End of ten days

Chapter 1109 Universe

Xuanwu was struck all over by lightning falling from the sky.

She slowly raised her head and stood there like a dead tree, with only the whites of her eyes remaining and her lips trembling slightly.

After a moment, bursts of thick smoke came out of her body, and after opening her mouth, she sprayed out a thick stream of black mist.

Her originally gray-white skin had now become extremely dark, as if her whole body had been burned and suppressed by the overbearing "immortality".

But Qi Xia knows that even "immortality" must have a limit.

If the head is struck by lightning, a huge electric current will flow throughout the body in an instant, and the nerves, muscles and internal organs passed by the current will be severely burned.

The current passing through the heart can also cause atrial fibrillation, which can have a dramatic impact on consciousness.

This is not something that can be dealt with with just the word "immortal".

Qinglong laughed crazily, even his eyes turned red, and then he raised his finger and pointed at Xuanwu again.

He didn't seem ready to stop, but wanted to pursue the victory.

Xuanwu seemed to have completely lost consciousness. In the next second, all her hair slowly rose with thick smoke, and the thunderbolt light on her body kept flashing.

Qi Xia held her breath and hid at the door without daring to make a sound.

He knew that it would be difficult for Xuanwu to kill Qinglong, but the reverse was also true.

If Qinglong wanted to completely destroy an "immortal", he would naturally need a very strong belief.

Qi Xia knew that Xuanwu should be the pinnacle of combat power of all "divine beasts" except Qinglong. After all, most of the tasks of killing prefecture-level "zodiac animals" were given to her.

But now this person at the peak of his combat power is having a fierce battle with Qinglong, which is excellent news for all "participants".

But what about Xuanwu himself...?

All of Xuanwu's long hair pointed to the sky, seemingly dominated by static electricity, locking in the next round of attacks.

"You can crawl here covered in darkness." Qinglong said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge light and shadow descended again, causing the entire ground to follow.

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"boom"! !

Before Xuanwu could regain consciousness, he was hit hard again.

Just as Qinglong said, Xuanwu was already standing there covered in darkness.

The burned skin all over her body aroused the "immortality" effect at this moment. Although her body seemed to be healthy, all the skin turned into a pitch black color with a little starlight on it.

It seems that what is standing here is not Xuanwu, but the entire universe.

Seeing that Xuanwu was completely unconscious, Qinglong used a huge palm wind to flip him to the ground. Then he launched a "leap" with red eyes and suddenly disappeared from here.

Qi Xia waited for more than ten seconds to make sure that Qinglong had completely left, and then hurriedly walked up to check Xuanwu's condition.

Facing Xuanwu, Qi Xia's mood was very complicated.

She is no different from everyone wandering in the "End Land", she is just a miserable person subject to the rules.

She wasn't supposed to be a "divine beast", but she lived like this with the identity of a "divine beast".

But she is very different from the people in "The End" - she always wants to die.

Perhaps killing other "divine beasts" was to escape, but killing "Xuanwu" just fulfilled her wish.

Xuanwu's hair spread on the ground, almost filling the entire "Cangjie Chess" venue, exposing her body.

But as Qi Xia had seen before, her entire body was like a dazzling universe in the shape of a human being. She could only see a few starlights under the darkness, but could not see any flesh at all.

Qi Xia remembered that she had left countless wounds on Xuanwu's body with a knife. At that time, every wound showed a dark color, just like the vast universe at this time.

"Xuanwu..." Qi Xia called softly.

"kill me."

In the vastness, a misty voice came from Xuanwu's body, like the stars speaking, and like the voice of the Milky Way.

She has no mouth, but she can still make sounds.

Upon hearing these three words, Qi Xia looked at Xuanwu from head to toe, then shook his head: "I can't kill you."

How can you kill a person who can continue to speak even when Qinglong attacks him with all his strength... with his bare hands?

"you can."

Xuanwu's ethereal voice came again, echoing in Qi Xia's ears like a distant song.

"Please, kill me."

"I'm really sorry..." Qi Xia's eyes dimmed, "I can think of ways to make you "live", but there is no way to make you "die"."

"Why..." Xuanwu's sad voice came from all directions, "I clearly remember... I remember you killed me."

"Maybe you remembered it wrong." Qi Xia said.


"It's not me who killed you, but someone else." Qi Xia looked at Xuanwu's face as boundless as the universe and said, "They are still looking for opportunities to kill you. Do you want to see them?"

"Kill me...kill me, okay...come and kill me."

"It's just...will you admit defeat?" Qi Xia asked sharply, "Since you have always wanted to die so much, why didn't you just surrender and be captured...?"


"As long as you continue to resist, those who kill you will also suffer countless casualties." Qi Xia added, "You can obviously take the initiative to expose your weaknesses."

"I want to die...but the participants must not disobey the divine beasts." Xuanwu's voice was full of contradictions, "So if they want to kill me, I can only kill them."

Qi Xia sighed softly, the deep-rooted "rules" had sprouted in Xuanwu's mind, and even she herself was unable to resist.

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"But I gave everyone who wanted to kill me a chance...!!" Xuanwu said, "I made everyone try countless times...but I couldn't die...Why couldn't I die..."

"Maybe there's another way." Qi Xia said, "Instead of "giving them a chance," it's "telling them your weaknesses."

"My weakness..." Xuanwu paused, "Mythical beasts must not expose their weaknesses."

"Is it the same now?" Qi Xia asked.

After hearing this, Xuanwu trembled all over and slowly sat up from the ground.

The hair on the ground was also pulled by it, covering the back again.

She stretched out her remaining left hand to the back of her head and slowly lifted the hair on her back.

"My weakness... is here." Xuanwu said, "Qinglong has always told me to protect my back."

Qi Xia stared at Xuanwu's back with a heavy expression.

What a weird situation this is?

Not a single eye could be seen from that back, only the vast starry sky could be seen.

If he could have persuaded Xuanwu earlier and blinded the eyes on her back before the "immortality" effect took place, things would not have ended up like this.

But if Xuanwu doesn't go through this battle, how can he willingly expose his weaknesses?

She has always had an idea in her subconscious mind - the reason why she cannot die is that one day she can use her own skills to kill Qinglong.

Now she has waited for the opportunity, but she has lost this opportunity forever.

She knew that she could never kill Qinglong again, so she could only choose to die by herself.

This was her worst choice and the best choice at this time.

Qi Xia felt deep despair from Xuanwu.

"Xuanwu, if you were allowed to choose, would you choose to go out...or die here?" He asked solemnly.

"I will definitely die here."

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