End of ten days

Chapter 1112 White Tiger's Path

Everyone in the "Jidao" looked at the old man behind Yan Zhichun with some confusion. Although they looked confused, no one dared to take the lead.

The final target display is already in front of us, and it would be a pity to back down now.

Everyone wants to complete the tasks assigned by Yan Zhichun as soon as possible, but the problem lies in the special nature of the "Ji Dao" organization. No one is familiar with the teammates around them, resulting in them not understanding the "response" of their own people and having no way to proceed. With "Echo" cooperation, we can only find ways to formulate tactics from a personal perspective.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty for everyone to launch an attack.

"I said it a long time ago..." Bai Hu frowned sadly, then looked around at everyone and said, "None of you can do it, only he can, why don't you listen..."

Yan Zhichun took a deep breath, stepped forward and said, "Bai Hu, what's your... position?"

"My "stand"..." Bai Hu paused, then shook his head and said, "Such a long time has destroyed all my positions... We have no hope, we will be lost here forever, no wonder even the "Zodiac" They're all back..."

Bai Hu's voice became hoarse and his whole body trembled.

"Perhaps the only way is to "bet on life"... Only if he bets his own life... can everything be hopeful..." Bai Hu paused and suddenly said, "It's a pity that even if he bets his own life... , but there are still "Tianlong" here... How can we liberate ourselves from here? "

Seeing this, Jiang Ruoxue took a step forward, stretched out her hand to pull Yan Zhichun, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone has their own cause and effect, don't pay attention to him."

Yan Zhichun frowned and said, "But I feel that he will be a huge resistance to us."

"What's the use of just guessing? Just ask!"

Jiang Ruoxue interrupted Yan Zhichun's words, reached out and patted Bai Hu on the shoulder, and asked: "Hey! Master! We are going to break the display screen and the giant clock, do you care?"

Everyone around them took a breath when they saw this scene.

But Bai Hu didn't seem to care. After hearing this, he looked at Jiang Ruoxue silently, and then lowered his head expressionlessly: "The giant clock and the display screen... this is not my responsibility. I am only responsible for the "zodiac killing"."

"You mean you don't care?" Jiang Ruoxue said, "That's great. Sir, please step aside and be careful if debris splashes on you."

Yan Zhichun and Zhou Zhou looked at Bai Hu cautiously, only preparing to try to save Jiang Ruoxue when he attacked.

But Bai Hu had no intention of taking action. He just stood there like a dead tree, thinking about something with a complex expression.

Jiang Ruoxue felt that something was wrong. Although she had contributed to the "cause", the "effect" this time did not go in the direction she expected.

White Tiger probably won't give up.

"Although that's what I said, I feel that you are wrong." Bai Hu shook his head, "If we break the display screen and the giant clock behind us, I'm afraid the two people above will be furious and attack all the "participants" , I cannot allow this to happen."


"I can't save everyone's lives and memories, but I can save the display screen and the giant clock behind me." Bai Hu said, "After comprehensive consideration, everyone can only ask for it back."

On the roof, a young man clasped his hands together and stood in front of a short and thin girl. Both of them looked down at the situation in front of them, seeming to feel something was not good.

The young man had a pot-head hair and a tattoo on the back of his head.

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With long pigtails and a long gown under his leather jacket, he was none other than "Immortal" Jiang Shi.

His body has returned to normal and he has returned to his teenage appearance.

"Sister Jiu, ah -" Jiang Shi yawned and lazily turned his head to look at Bai Jiu, "Now... do you want to help?"

"No." Bai Jiu shook his head, his twin ponytails swaying on his head, "The white tiger is not our target, and destroying the giant bell is not our mission. This incident can only be handled by the "Jida" themselves. "

"Then they might be dying." Jiang Shi reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes where he was yawning and crying, "Maybe your "liquefaction" can also start to work, won't you help?"

"Xiao Jiang Shi, I need to retain my faith." Bai Jiu said, "On the other hand, you...have been yawning since just now. Do you really not need to sleep for a while now?"

"There's no need for that." Jiang Shi said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up after I go to sleep, and I'm not that sleepy...ah——"

Looking at Jiang Shi who yawned repeatedly, Bai Jiu was also infected and opened his mouth to yawn as well.


"Ouch!!" Bai Jiu shook his head quickly and interrupted his yawn, "Little Jiang Shi! We will all get sleepy if you act like this!"

"Hi." Jiang Shi shook his head, "I'll just start doing it later. No matter what, I will strictly follow Fifth Brother's instructions this time."

"Yo~" Bai Jiu smiled, "Don't you see that you are so ambitious despite being a brat?"

"The right way is to dig deep pits to catch tigers and leopards, and hang up long lines to catch golden turtles." Jiang Shi folded his hands and slowly squatted down, "Since the fifth brother has spoken, the general will protect the Lord, and the migratory birds will climb the high branches, the final general will call that day today. Several mythical beasts and birdmen have come and gone but never come back..."

Jiang Shi's voice became smaller and smaller.

Although he hasn't started to move yet, he looks really sleepy.

Bai Jiu smiled helplessly and looked up at the opposite side. Luo Shiyi and the other three people on the roof opposite cast a look of inquiry at him.

After all, they also found that the unplanned White Tiger suddenly began to block the attack of "Jidao" at this time. The current situation shows that the three beasts may be dispatched today, and "Jidao" will definitely not be able to formulate tactics against the White Tiger in advance due to the special nature of the team.

So at this time, the "Cat" team should take on the task of killing the White Tiger and let the "Jidao" action continue.

But after thinking carefully about the current situation, Bai Jiu still shook his head seriously and made a gesture for Luo Shiyi and others to continue to stand by.

At this time, as the biggest in the field, he must decide the survival of the "Cat" team.

Neither Xuanwu nor Suzaku appeared. If the "Cat" was severely injured because of attacking the White Tiger, all the subsequent tasks would collapse completely.

So the best way at this time is to hand over the White Tiger to "Jidao".

Bai Jiu continued to stare at the bottom with a serious face, but found that there seemed to be some commotion in the crowd below.

A fat middle-aged man kept moving through the crowd and soon came to a middle-aged woman.

"Xiao...Xiaochan!!" Lao Lu screamed in Aunt Tong's ear, startling everyone nearby.

Aunt Tong turned around with a puzzled look on her face: "Lao...Lao Lu? Why are you here?"

"I was going to ask you something!" Lao Lu stared at the people around him with some palpitations, "I saw you walk out of the "Heaven Gate", and I was curious so I followed you, but why are there so many people now?!"

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