Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 709 The place shrouded in darkness!

Or rather, they seem to have never been treated as older dragons.

Thinking of this, Ao and Isa looked at Witt with a few other emotions in their eyes.

What to do, my claws are itching again!

Witt, who was flying in front, suddenly felt a chill behind him. He turned his head and saw Ao and Isa staring at him.

Witt was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ao shook his head.

"Nothing, I just want to compete with you."

Hearing this, Witt rolled his eyes.

"Don't come on, you two want to fight in a group again. Every time you say it's a competition, but in the end you suddenly explode, beat them up, and then admit defeat at the speed of light. Is this fun for you!"

Faced with this situation, Witt will of course do as the two dragons wish, fight willingly, and then use their own methods.

As for winning or losing, let's just say there are wins and losses!

Of course, on the surface, his record is undefeated, uh... although it's useless.

Hearing this, Ao and Isa looked at each other.

"With so many people, have we always been like this?"

Witt pointed forward.

"According to my calculation, we should be far away from the City of Eternal Night in six days.

Do you remember what Skechers said?

There is a strong breath of the abyss here, but can you feel it along the way?

Kamel's performance shows that Skechers' perception is not wrong, so what is wrong is only the scene we see.

The City of Eternal Night is located alone on the "tip" of the continent of Sekent. Even if the abyss has no intention of going to war at this time, such an independent city-state is definitely a big piece of fat.

Even if they do it now, then They will definitely lay a net around the City of Eternal Night.

Once the time is right, the City of Eternal Night will become the paradise of the Abyss.

Of course, the premise for this time to be right is that the Abyss can come over and become a strong man of the same level as the ruler of the City of Eternal Night, Demetrius.

Now, it should not be that bad.

However, the movement of the Abyss means that they are in danger..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Then, O said helplessly: "In a nutshell, we have to be careful and preserve our own strength to deal with the danger that may come at any time, right?"

Witt nodded.

"That's it!"

Isa looked at Witt speechlessly.

"Then you can just say it directly, why do you need to explain so much, it makes me upset."

Witt turned his head and looked at the two dragons.

"I think it's better to explain it clearly."

Given that you two guys have been too lazy to think since you came here, if you explain it clearly, you will definitely launch a surprise attack.

It has never happened before.

Of course, he can still say this, which is obviously scolding the dragon for being "brainless".

Fortunately, Ao and Isa didn't care about it.

Because the terrain ahead suddenly changed a lot.

A huge, north-south vein, across the edge of the endless sand sea, blocked the wind and sand on the east side, as for the situation on the west side...

It was very high, and they hadn't flown there yet to see the specific situation.

However, they saw the green between the two, like the crystal on the back of a crystal dragon, either dotted or gathered together.

This at least shows that there should be a lot of soil on the other side of the sea.

They noticed this mountain more than half a month ago, and now it is even clearer. After all, they are about to cross that mountain vein.

Time flies by as they rush on the road.

In a blink of an eye, another three days have passed.

After three days, they finally arrived in front of this mountain vein.

This mountain is much higher than they imagined. When Witt and his team flew over the highest point, two completely different landscapes, the endless sea of ​​sand and the savanna, appeared in front of them.

The mountain that stretches for tens of thousands of miles below them clearly divides the two scenes.

As for what the savanna looks like...

To be honest, the scenery is not that beautiful, the terrain is not that flat, and the environment is not much better than the desert.

The low trees, like the stars in the sky on a full moon night, are sparsely dotted in the boundless wilderness, inconspicuous but impossible to ignore.

It is a grassland in name, but it can't be compared with the Sky Plain. The difference between them can even be called a world of difference.

Sparse shrubs, withered weeds, large areas of bare brown land, and some open spaces are simply whole pieces of rock.

There are no groups of dragon beasts, no roars everywhere, but only a dead silence that makes dragons feel more depressed than the desert.

In the desert, at least there is wind.

And there is wind here, but it is not a good wind.

The heat wave swept the earth. Witt and his team climbed over the high ground and came to this plain. In just a few days, they have seen the next fire caused by the hot wind.

And every time a fire appears in this dry grass environment, it is a raging flame.

The flames are like the most lively spirits on this land, wandering around, doing things wherever they are, and the whole savanna is filled with their "enthusiasm".

However, this "enthusiasm" is very unacceptable to the spirits on this land.

Of course, the flames bring not only destruction but also new life.

On the land burned by the flames, the hay becomes the most primitive fertilizer, nourishing the land, and new buds emerge again from the roots of the charred grass and trees, showing the world their tenacious vitality.

In the seemingly dead place, there are lives working hard in the subtle places.

But this still changes the fact that this is a barren land.

Whitt and his friends are on their way, while enjoying the scenery they have never seen before.



But not much!

In these six months, they have seen many things, some oases are new, some oases are dead, and the environment before them is enough to make them sigh in their hearts that nature is really magical.

Then, they focused more on hurrying on their way and guarding against the abyss that could appear at any time, but might not appear at all.

A few months passed, and they had not encountered the attack of the abyss, but they saw it, the scene they wanted to see most after more than six days of traveling.

It was a deep darkness!

It was the kind of black of the abyss, the black of the abyss was black and purple, distorted, and chaotic.

But the black that appeared in front of them at this time was pure black, the kind of black that could accommodate the world like the night sky without stars and moon.


Witt let out a long breath, with a touch of excitement, a touch of expectation, and a touch of worry in his eyes.

“If anything goes wrong, that is the City of Eternal Night!”

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