Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 332 Fierce Battle! (4000 words) (1/2)

Chapter 332 Fierce battle! (4000 words)

Chapter 333: Fierce battle!

Wet and the others have already entered the 극 state and will not pay attention to the reactions of other dragons.

"Angry dragon, Claude!"

"Star Dragon, Wirth!"

After exchanging names, the atmosphere between the two dragons became even more tense.


Claude moved, and when he opened his mouth, a stream of high-temperature white gas came out.

The angry dragon's breath - steaming!

The high temperature of Claude's breath is not exactly the same as the high temperature of Werther's body.

Claude's transpiration is a way to use the water element, just like ice and low temperature.

If the high temperature on Werther's body contains the meaning of melting all things, then Claude's transpiration is the high-temperature steam that kills all things.

Facing Claude's breath, Werther was stunned for a moment, and then opened his mouth to spit out zero-degree cold air.

It's not that he doesn't take fighting seriously, it's that Claude's fighting style is completely different from what he knows about the Raging Dragon.

Not to mention the opening breath, in Werther's impression, the angry dragon relies on its wings to even fly.

Fortunately, he adjusted his mentality in time and no longer regarded Claude as an angry dragon, but as a normal dragon to fight.

The essence of zero-degree cold current and transpiration are the same, so under normal circumstances, there is no difference in the power of the two.

However, Claude is a young dragon that has just passed its infancy, while Witte is a young dragon in his mid-fifties. There is an essential gap in the element reserves in the two dragons' bodies.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, the zero-degree cold current fell into the wind and was pushed back directly.

Claude obviously did not expect this result.

His body size is not the same, similar to that of Werther, but this is because he has been larger than dragons of the same age since he was born, and Furious Dragon is already larger than other dragons of the same age group.

Therefore, just after he left the young dragon stage, he had already reached about two meters.

When he saw Werther's body shape, he thought that Werther was bigger than him.

But judging from the current intensity of the breath, this is not just a young dragon!

It’s still a few 굛years old!

Although the two breaths collided and produced a large amount of mist, covering part of Witt's body and unable to see the opposite scales, he had basically confirmed this conjecture.

Do you want to release water?

Claude hesitated.

If the relationship is good, no matter how big the gap is, he will not let go. That is disrespectful to his friends.

But the words of the unfamiliar challenger 놅...

On the other side, Werther felt that Claude's breath had been reduced by one level of power without leaving a trace, and he couldn't help but frown.

Are you aware of it?

But this is not what he wants to fight. He should put some pressure on his opponent.

With this thought in his mind, Werther looked up at the sky.

It should be almost the same!

With this thought, raindrops fell from the sky.

The collision of high temperature and low temperature increases the content of water element in the air, and a large amount of water element condenses into water droplets and drips down.

Seeing this, Werther suddenly stopped breathing, then reversed and approached the ground.

Then there was another zero-degree cold current, combined with the raindrops in the air, and it instantly formed an ice barrier, with a faint blue light shining on it, and the defense was definitely not low!

On the other side, Claude's fighting spirit has weakened, but this does not mean that he is disdainful of fighting.

Since you are here to challenge, you must be prepared to be beaten!

With this idea in mind, Claude changed his target and aimed his breath at the ice wall. He was ready to end the battle as soon as possible.

Claude's breath was indeed not powerful, but it still took some time to melt the blue ice wall. When the ice wall melted, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Eliminate 눂깊!

Realizing this, Claude quickly stopped breathing and looked around cautiously, his five senses being amplified to the extreme.

The effect was of course 놋놅, and he could hear the sound of 놅breaking wind coming from around him.

So fast.

Is this guy really a baby dragon?

Claude's heart began to waver. Even if he tried to catch it with all his strength, he could only see a slight afterimage. The speed was definitely not what ordinary young dragons could possess.

The fighting spirit that had gradually faded before came back again.

On the other side, Werther was cruising in the air at high speed, looking at Claude with a serious expression, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

If you finally get interested, let's face the attack like a violent storm!

Thinking like this, with a thought in his heart, Werther turned around and rushed directly towards Claude.

And in front of him, a gray-white magic circle flashed away...

Magic circle!

Start attacking 깊꼊!

Catching the fleeting light of the magic circle, Claude turned around sharply.

Before he could open his mouth, a dragon tail flashed with cold light and slapped his mouth with sharp dragon scales, leaving white marks on Claude's face.

Then another huge force fell on his chest, and a sharp energy seemed to cut his dragon body into several sections, making Claude's heart beat hard.

Holding back the severe pain, Claude looked down and happened to meet Werther's eyes.

But at this moment, 놅Witt, except for the blazing white lava lines on 깊's chest and the high temperature that seemed to be able to melt all things, was completely different from the one before 껣.

This is Cady’s body shaping magic!

But in terms of power, there is a world of difference between Kadi and Witte in front of him!

Thinking of this, Claude opened his mouth again and tried to force Witte to leave with his breath.

But as soon as the breath was brewing, the dragon claw attacked again, scratching Claude's face fiercely, and the breath was hit back again.

On the other side, Witte had a hint of doubt in his heart.

He had already come close, why did Claude still use his breath?

Can't close combat?

No way!

Not to mention the angry dragon, even other dragons can more or less close combat, which is a dragon's talent.

What's more, Witte can feel that he is physically strong.

This is the result of long-term training.

Although he was confused, Witt didn't think much about it. He just thought it was a battle method. Maybe it didn't make sense for him to say he didn't know.

Thinking of this, Witt started without any hesitation.

He had already turned into a sword dragon. Every dragon scale on his body was as powerful as his claws.

He directly hit Claude's arms. His front claws, wings, hind claws, and tail were all weapons. His movements were smooth without any stagnation. As the cold light flashed, white marks were left on Claude's body.

At this time, Claude was completely trapped in Witt's offensive rhythm. He had no energy left except to take the beating.

Although he was covered with dragon scales, his body was not torn open.

But it is not just bleeding that counts as an injury.

The scales can block the sharp claws of Witte, and the power contained in them is actually acting on the flesh.


"What was he doing just now!"

Kadi was still looking forward to a wonderful battle, but from beginning to end, he only saw the operation that made the dragon cerebral hemorrhage.

When he fought with him, Claude showed extremely powerful melee ability and suppressed him from beginning to end, but now, let alone melee, he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

So, why use breath?

The dragons present saw that the reason why Claude was in such a situation now was that when facing Witte's attack, he chose to use breath to deal with it, but he didn't use it.

And the others who were also watching the battle, Zhen Shanyue and others, had a glimmer of helplessness and expectation in their eyes.

Of course they knew the reason, and, to be honest, they were quite happy to see this scene.

It's time for Claude to step out of his own world!



Accompanied by a dull sound of flesh collision, Claude was whipped by Witte's tail and flew out.

After the dragon body rolled and slid for a long distance on the training ground, it barely stopped.


Witte took a breath and frowned at Claude who stood up in the distance.

"If this is your attitude towards this battle, there is no need to continue."

Claude lowered his head in silence, stretched out his claws and wiped his chest, where there was a long scratch, and around the scratch, the scales were broken and the flesh was charred.

"You are very strong!

Sorry, I underestimated you before.

After realizing that you are a young dragon, I thought I would just use my breath to let you know the difference between us.

I am too arrogant!

Thank you for giving me a chance.

However, I cannot guarantee what will happen next."

As he spoke, a strong smell of blood and the sound of a heart beating violently like a drum came from Claude's body.

His figure began to swell, and blood-colored steam spurted out from all parts of his body, rendering his originally yellow dragon scales redder.

On the dragon horns and claws, blood-red lines began to spread around.

The originally golden pupils turned blood-colored at this time, and the rationality disappeared, turning into anger and pure fighting spirit towards everything in the world.

The already powerful aura surged again, making Witt's eyes solemn.


The meaningless roar means that his endless battle has officially begun!

The wings flapped violently!

Claude's figure disappeared instantly.

Witt's pupils shrank violently, and then he swung his dragon claws towards the empty right side.

Although the shaping magic clearly said that there were not too many requirements.

But in reality, not every dragon is suitable for learning shaping magic.

If your body is not strong enough, then it is difficult to achieve the best effect whether it is "sharp" or "solid", let alone "acceleration" magic.

After all, flying fast is useless. You have to fly fast while being able to see everything around you clearly and control every fleeting opportunity.

If you don't have strong dynamic vision, you don't know whether the enemy can find you, but you certainly don't know where you are flying.

So, being able to use the acceleration magic to that extent, Witt's dynamic vision can be seen.


After a crisp collision, Witt slid back dozens of meters, and there was no dragon where he had just stood.

Witt was not surprised at all.

Instead, the dragon's tail swung and blocked the dragon's claws from behind.

But at this time, Claude's strength was greatly enhanced. Witt's tail was directly sent flying, but Claude just shook his body and continued to attack Witt.

The angry dragons used the power of "rage", which did not mean that they were really irrational.

The irrational one is just a powerful primordial dragon beast.

If that were the case, how could the angry dragon be feared by other dragons?

Compared to the dragon beast, Claude at this moment is closer to an alchemical puppet that only knows how to kill.

There is no useless action, the battle rhythm that does not give the dragon a breath, and the violent and powerful terrorist offensive that leaves no room for retreat.

And these are the combat experiences they have accumulated in battle after battle and training.

Facing such Claude, Witt can only go all out and try to keep up with the opponent's rhythm. He knows that if he can't keep up, he will fall into the same situation as Claude before, and can only take it and can't fight back.

However, Claude has received all-round training at this time.

Even if Witt uses all his strength, he can only barely keep up.

The high-intensity and unreserved battle gradually broke through the defense of the dragon scales on the two dragons' bodies.

The broken scales, like the fragments of exploded rocks, scattered and splashed, and the dragon blood mixed with rainwater flowed freely in the training ground.


Looking at the tragic battle on the field, Celine's face gradually darkened.

This is no longer a battle, but a fight of life and death!

But what bothered her was that this was Witt's choice, and she didn't want to get involved too much in Witt's choice.

Except for Celine, the other dragons also had solemn faces, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

They were afraid that the two dragons on the field would be completely controlled.

On the other side, although Claude was still standing there normally, if you look closely, you will find that all the raindrops around him are suspended in the air, without any intention of falling.

Obviously, he has been prepared for it.



With a loud noise, Witt fell heavily from the air.

He and Claude are still far apart.

Claude is the most skilled in close combat among the dragons, while Witt spends most of his time practicing spiritual magic.

Although his physical foundation is better than that of the angry dragon, he has not experienced high-intensity training.

In this fierce close combat, a mistake finally occurred.

And this mistake was immediately caught by Claude, who knocked Witt down from the air.

Witt, who fell, did not stop at all, and rolled on the ground, barely avoiding Claude's chasing dragon tail, but the great power contained in the dragon tail still set off a strong airflow, making Witt's dodge extremely embarrassing.

Witt, who dodged this attack, spread his wings and was about to return to the air, but a severe pain came from his right wing.

Witt looked in astonishment, but saw that his right wing was broken.

And this distraction, Witt was once again whipped away by Claude's tail.

After a spin, because he only had the left wing, Witt was unable to stabilize his body and could only lie on the ground in a mess, trying to stand up again.

But Claude at this time would not give Witt such an opportunity.

He flapped his wings quickly, approached, and tried to hit Witt hard again.

Facing Claude who was approaching quickly, Witt sighed in his heart, but opened his mouth, and wisps of blazing white flames escaped from the corners of his mouth...

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