Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 333 This is natural!

Chapter 333 This 놆꽭 happened!

Seeing Werther open his mouth, there was another breath brewing in his mouth that made him tremble. Even if Claude lost his reason at this time, he did not dare to resist this.

In his judgment, this attack was enough to injure him.

So, Claude, who was flying rapidly towards Werther, suddenly dodged to the side, and at the same time, the tail behind him swung towards Werther's mouth.

However, facing the same scene, Werther's blazing breath brewed faster than Claude's breath.

Before Claude's tail could hit him, Werther's breath shot out first.

The blazing white flame pillar crazily impacted on Claude's tail, and the huge force caused him to stagnate for a moment.

Seizing this opportunity, Werther turned to look at Claude, and another blazing white breath fell on Claude. The terrifying high temperature even melted the dragon scales on Claude's body.

Seeing this, Werther quickly stopped.

Looking at Claude again, he had been blown away by his breath and landed heavily on the ground.

The dragon scales on the sides of the tail and body have been melted. In the burned areas, the dragon scales no longer have the distinct layering. They have become hardened into one piece, making them look extremely scary.

A burning smell emanated from Claude's body.

But even so, Claude still struggled to get up, his furious eyes showing a calm indifference to everything, still staring at Werther, and preparing to rush over again.

But at this moment, Claude froze, and then froze on the spot, leaving only a pair of eyes, still staring at Werther.

땤Witt was stunned for a moment, then looked towards the house.

꽭Zhen's eyes were shining with dazzling light, and the raindrops around him were motionless.

"Sorry, there is no need to continue this battle!"

With that said, he spread his wings and flew to the training ground, then used his mental power to knock Claude out, and then turned to look at Werther.

"How's your injury?"

Witte had already stood up at this time, his right wing was still twisted and broken, and there were broken dragon scales, flesh and blood wounds everywhere on his body.

However, these wounds no longer bleed.

"My injuries are all superficial injuries, but Claude's injuries should be serious. You can take us back to my store. The advanced healing potions you bought are simply not enough."

Werther didn't want to talk nonsense. He knew the power of the blazing white breath very well. Even though he had exerted his strength this time, Claude's injuries still couldn't be cured by one or two bottles of advanced healing potion.

Hearing this, 꽭Zhen nodded. After a strange look at Werther, his majestic mental power surged out and directly captured Werther, Claude 뀪꼐Céline and the others.

"Shanyue, I'll come back as soon as I go!"

After leaving such a sentence, Jinzhen flew in the direction of Werther's shop.

Soon, the dragons arrived at Witte's shop.

Werther didn't care about dealing with his own injuries and asked 꽭Zhen to help him get all the high-level healing potions on the shelves. He stood in front of Claude and stretched out his crotch to Claude's chest. Wound.

The dragons looked at Werther's penis, easily inserted into Claude's wound, and their expressions changed uncontrollably.

This means that the dragon scales that were stuck together have completely lost their original abilities.

But Witte's subsequent actions told them that their thoughts were conservative.

After Werther tested it for a while, he took the bag back, and then blew hard on Claude's wound, and then there was a burst of dust flying.

When the dust dispersed, the wounds on Claude's body finally showed their original appearance.

The dense dragon scales had disappeared, leaving only a large pit on Claude's body, and the flesh and blood in the pit had turned into the dust just now.

The remaining part was burnt black, and there was no sign of life at all.

The dragons looked at Werther with a hint of fear in their eyes.

Some of them have seen Witte use his blazing breath, some have not even seen it, but none of the dragons have seen Witte use this breath to deal with dragons or dragon beasts.

Now the reason has been found. Witte's breath is simply a breath that kills with one move, aiming to burn the enemy to ashes!

꽭 was shocked and still calm, but he was completely because 껣 had already used his mental power to explore Claude's wounds before.

껩놆That’s why he took action to stop the fight.

On the surface, Claude is stronger than Werther. If they continue to fight, either Werther will admit defeat or Claude will die. Werther's breath is not for Claude to see, but for them.

Witte didn't have time to pay attention to the thoughts of other dragons. After seeing Jin Zhen take the potion, he applied sharp magic to his penis, and then began to cut along Claude's wound.

He definitely couldn't take the carbonized flesh and blood. He needed to cut off all the "coke" and expose the vital flesh and blood.

Hao놇blazing white breath is different from ordinary flames.

There are only three situations: fly ash, coke, and still life, so the meat will not be cooked.

Pulling off the surrounding scales, the sharp 꿮 stick was inserted into the flesh and blood spurted out. With quick movements in his hands, Witte cut off all the burnt flesh and blood from the wound in three strokes.

For a moment, the only color left in the dragons' eyes was the color of blood and flesh.

Well, the dragon's body has a self-protection mechanism. Unless it is hit by dark 꽮prime 껣 magic, there will be no continuous bleeding.

After doing this, Werther began to pour healing medicine on the wound.

Looking at the slowly growing flesh and blood, Werther's eyes turned to the wound on Claude's tail.

There was also attacked by the blazing white breath.

Another similar operation was performed, but this time on the tail, after the cutting, the tailbone was even exposed at the wound.

놇After pouring out the potion, Werther breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let go. When I attacked, I held my arms so hard that the wounds were all flesh and blood. The effect of the advanced healing potion is enough to regenerate the flesh and blood. Otherwise, we have to go next door to ask Boredia for help."

"Tsk tsk!"

Hearing Witte's words, he clicked his tongue in shock.

"A quite terrifying power, completely aimed at killing."

Werther shook his head.

"It's just that 놆 is stronger than 꽮素. There is no power that is completely aimed at killing. It is linked to killing and is always a dragon that controls power."


He subconsciously asked this question, and then Jin Zhen realized it.

"Sorry, I was definitely exploring your power, so I asked subconsciously."

Werther waved his hand indifferently, then frowned.

"There are neither 놆 rules nor 껩 nor 놆 laws. It's more like another route for the development of 놆꽮 element. Uh... don't look at me like that. This power is born from 놆꽭.

I have only lived for so long and I still don’t understand it at all. How can I possibly understand the situation of this power?

However, if I must say it, this power is particularly extreme. The extreme high temperature has no other attributes except high temperature.

Uh... forget it, let's study it later!

I don’t think I’m that special. I’m definitely not the only one with this kind of power. I’ll study it later when I have the opportunity.

After all, individual case studies will only lead to ambiguous conclusions. "

Of course, that's what he said, but Werther is more inclined to ask his father directly...

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