Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 711 Found it!

Ao and Isa naturally had no objection to Witte's decision.

After spending four days, they finally reached the sunken area.

This place is indeed different from other places. This is a ground passage that can accommodate adult dragons over 100 meters long and extends to the north.

The traces of being reinforced by earth elements here should be the road leading to the City of Eternal Night.

With the idea that there is only one way and he has to try it, Witte took the two dragons and flew towards the inside of the passage.

The passage for dragons over 100 meters long is quite spacious for Witte and his team to fly. Even Isa and Ao can fly side by side.

After entering the passage, the light inside became more and more. Glowing plants and fungi grew everywhere on the ground, and even the top of the rock above was covered with glowing moss plants.

These plants uniformly emitted a light blue light.

It was not very dazzling, but it was enough to illuminate the surrounding space.

After flying along the passage for a distance, the passage turned, but the front could fly directly out. From this angle, this exit was like a window in the passage.

However, this window was a floor-to-ceiling window.

Looking outside from this "floor-to-ceiling window", there was a dark area where you could not see your hand, only the glowing plants on the rock wall next to it emitted a faint blue light.

Just as Witt and the others were about to turn, a melodious sound that seemed to come from ancient times came from the darkness.

"What is that?"

At this time, Isa pointed in a direction.

Witt and Ao stopped and looked in the direction Isa pointed, but saw one, two, three light spots flying towards them.

The three dragons looked at each other.


Hearing Ao's words, Witt nodded.

"Anyway, we're here, so we don't need to spend this little time. Let's wait and see what it is!"

After saying that, Witt turned his eyes to the three light spots.

The sound just now came from that direction, so it should be the sound of these three dragon beasts.

As for what kind of dragon beast it is...

Witt really doesn't know.

The dragon world is too vast, and there are countless dragon beasts living in some corners. Not every kind of dragon beast has been included in the "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia".

Just like the number of dragons in the "Dragon Encyclopedia" has been increasing, the types of dragon beasts in the "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia" will be updated at any time.

However, the update time is uncertain.

After all, there is no special dragon to do this.

The update methods of the two books "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia" and "Dragon Encyclopedia" are random. For example, a dragon goes out to travel and sees a dragon or dragon beast that he has never seen before. If he is interested, he will remember it in his heart. When he returns to the dragon nest, he will not forget it and will record it in the book if he has the leisure time.

In this way, it is quite rare for these two books to reach such a scale.

Just when Witt was thinking about those things, the three light spots came closer. Obviously, they were not far from Witt and his team.

After seeing the three spots clearly, the three dragons were amazed by their strange yet beautiful appearance.

They said they were strange because the three spots belonged to the same dragon beast. They looked like a round meat pie spread out, with dark blue dragon scales covering their backs.

Well... it should be called back!

After all, they don't seem to have the term "side", and the edge of their backs is like a dragon wing.

Their abdomens are covered with white plate-like dragon scales, which seem to have high defense.

These dragon scales are like mechanical gears, biting together one by one, without affecting the defense, showing the soft characteristics of leaves.

It looks very magical.

Their mouths are on the front, near the edge, and the teeth look blunt, not like meat-eating.

The dragon's tail is long and thin, with star-like spots of light on it, emitting a faint blue light.

On the body.

On the dark blue dragon scales, there are some simple light blue lines, and these lines emit water element fluctuations.

The light blue lines are bright, consistent with the light on the tail and the light of the plants around them. When they are far away, these lights are like hair, making it look like the whole body is glowing.

Not to mention, in this silent darkness, whether it is their calls or the light on their bodies, they are covered with a layer of mystery, making them look extremely beautiful.

Moreover, Witt and others are sure that this is indeed the dragon beast that has been recorded in the "Dragon Beast Encyclopedia".

However, in Witt's opinion, this dragon beast is very similar to a creature called a ray from another world. The difference is that the one in front of him has the blood of a dragon and can fly.

As for other differences, the biggest one is the size.

The three dragon beasts in front of him are an adult and two sub-adults.

The adult is about 300 meters long without counting the tail, and the sub-adult is about 100 meters long.

Undoubtedly a huge monster.

However, these huge monsters seem to be vegetarians.

They didn't fly close, but flew towards the rock wall next to them, and then lay on the rock wall. The path they climbed, the plants emitting light blue light, all darkened, and they were eaten.

After figuring out the true face of the three light spots, the three dragons who originally came to find their companions, became very interested in the unique dragon city of Evernight City.

As for the names of the three dragon beasts, I believe Billy and others who live here can give them an answer.

Thinking so in their hearts, the three dragons, who had a short rest, continued to hurry along the passage.


There is no distinction between day and night in the Evernight City.

But for Witt, how much time has passed is quite clear.

It has been half a month since they entered the passage, but they are still rushing through the passage.

They are wrong!

They are quite wrong.

This is not a one-way road, but a complicated cave system, which makes the three dragons embarrassed and difficult to tell the direction.

That's right!

They are lost!

Of course, if they just go back, it will not be a problem, but they don't want to return to the ground now, they have to go to the top.

"So, which way should we go in these three passages?"

As soon as Ao finished speaking, Witt and Isa pointed to different passages at the same time.

Ao rolled his eyes helplessly.

Okay, here we go again!

However, at this moment, Ao suddenly froze for a moment, and then turned to look at Witt and the others.

Witt and the others looked at Ao unconsciously.

The corners of the three dragons' mouths slowly opened, and they felt a familiar breath.



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