End of ten days

Chapter 1108 Thunder

Qi Xia knew that Xuanwu would not be able to defeat Qinglong in the following time.

After all, Xuanwu had used all his strength, but Qinglong seemed to be just playing with a weak monkey.

At this time, all the wounds on Qinglong's body were recovering rapidly, while Xuanwu seemed to have no ability to heal herself. She stood there a little out of breath.

If the battle continued in this situation, Xuanwu would sooner or later become a pile of wriggling flesh and blood fragments.

Qi Xia turned her head to look at Qinglong's expression. Although Xuanwu did not hurt Qinglong, it seemed that all this was worth it at present.

How could the rapid recovery of the body have no effect on Qinglong?

His crazy look was becoming more and more obvious. The deeper his belief, the greater the impact on Qinglong.

His thoughts would gradually become crazy and have a positive impact on the next plan.

Xuanwu stared at Qinglong for a pause, and stretched out his hand to move the strange "weapon" in his hand. .🅆.

Her idea was very simple. Since she could hurt Qinglong the first time, she would definitely be able to hurt him the second time.

Since she could hurt Qinglong, Qinglong could die.

This is not a question of whether it is difficult or not, but a question of whether you work hard.

Xuanwu dragged his right arm, and his right arm dragged his spine. The combination of the two structures is like a strange sickle.

The spine scratched the ground, making a strange and harsh sound.

"Haha..." Qinglong grinned, "Just "immortality" and "divine power"... How on earth are you going to kill me?"

"It will always be killed..." Xuanwu murmured in a low voice, "Just need to work harder."

Qinglong felt that he had heard this absurd argument more than once. No matter how difficult a thing is, there will always be people who think that the reason why such a difficult task cannot be accomplished is "not working hard enough."

This is true for Xuanwu and Qixia.

They believe that as long as there is enough time and enough effort, mortals can actually defeat heaven.

But Qinglong always felt

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Ridiculous, if mortals can defeat heaven, then what is the use of heaven?

"Xuanwu... From now on, I will let you know what "gap" means."


Qinglong pointed his finger at the sky with a crazy look on his face, and Xuanwu raised the strange "scythe" in his hand cautiously, ready to guard against Qinglong's attack at any time.

But a scene she had never expected suddenly appeared.

In the entire "Cangjie Chess" venue, strange dark clouds began to condense out of thin air in the dark heights.

The dark clouds rolled in the air like waves, circling and surging, with countless lightning flashing in between.

Xuanwu slowly widened his eyes, as if he remembered something. This was Qinglong's "thunder".

It was a strange ability that all "divine beasts" and "zodiac signs" had heard of but had never really seen. It was probably Qinglong's most powerful and terrifying "immortal method".


"Xuanwu, if you admit your mistake and leave now, and continue to be my dog, then nothing has happened." Qinglong said.

Perhaps in the eyes of anyone, Qinglong's words could not shake them, but Xuanwu hesitated at this moment.

He had disobeyed Qinglong so much, not only fighting with him, but even splitting his head with his spine... Could he really pretend that nothing had happened?

If Qinglong was right, then leaving at this moment was the best choice.

Because facing Qinglong's state, Xuanwu was already panicking.

She felt that she was doing something extremely dangerous. For decades, she had been moving around in "Taoyuan" like a zombie. She could attack anyone, but she had never felt panic for a moment.

"It's hard." Xuanwu said.


"Life is hard, "Taoyuan" is hard, and it's hard to knock you down." Xuanwu said, "Now I even feel it's hard to stand in front of you."

"You can fall down if you can't hold on." Qinglong smiled, "I will let the "twin flowers" on the "train" continue to treat you. If you really continue to disobey me, the scars on your body will never be healed."


"But I finally got this chance." Xuanwu slowly raised his head, his cold eyes shot out from his long hair, "This is the only chance I have to disobey you in decades. Do you know how rare this opportunity is for me?"

"Even if you are torn to pieces, it doesn't matter?" Qinglong asked again.

"In "Taoyuan"... the first person I want to kill is myself, and the second is you." Xuanwu said in a deep voice, "I don't have the chance to kill myself, but I have the chance to kill you... How can I give up?"


Thunder rumbled in the venue, as if the whole sky was angry, and the light of light and dark kept flashing on the two people's figures, like a spotlight falling on the stage.

"That's not right." Qinglong smiled and shook his head, "It seems to me that the first person you want to kill is me, and the second is yourself. Otherwise, you don't have to protect your vitals when fighting with me."

"Really..." Xuanwu nodded ambiguously, "The best result...maybe I can die here with you...but that's difficult..."

Qinglong smiled and was about to kill, but he raised his head again in a trance.

That strange feeling came again...

The terrible and absurd illusion began to flood into his mind crazily.

He saw himself collapsing at the front of the car.

All the beliefs collapsed at that moment, and all the "immortal magic" was instantly invalid.

But Tianlong was sitting there without taking any action, so how could his beliefs collapse? \u003cb

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Xuanwu accurately captured the moment when Qinglong was distracted, and then "jumped" out.

Qinglong came back to his senses again, and in his upset, he casually hit a palm. Xuanwu caught this palm with one hand and stepped back repeatedly, almost stepping on his long hair and falling to the ground.

Qinglong's face was extremely gloomy, and he felt that he should find a way to go to the "front of the car" to see the situation.

If there are illusions coming out from the "front of the car", it can only mean that something happened there.

So Xuanwu in front of him needs to be solved immediately. Once the plan really has a loophole, no matter what the situation is on Qi Xia's side, his plan to kill Tianlong will be ruined.

Thinking of this, Qinglong immediately raised his hand to the sky and then clenched it into a fist.

There was a low roar in the sky, followed by a huge roar, and countless electric sparks flew out, as if a huge lightning bolt was about to fall.

Xuanwu raised her head with a little fear. She knew that even if she had "immortality", she would not be safe if she was hit by lightning.

After all, the most powerful thing she had ever seen in her life was the lightning that fell in the village.

"Too difficult..." Xuanwu murmured, "All this is too difficult..."

She moved her feet and could only think of a way to use "leap" to avoid this huge lightning at the critical moment.

But before her feet landed, the whole person was controlled by "heart-taking" again.


A huge electric light lit up in the venue, illuminating the venue like daylight.

Qi Xia endured the strong light and forced her eyes open, and saw that there were indeed many "doors" in the air.

(Hello everyone. I have been on the road all day today. I flew from Chongqing to Beijing. I haven't been home since I left on June 15th. I have been a little busy every day. I am writing the next chapter. Although the update time is so unstable, it is still two chapters a day on average. Forgive me...)

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