, but here I am After Fiso Port, I started practicing long-distance running again, and my physique is much better than the average person. But if you hadn’t been leading me today, I wouldn’t have been able to persist at all.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Where have you come from? Old man Yang told me that in order to seize an iron chain bridge, the Red Army of the Eastern Kingdom marched 120 kilometers in full force day and night."

This is indeed what Old Man Yang said last year. Old Man Yang took Huazhenxing on many "field expeditions". At that time, he crossed the prairie from Fiso Port to the neighboring city of Miri. He set off after breakfast on the first day, camped overnight on the way, and arrived at dinner the next day. .

The 150 kilometers of hiking took two days to complete. Although Huazhen Xing was very tiring, I felt great about myself. As a result, Old Man Yang told him not to be complacent. In fact, it was far from enough, and cited the example of the Eastern Red Army flying to seize the chain bridge.

Rothchild frowned when he heard this. Is it appropriate for Mr. Yang, the grocery store owner, to use this example to fool children? He shook his head and said: "Those are professional soldiers executing combat orders. Although it is an armed march, it should be lightly armed. It will not carry so many things like you."

Hua Zhenxing: "At least bring weapons, ammunition and rations with you. It's similar to what we have now. Old man Yang also told me that there was a big earthquake in Dongguo just more than ten years ago. All roads in the mountainous area were cut off. In order to enter the disaster area to rescue people, the army They marched ninety kilometers on foot in twenty-one hours, not on flat ground but over mountains and ridges in the rain.”

Rothchild: "That's just what you heard, I don't believe it."

Hua Zhenxing: "I've verified it. It's not difficult to verify."

Rothchild: "I'm afraid there is no such army on this planet, or maybe someone has given them an order to complete the mission. Life and death are at stake."

Hua Zhenxing asked again: "Isn't it a matter of life and death for you now? Don't forget that you are being hunted!"

Rothchild: "I can't do it."

Hua Zhenxing curled his lips: "You are not a soldier of the Eastern Kingdom!"

Rothchild was choked and speechless. After dark, Rozchild went into the tent to rest as he did yesterday. Hua Zhenxing kept vigil all night, sitting upright on the round piece of cloth still used as a cushion.

He is both practicing Yang Yuan Technique and using Yang Yuan Technique to keep himself in a particularly awake and relaxed state, able to detect even the slightest movement around him. Feeling stimulation but not reacting consciously, everything seems to be a trace of nature. It sounds simple, but it is impossible to do without special training.

Hua Zhenxing turned his back to the tent and closed his eyes slightly, even knowing what Rozchild was doing. Dr. Luo didn't sleep at first. He gently took out his mobile phone and turned it on, then used a flashlight to illuminate the contents of his backpack. There were a lot of papers in his backpack, most of which should be documents, held in hard plastic folders, as well as some small tubes of liquid and plastic bottles.

Hua Zhenxing is neither seen nor heard. It is like a feeling that combines all the senses. Although he could feel it, he didn't think about it. Everything was like a reflection of nature. As for the contents of those documents, what kind of liquid they were, and how they were packaged, Hua Zhenxing certainly didn't know. He didn't have that ability yet.

Five minutes later, Rothchild fell asleep, and soon he started snoring... About half an hour later, he actually woke up. This made Hua Zhenxing feel a little surprised. This surprise was the movement of his mind. He was out of the state he was in just now, but he still sat with his eyes closed as if to rest his mind.

He walked nearly 40 kilometers during the day, and he was able to wake up on his own despite being so tired, and it happened to be before the agreed time for the night watch shift. This shows that Rozchild's self-control ability is actually very strong, and it is not just self-control, it should be Before falling asleep, I gave myself enough hints about when I wanted to wake up, which even ordinary people would not be able to do.

Rozchild walked out of the tent, sat down, and lit a cigarette. This was his last cigarette. Hua Zhenxing opened his eyes and said, "Why did you wake up on your own? I'm going to call you later."

Rothchild smiled slightly: "This is a psychological technique. I told myself that I would wake up at this time... Are you interested? Do you want to learn it?"

Hua Zhenxing also smiled: "If you want to teach me, of course I'm interested. But I will do something similar. Did you wake me up when we changed shifts last night?"

Rothchild briefly recalled that when he was keeping watch yesterday and it was Hua Zhenxing's turn to change his shift, Hua Zhenxing also woke up on his own, so it seemed that he didn't need to teach him these skills. He thought for a while, not knowing what he was thinking about, then raised his head and said: "Hua, your sense is very keen, even extraordinary. I didn't hear any movement at noon yesterday, but you had already noticed that a car was catching up behind you.

At noon today, you can reach out and measure the temperature, wind speed and even air humidity. And that puddle, no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find a crocodile, but you were very sure that there was one there. Are these abilities acquired through training, and can others receive the same training? "

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "As long as you can observe those crocodiles. As for other things, it is indeed an ability that can be mastered through training."

Rothchild turned sideways and asked, "What training method?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It's called Yangyuan Technique. Do you want to learn it?"

Rothchild: "I want to learn now!"

Hua Zhenxing: "You have to tell me first, who asked Jin Datou to kill you and why? The Datou gang does not have an armed jeep, and who gave it to them?"

Rothchild: "You taught me, and I'll tell you."

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said: "This is not a negotiation or a quid pro quo. I risked my life to save you. It is your responsibility to tell me what kind of trouble I am involved in."

Rothchild: "Must I say it first?"

Hua Zhenxing remained silent, but his attitude was already very clear.

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