End of ten days

Chapter 1111 Final Assembly

Dr. Zhao asked in a low voice while following Yan Zhichun forward:

"Yan Zhichun...what exactly do you want me to destroy?"

After hearing this, Yan Zhichun turned around and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Is there... anything else here?"

Dr. Zhao was stunned for a moment, then his face was immediately filled with panic, and his progress slowly stopped: "You're fucking crazy..."

"I'm not crazy." Yan Zhichun said, "Dr. Zhao, it doesn't matter even if you leave now, we will find a way to destroy it ourselves."


"It's just that if you are here, our success rate will be higher." Yan Zhichun said again.

"Whether this matter is successful or not, we will not be able to survive anymore!!" Dr. Zhao reached out and took Yan Zhichun's arm, "Who are you...? There are so many people gathered here to do this kind of thing. It’s simply ridiculous!”

"No one will survive if we run away now." Yan Zhichun pushed away Dr. Zhao's hand and said, "The arrow is already on the string. Even if we do nothing in this reincarnation, someone will shuffle us."


"The entire 'Land of End' is already in chaos." Yan Zhichun said, "We can only try this weak chance here."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived under the giant clock and display screen.

Jiang Ruoxue and Zhou Zhou were leaning in front of two huge pillars and looking at them.

"Tsk, are you wearing high heels?" Weekend asked, "Walk so slowly?"

"It's fast enough." Yan Zhichun said, "Now we need to carry out the "Demon Sound Skyfall", and all plans will be based on our actions."

"Tsk, I've already prepared it." Weekend said, "Let's get started."

Jiang Ruoxue stepped forward and put her hand on Zhou Xing's shoulder.

Yan Zhichun nodded, turned around and said:


Everyone nearby stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Yan Zhichun. \u003cb

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"I am the Jidao King and the organizer of this operation. Next, I will inform you of the final goal of the operation."

As soon as he finished speaking, the giant bell began to sway gently, and then began to make chaotic crashing sounds.

The name "Echo" began to appear continuously on the screen.


It seems that before the final goal is revealed, everyone in "Ji Dao" is already eager to try.

"Although this road is long, it is only the beginning for this plan. As long as we start well, everything will fall into place."


More and more "echoes" began to light up, and the entire screen was filled with text so densely that it was no longer even possible to identify them one by one.

Dr. Zhao's heartbeat was very fast. He raised his head and looked at the giant clock, but suddenly found something strange. There was actually a figure standing on the top of the building at this moment.

He looked along the black and saw some people in black leather jackets standing on the roofs on both sides of the road. They stood quietly on the high ground, expressionless like sculptures.

These people looked obviously different from the people below... Dr. Zhao felt as if he had seen these people wearing leather clothes.

He was once killed by these people at the "mouth of heaven".

"Next, everyone must do your best to destroy the giant clock and display screen behind me." Yan Zhichun said with a heavy face, "After I finish saying this, we will encounter countless resistance, and everyone around us will Our companions may die, but we will still meet at the end.”

Everyone present hesitated slightly after hearing this sentence, and then more "echo" sounds burst out.


Jiang Ruoxue waved to Yan Zhichun when she saw this scene.

, Yan Zhichun walked to her side, listened to her whisper a few words, then nodded and continued:

"Everyone, if the mission is completed by chance, please follow the eight temporary captains to evacuate nearby. They know the escape route. Now, please raise your hands to signal to the people around you."

Some people in the crowd began to raise their hands one after another. These were the leaders that Jiang Ruoxue had appointed in advance through a message transmission over the weekend.

Yan Zhichun looked around and found that Jiang Ruoxue, Zhou Zhou, Lao Sun, Xiaoxiao, Lao Deng, Tong Aunt and others raised their hands everywhere. There was also an old man whom he was not familiar with, and then Yan Zhichun himself also raised his hands. He raised his hand and claimed the task of being the temporary captain of the eighth team.

"The mission has been assigned." Yan Zhichun finally said, "Everyone, please wish yourselves the best. As long as I am still alive, I will definitely guide everyone through my voice transmission. But if I die, you must also find a way to escape with the captain. I hope See you at the end.”

Everyone was extremely quiet, no one spoke.

"Everyone, long live the Yakuza."

"Long live the Jida!"

"Long live the Jida!"

Countless echoes sounded from all directions.

Before everyone could finish speaking, a thin old man with disheveled hair suddenly appeared behind Yan Zhichun.

He was holding a crooked and strange wooden walking stick and wearing ill-fitting white clothes. He stood there and looked blankly at the crowd in front of him.

Everyone in front of them immediately turned pale with fright, and they all got into a fighting stance.

But the old man just smiled bitterly and shook his head, making no other moves.

Yan Zhichun saw that the person in front of him was Bai Hu, and hurriedly took a few steps back with Weekend and Jiang Ruoxue beside him.

"Strange." Baihu said in a hoarse voice, "This scene is really strange now."

The Tengu on the "train" also suddenly widened his eyes at this moment. He felt that the current situation was a bit complicated, so he hurriedly stood up from the round table.

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\u003e"What's wrong...?" Tianshe paused and asked, but before Tiangou could reply, Tianshe also widened his eyes instantly, "What!?"

"Not good... It seems not good..." Tiangou stretched out his hand and scratched his fat cheek, "Tianshe... What should I do now...?"

"If you have something to say, say it." Tianniu on the side moved his wrist, "What are you panicking about?"

"Those "participants"...!" Tiangou swallowed his saliva, "They gathered a large number of people and were about to destroy the display screen and the giant clock!"

Many "heaven-level" were stunned after hearing this sentence, and they always felt that they could not figure out the motives of these people.

Even the "participants" need to follow the guidance of the display screen and the giant clock to confirm whether they have received the "echo". What good will it do for them to destroy the equipment?

"We have to tell Qinglong..." Tianshe said with an erratic look, "We can't decide this matter! But the giant clock and the display screen must not be destroyed! I still need them to help me find the eyeball!"

"But do you know where Qinglong is?" Tianma asked.

Everyone was speechless.

"Don't panic." Tianniu said, "I'll take care of it."

Everyone looked at her when they heard it.

"There's no need to alarm Qinglong for this kind of thing." Tianniu said, "After all, these "participants" are against all "participants". In their view, the destruction of the giant clock and the display screen will naturally be a greater loss for them."

"Then... you want..." Tianshe glanced at Tianniu and instantly knew what she was thinking, "Great... This is great..."

"I'll start the "sound reinforcement" right away." Tianniu said, "Just take out some chips, and this matter can be solved. For example... the "participants" who can keep the display screen and the giant clock can get a thousand "Tao"."

(I'm here to apologize again. After a day of activities, I didn't get back to the hotel to start typing until after nine o'clock... I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time.)

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