End of ten days

Chapter 1110 Everyone's joys and sorrows

After hearing Xuanwu's answer, Qi Xia knew that she no longer even had the desire to be saved.

Some people are like this. If they go out, what awaits them will be a more terrifying hell.

"If you want to die here... stand up now." Qi Xia said, "Do you really want to crawl down here in darkness like Qinglong said?"

"I...can't." Xuanwu said in an ethereal voice, "From the moment we stand on this land, only Qinglong and I can survive."

"If killing you can free you, I am willing to do it." Qi Xia said, "Come out with me."

"Then..." Xuanwu turned around and looked at Qi Xia with that empty face, "Where should I go...?"

"Go and continue to implement the "rules."" Qi Xia said, "Don't leave any regrets in your heart."


"Do whatever you want to do." Qi Xia said, "Feel the joys and sorrows of everyone in the End."

After hearing this, Xuanwu trembled all over again, then slowly stood up straight as if being pulled by something, and murmured again:

"Everyone's joys and sorrows——"

"Yes, you judge everyone's joys and sorrows from your own perspective." Qi Xia said, "They are trapped in this land. There is no essential difference from you. They just want to escape."

Xuanwu slowly turned around and seemed to be looking at Qi Xia with his own eyes.

"They can't get out or leave." Qi Xia said, "You know that these are "rules" that rule them, but you have been oppressed by "rules" your whole life, so why do you want to become a supporter of "rules" here? ?”

"If I don't support the rules, others will stand up." Xuanwu said, "Qinglong promised that I would not be hungry, in pain, or tired, so I stood up."

"But part of your sanity has also been taken away." Qi Xia said,

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"Although it's hard for you to understand, I still have to tell you the truth. Qinglong can't just let you go, I mean... he can't let you die."

"Really..." Xuanwu seemed to have thought of something, "Even if I have done exactly what he said...will you still not let me die?"

"The less rational a person is, the easier it is to control." Qi Xia said, "Not only can you completely obey Qinglong's orders, but you can even have "faith" that surpasses ordinary people, which is the best weapon for him."


"So he will drain every ounce of value out of you." Qi Xia added, "Perhaps you will keep helping him until one day everyone in the "Land of Ending" is dead, but your body is still lingering here. "

Xuanwu paused slightly after hearing this, then slowly walked aside, bent down and picked up his arm.

That arm was as dark as her whole body.

Qi Xia only felt that Xuanwu's back was particularly lonely, as if he was accepting something he had never been involved in before.

She tucked her arm under her armpit, then broke a section of her spine from the ground, and then suddenly inserted it into her broken shoulder.

After doing all this, she turned back and handed her arm to Qi Xia: "Can you help me?"

Qi Xia understood, nodded, walked forward, and caught Xuanwu's arm.

How to describe the feeling this arm brings to Qi Xia?

It has no temperature, neither warm nor cold; it has no touch, neither soft nor hard; it even has no weight. When you hold it in your hand, you just feel like you are holding a handful of water on the bottom of the sea. You can feel its existence, and Don't know exactly where it is.

"excuse me

. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Xia raised Xuanwu's arm, aimed it at the "interface" and inserted it hard into the bulging spine.


A very strange sound sounded. It didn't sound like flesh or a plant, but like some space being torn apart.

After a while, Xuanwu moved his arms that were forcibly connected together, and found that although the trajectory of the movement was strange, he could still get his arm back.

"Thank you -" Xuanwu said.

"If a 'participant' helped a 'mythical beast', does it count as a violation?" Qi Xia asked.

Xuanwu paused after hearing this, as if he was stuck by the answer.

"The 'mythical beast' said 'thank you' to the 'participant', does that count as a violation?" Qi Xia asked again.

"I don't know." Xuanwu replied.

"It doesn't matter." Qi Xia said, "When you are silent, you will naturally have the answer in your heart. Everyone in this world has the answer to everything. It is just the difference between being willing to admit it and not being willing to admit it."

Xuanwu wanted to say something after hearing this, but in the end he just nodded.

"I will continue to enforce the protection of the rules." Xuanwu said, "I hope this time I can really die."

"I also hope you can really die." Qi Xia looked Xuanwu up and down, "The way you live now is enough to atone for all your sins."

"I am so tired."

After Xuanwu finished speaking, he passed by Qi Xia and headed towards the "rout" door.

At this time, Qi Xia looked up in the air again. There were countless "doors" in the dark place.

It seems that there is still a lot of space that can be used on the "train".

In other words...only when these spaces are used can they become "trains"

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It's a pity that Qi Xia knows that she can't fly, and the various "doors" in the high places cannot be reached, but now is not the time to think about these.

After Xuanwu left, Qi Xia followed and walked out of the venue.


Yan Zhichun led Dr. Zhao to walk quickly on the road, and soon saw that there were more and more people on both sides of the road.

Those people were dressed differently, and everyone looked like they had experienced many battles. They stood on both sides of the road waiting for something.

This group of people seemed to know Yan Zhichun and Dr. Zhao, but just stared at the two with complicated eyes.

"Yan Zhichun... How many people do you have...?" Dr. Zhao asked with some doubt.

"I said, I don't know myself."

She walked in front, accepting the baptism of all the strange "extreme people", and everyone retreated to both sides to make way for Yan Zhichun.

Before reaching the end of the road, the huge display screen and bronze bell had already come into view.

Countless people stood nearby without saying a word. Looking around, there were almost a hundred people.

"Hey, sister..."

A familiar voice sounded not far away, and Lao Sun pushed through the crowd and slowly walked to Yan Zhichun.

"You are here too?"

"Lao Sun." Yan Zhichun nodded, "Take me to see Jiang Ruoxue and Weekend."

"They have been waiting for you for a long time." Lao Sun said, "Come with me."

Lao Sun walked in front and continued to lead Yan Zhichun forward, and Dr. Zhao was also in a trance at this moment.

He thought this was a job that could be completed with a little more seriousness, after all, Yan Zhichun said that he only needed to "destroy something."

But looking at the current situation... How can this task be simple?

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