Enjoy the world

Chapter 15 Drilling a Well

The situation of task one has not changed. Its content is "Escort Dr. Rozchild to leave safely", and the progress bar shows that it seems that there are only two results: completed or not completed. The reward is a villa on the southern coast of Feso Port, and Hua Zhenxing is not sure how this villa will be rewarded to him.

Hua Zhenxing is not greedy for money. If this system had not appeared, he would still have saved Dr. Luo, and with this system, he would not reject these rewards. Of course, things are all good, it just depends on where they come from and how they are used. What he was more interested in was another question, which was how the reward would appear after completing the task.

The next day they packed up and set off again. Hua Zhenxing judged that they were basically safe, so he did not let Rozchild continue to walk in front and led the way himself. Walking through the black wilderness prairie under the rising sun, the cool wind blew away some of the fatigue. There were groups of springboks drinking water in the distance, but Hua Zhenxing deliberately avoided places with water sources.

Many animals go to drink water in the early morning, and competition for water sources is also fierce during the dry season. Drinking water is very dangerous, hunting scenes can be staged at any time, and the spirits of the animals are also highly nervous. Hua Zhenxing didn't want to scare these wild animals. Although he wasn't afraid, he didn't want to provoke unprovoked attacks.

The grassland of Kilili Country has two rainy seasons a year, namely the heavy rainy season in late spring and the light rainy season in late autumn. The current season is before the heavy rainy season, and it is the driest time of the year. Only the low-lying areas on the grassland still retain water, and many rivers have turned into intermittent puddles, pools and narrow lakes. The wild animals that rely on water sources for survival appear to be very crowded.

Why has such a large area of ​​wilderness not been reclaimed since ancient times? Uncle Mo has talked about this problem. There are two factors: climate and human factors. The most important thing is the lack of accumulation of farming civilization. The precipitation here is concentrated, there are almost no farmland water conservancy projects, there is a lack of mature irrigation systems, and the wasteland is not fertile soil that has been intensively cultivated for many years.

Those who don’t know how to farm really don’t know how to farm. They need to be taught step by step from an early age or learn by themselves by following others. It will take at least one generation to cultivate them. Land that is not suitable for farming is really not suitable for farming. After being reclaimed, it will take several generations of intensive farming before it can become mature farmland.

As for the irrigation system and farming technology, it is not a simple thing in human history. It takes thousands of years of exploration to form a scale and tradition.

Before overseas colonists arrived here, the local area still maintained a primitive tribal society, and people made a living by gathering and hunting. The colonists directly built cities and introduced a modern industrialized social civilization system, but they did not and had no intention of carrying out large-scale construction and transformation of farmland water conservancy systems and infrastructure.

There are industrial and service facilities in and around the city, and there are plantations and farmland in the suburbs, but they are all developed in local areas where conditions permit. If you look at the entire territory of Jili Country, they are like patches on the skin. Ringworm spots.

This reminded Hua Zhenxing of Dashanghai in the old society of the Eastern Kingdom. The ten-mile foreign market was prosperous, but after taking a few steps to the vast countryside and towns in Jiangbei, you would find a huge contrast.

In fact, Fiso Port was once very prosperous, but was later destroyed by social divisions caused by various reasons, and is now being slowly rebuilt. But even if we go back to the beginning, it seems that nothing has changed, but today's Dongguo is completely different.

Why would Hua Zhenxian have such an association? Because the overseas country he is most interested in is Dongguo. He has studied the history of Dongguo attentively and has read a lot of graphic materials.

Many people in Jili who live in the countryside also farm, but their farming method would make a Dongguo person stunned. They scatter the seeds on the wilderness when the rainy season comes, and harvest them when they are ripe. If you don't plow, irrigate, or hoe, it's up to God to harvest wild crops. The yield can be imagined, and many crops cannot be grown in this way.

The most common local crop is cassava, which is milled and dried into powder, then steamed to remove toxins and used as food rations. Harvested in the wild way, warthogs and other wild animals also like to eat it.

In addition, the products in the wilderness cannot be said to be rich. For example, the fruits of the baobab tree can also satisfy hunger, and there are many things that can be eaten... But that's it. It is impossible to expect them to be so sophisticated in agriculture and food. Processing technology, not to mention gourmet culinary arts.

Uncle Mo once walked through the vast wilderness in the northern part of the country. He believed that this area could be developed and transformed. He even pointed out how to build water conservancy projects and irrigation systems, and in which areas to develop, so as not to affect the overall ecology and develop Modern agriculture and processing industries can ultimately improve the environment and climate of the entire region.

Although Mo Shangtong has such an investigation conclusion, it is impossible to realize such a blueprint. This wasteland is neither his nor the Straw Shoe Gang's. Even with the current Straw Shoe Gang, it is impossible to complete such a task. Hua Zhenxing once asked Uncle Mo how he could do it. At that time, Mr. Ke next to him interjected: "If the materials and equipment are sufficient, one hundred thousand Dongguo Chinese people will be enough."

This may not be a boast. There are now Dongguo-assisted construction projects in Fiso Port, and their work efficiency and construction capabilities are beyond the reach of the locals. If the local people were allowed to do the same project on their own, it would probably take decades to complete, but it would only take a year and a half for the Dongguo Construction Group.

The workload of these Dongguo workers is already heavy in the eyes of the locals, but they still have time to farm. They have opened many vegetable plots in and around the residence, where all kinds of vegetables are available, and they all grow so well. Old Man Yang was a greedy guy. He encouraged Hua Zhenxing to go to the Dongguo Workers' Station to buy all kinds of fresh vegetables that were not available locally.

How much can Xiaohua and Old Man Yang eat on a daily basis? Lao Lei, the person in charge of the construction site, and the workers are all familiar with Hua Zhenxing, so they basically give them to him for free. Old man Yang didn't ask for it in vain. Every time he asked Hua Zhenxing to bring some tobacco and wine made in China.

Many workers there had never farmed in the East. How come they were able to cultivate fields and grow vegetables so well when they came here? I also raise chickens that can lay eggs every day! Once after making a plate of fried red pepper with local eggs, Hua Zhenxing asked Old Man Yang.

Old Man Yang told him that this is because the basic qualities and growth environment are different. In short, people are different. Where people come from is just like those vegetables, they are all grown from the soil of society.

Those construction aid workers not only received compulsory education in Dongguo, but also had at least a high school diploma. The basic education in Dongguo is very solid. They have learned collective management and labor cooperation. They have been influenced by it since childhood, and they know that no matter what they get, hard work and wisdom are required. They grew up in such a cultural environment and are neither lazy nor stupid.

The so-called stupidity or not is not necessarily the innate IQ, but more importantly the way of thinking passed down from generation to generation; the most important thing about laziness or not is the corresponding behavior. Although they have never grown vegetables, as long as they are taught by someone or find teaching materials, they can start growing vegetables, and the more they grow, the better.

Seeing that Hua Zhenxing was still blinking at that time, Old Man Yang suddenly asked: "Have you ever seen people here digging wells?"

Hua Zhenxing knew what a well was, but he had never seen a real thing. He was very confused after learning the Dongguo character and asked Old Man Yang for a long time to find out what it was. Later, he learned to surf the Internet by himself, and checked a lot of pictures and video materials, which gave him a lot of experience.

Of course, Fiso Port was built in a place with a water source, otherwise it would not have been able to develop into such a big city. But the lack of clean drinking water is a problem faced by most people in the country, at least this is what is written in every relevant report of the United Nations.

In fact, the average annual rainfall in Kilili Country is not very low, but the problem is that the rainy season is relatively concentrated, the drought lasts for a long time, and there is an extreme lack of water conservancy projects here.

There is running water in the central area of ​​Fiso Port, and the water supply system was once destroyed and then rebuilt. However, with the expansion of the city, many neighborhoods now have no running water. They are accustomed to using jars or buckets to fetch water from fixed locations every day, and many people also carry various utensils on their heads.

People living in the countryside basically go to the river to fetch water on weekdays. If the flow stops during the dry season, they fetch water from low-lying pools and let it settle for drinking. This is actually very unhygienic, and various charity relief organizations often distribute water purification tablets to local people. But no one locally dug wells. If it were in Dongguo, almost every village would have more than one well in the past.

Hearing this question, Hua Zhenxing was stunned for a moment before replying: "I've never seen it before. They don't know how to dig wells at all."

Old Man Yang took a bite of the food, put down his chopsticks and said, "That's right, no one is born with the ability to dig a well! Drilling a well is very troublesome. It requires many people to work together for a long time. It is very dirty and tiring. It’s dangerous, but there’s no guarantee that you’ll be able to get out of the water. If you have time, you’d have gone to the river to fetch water, and then you could have some fun, right?”

Hua Zhenxing was amused and nodded repeatedly: "Mr. Yang said it so vividly. The locals are indeed like this. This is what they really think."

Old Man Yang: "The enlightenment of civilization is first of all a leap in thinking. People have conscious awareness and can overcome their instincts to make the right choices. Many right things are against human instincts, such as sowing in spring, which cannot make people immediately It is a wise choice to be satisfied and wait until autumn to reap the harvest.

There is an idiom in the Eastern Kingdom called foresight. This is true for digging wells and growing vegetables. It is not based on the impulse of desire at the time. The Eastern Kingdom crossed this stage thousands of years ago, completed the enlightenment of civilization and the transition of ideas, and then continued to pass it on to this day.

But here, when walking from the suburbs to the city, the primitive tribes directly encountered modern industry and colonial capital. Before they had time to perfect this process, they had to either drink tap water directly or go to the river to fetch water. No one knew how to dig a well, and no one wanted to learn how to do it. Drilling a well...now you understand? "

Hua Zhenxing: "I seem to understand a little bit."

Old Man Yang: "You are still young, and one day you will fully understand."

Hua Zhenxing was indeed a little confused. Later, he heard Chief Engineer Lei tell more stories about vegetable gardening. Chief Engineer Lei has visited more than one country in the Black Wasteland, and of course he has assisted in the construction of more than one project. The last project was not in Fiso Port. They worked on it for almost two years and built many vegetable plots on site, which made the locals feel amazing.

After the completion of the project, the workers all evacuated, and the local people took over these vegetable gardens as if they were treasures... A few months ago, there was some maintenance work. Chief Engineer Lei went back to the previous construction site to take a look, and the vegetable gardens turned into wasteland again. .

Although the construction aid workers in Dongguo are good at growing vegetables, they only open small-scale vegetable gardens near the station, which is far from solving the problem of this wasteland. When Hua Zhenxing saw the prairie in the dry season, he inexplicably remembered how the locals cultivated the land. He also recalled the conclusions of Uncle Mo's inspection back then, and also thought of the story of growing vegetables and digging wells... His thoughts were very divergent.

He suddenly had another thought: Will the "Huanxiangguo System" that suddenly appeared in the future give him a task, which is to transform this wasteland like the blueprint drawn by Uncle Mo? If there is such a task, according to Master Ke, there must be 100,000 Dongguo Chinese and sufficient equipment and materials. How can it be accomplished?

Since the inexplicable "system" appeared, Hua Zhenxing's ideas have become very vivid. At this moment, Rozchild behind him shouted: "Hua, let's take a rest. We're really tired from walking. It's hot and we've run out of water."

Drill a well and fake the votes!

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