Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 710 Arrival at the City of Eternal Night!

Not only Werther, but also O and Isa breathed a long sigh of relief. They also experienced such a long journey for the first time. As for their feelings...

To be honest, they felt that they never wanted to take such a trip again.

Well...at least for a short time.

As for how short this time is... maybe one or two thousand 뎃!

Witte didn't know what the two dragons behind him were thinking. After determining the location of the City of Eternal Night, there was no need to continue flying along the coast.

He flew directly towards the place shrouded in darkness.

The closer you get to the City of Eternal Night, the less vegetation there is on the surface and the more exposed rocks there are.

Although the wind here is not strong, it is still there.

These winds, like carving knives, carve various shapes into the ground. The closer you get to the City of Eternal Night, the deeper these ravines become, making them look spectacular.

The three dragons marched all the way towards the City of Eternal Night, making no attempt to hide their figures, but no dragon jumped out to stop them.

This happened on the Kongzhi Plain, and he had long been stopped by the manager for interrogation.

However, Werther was only slightly surprised.

After all, each city-state has its own characteristics, and it is normal for its management methods to be different.

But when they arrived at the area shrouded in darkness, the three dragons were dumbfounded.

"How to get in?"

Looking at the darkness in front of him, Ao grinned and couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Werther was also a little confused.

"It's useless for you to ask me. It's my first time here, and I thought darkness only enveloped the sky above the city-state before. Unexpectedly, it actually enveloped the entire city-state."

This is not black mist. Although it looks similar, the darkness in front of you is not solid. It only looks like a dark place. At the edge, it looks like the space after it has been shattered.

But Witte, who is more familiar with space, can feel that the space there is not broken, but extends completely towards the depths of darkness.

Moreover, this darkness is different from the darkness in the space rift.

The darkness in the rift in space is as cold and dead as the darkness in the starry sky, but the darkness here gives Werther a feeling that is difficult to explain clearly.

If I have to use one word to describe it, then 늀놆 is not annoying.

But, even if the other party gave him this feeling, he would not dare to touch the darkness easily. This was obviously not something that the dark elements could do.

This should be the power of Demisio, the ruler of the City of Eternal Night, and the power of the law of dark elements.

In the face of this power of knowledge, it is the most basic common sense to remain vigilant.

While Witte was thinking, Isa couldn't help but said: "How about finding a dragon beast to try first. If the dragon beast is alive and there is no abnormal response, then we might be able to try to go in.

If the dragon beast dies, or there are other abnormal reactions, then we need to find other methods besides going in directly. "

Hearing this, Werther looked at Isa in surprise.

"But, it's rare to make a very constructive suggestion."

Hearing this, Isa bared her teeth at Werther, and then flew away.

When she came over before, she noticed that there was a Kasdramon over there that was not very powerful.

Although the environment in this area is harsh and there are no traces of dragon beasts on the surface, in fact, dragon beasts are quite common after they really fall on the ground.

There are only a lot fewer types of 늀, let alone 깊, in quantity, even less than those in the desert.

Soon, Isa brought back the Kasdramon.

Although Kasdramon is a predatory dragon, it was so frightened that it couldn't even stand when faced with three giant dragons that were much stronger than it.

Arriving before the darkness again, Isa glanced at the Kasdramon in the box, and then threw it directly into the darkness. After a few breaths, the Kasdramon came running from the other direction.

Witte and the others focused all their attention on this Cassdramon.

Observe carefully the appearance of each other.

There was no sign of corrosion on the hair, the elements were running stably, and the body showed no change. Although there was a hint of panic in the eyes, it was aimed at them.

in conclusion!

This dark area is just pure darkness without any danger.

So, now the only question left is the length of stay.

The three dragons looked at each other, and then Werther no longer hesitated and threw his tail directly into the darkness.

After a moment, Werther shook his head towards the two dragons looking at him.

"No problem!"

After a pause, Werther added: "Let's go in directly."

With that said, Werther took the lead in diving into the dark area.

When the two dragons saw Werther disappearing into the darkness, they followed him directly without any hesitation.

On the other side, Werther, who entered the dark area, couldn't help but froze when he looked at the scene in front of him.

Not to mention that everything around him was normal, and his eyes could see things normally.

눕What he sees now is a huge mine.

How big is it?

It is much larger than the tree in the City of Destiny and the volcano in the City of Scorching Heat combined, and much larger than the Warren Rift Valley left behind after Desedro left.

The neatly cut rock formations are like the rings of trees, extending in the direction one after another.

Some collapsed areas not only did not destroy the spectacular scenery they already had, but also gave them a bit more rugged beauty.

At this time, the place where they stood was the highest level of the mine, and also the largest rock circle. It was estimated that the coverage of this largest rock circle covered nearly one-third of the area of ​​the Sky Plain.

Note that it was the Sky Plain, not the Sky City.

Standing on the edge and looking out, all they could see was darkness.

But if you look closely, there is a not very obvious light spot in the center. Perhaps, the location of that light spot is the City of Eternal Night that Witt and his team are going to.

As for the darkness in other places, it is not the darkness shrouded outside, but only because it is too deep and the outermost surface cannot be seen.

What's more, the sky above this mine is neither daytime nor starry, and the deep darkness they saw outside, even if there are glowing plants everywhere in this mine, still can't illuminate this area.

"Look over there!"

While Witt was admiring the scene in front of him, Ao suddenly pointed in a direction and said.

Hearing this, Witt looked in the direction pointed by Aowei, and saw an obvious pit on the edge of the mine in the distance.

"Maybe, over there is the entrance to the City of Eternal Night that we are looking for."

After a pause, Witt added: "I don't think it's a wise decision to fly directly from here, especially in a strange place."


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