Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 334 Claude's Past!

The Blazing Breath was inherited by Witt from his father.

Moreover, according to the conversation, this power is not unique to his father, nor is it the strongest one.

His father must have a very deep understanding of this power.

If possible, he still wants to completely control this power.

Although using the power inherited from his father makes him feel ashamed, he would be more like a fool if he leaves the power unused.

In addition, the Abyss is staring at this world, and he really needs a stronger power.

In addition, he wants to know more information about the Abyss, which may allow him to guess some of the situation on Desidero's side.

There is also the relationship between the Supreme Law and the Supreme, uh... Of course, this is purely to satisfy his own curiosity.

Unfortunately, that old man is unreliable, and I don't know when I will encounter the first dragon scale.

Thinking about this, Witt saw that the green light on Claude's body dimmed a little, so he opened a few bottles of healing potions again and poured them on.

Claude's loss of flesh and blood is not enough, and he needs a lot of healing potions to continuously provide energy for the growth of flesh and blood.

Otherwise, these injuries will become permanent injuries.

On the other side, the other dragons are still thinking about what Witt just said.

The element is familiar to them, not only in daily contact, but also in inherited memory.

The element is the foundation of this world.

Whether it is the dragon clan or the dragon beast, they are actively or passively absorbing the power of the element.

Whether it is the inherited memory or the feeling of the mysterious, they all make it clear that the elemental power in their bodies is more active. When the element is active to a certain extent, they can touch the rules.

Contact, comprehension, borrowing, mastering, after a series of operations, they can get rid of the ordinary and become legends!

The same reason, when you master some rules, you have the opportunity to touch the stem of the rules, that is, the law, and then contact, comprehension, borrowing, and mastering!

This is a complete set of cultivation system.

And Witt's words made them wonder, in addition to the "element-rule-law" system, whether there is another way to become a strong man!

Of course, daydreaming is meaningless and there will not be much gain.

The most important thing is that they are just curious.

After all, a path that already exists and a completely unknown path, which one to choose, even a fool would know.

This is the same as Winters's spiritual magic.

Elemental magic can make dragons extraordinary, so why bother to study and learn spiritual magic.

The so-called different paths are prepared for those dragons whose existing paths are blocked.

So, after thinking about it, the dragons stopped tangling with this problem.

Instead, they began to discuss Claude's performance in battle!

Especially Kadi, he really couldn't figure out why Claude didn't just use melee, which he was more proficient in, to deal with Witte, but used breath instead.

Is it really because of what he said before, that he underestimated Witte?

After hearing Kadi's complaint, Witte couldn't help but become curious.

The number of angry dragons is not counted, but because they hate magic, the communication between angry dragons and other dragons is quite small.

In addition, there is not much communication between dragons.

This leads to the fact that most dragons don't even know what a wrathful dragon is. Even if they have heard of it, they don't know much about it.

Therefore, the Kadi and others are entangled in why Claude, who is good at close combat, chooses to use breath to deal with Witte's attack.

But Witte is different.

He knows the wrathful dragon and knows the character of the wrathful dragon.

Therefore, what makes him more curious is why Claude spends time on magic and breath, and uses them in battle, which is not the character of the wrathful dragon at all.

As if he guessed Witte's thoughts, Zhi Zhen suddenly said: "You don't understand Claude because you don't understand Claude."

Zhi Zhen's words immediately attracted the attention of the dragons.

Seeing this, Zhi Zhen chuckled.

"I met Claude by chance.

Shanyue and I went to the Evernight Forest to look for Ran's magic items. By the way, this is one of our most important sources of income for empty coins, or rather, most dragons.

That was the first time we met Claude."

Speaking of this, a strange look appeared on Ran's face.

"At that time, 놛 was torturing a dragon beast.

Of course, to say it was torturing was only from our perspective, but from 놛's perspective, it was definitely a big battle.

놛 tried to defeat a dragon beast that was almost as powerful as 놛 with a fireball.

Well... in reality, that dragon beast was no match for 놛 at all, provided that 놛 used her best melee combat.

Whenever the dragon beast tried to escape, 놛 would block it with melee power, and when the dragon beast aimed at 놛, 놛 would switch to fireballs and continue to fight the dragon beast."

Hearing this, the dragons looked at Claude, who was still in a coma, with a strange look in their eyes.

So, 뀘 was indeed torturing the dragon beast.

This is equivalent to when Antawana and Celine were fighting, they kept using wind blades, not to mention defeating the opponent, they couldn't even scratch a scale.

꽭 Zhen then said: "Even I was shocked by Claude's battle that year.

Not only because he tried to defeat a powerful dragon beast with a fireball.

It's also because the angry dragon actually hates magic.

There are still a few dragons with poor magic talent among dragons. The angry dragon is one of them, and it is the weakest one in magic talent.

It's even difficult to use a fireball.

The angry dragon is also a dragon with a more violent personality. In their opinion, It was magic that abandoned us, so we also abandoned magic.

So, Claude, the angry dragon who was completely different from my impression, aroused my interest.

It just so happened that the boy from the Shanyue family needed a sparring partner.

We brought him back to the Sky City.

In the process of getting along, we also understood the reason why Claude became what he is now.

In short, it’s actually two words-rebellion! ”

Hearing this, the dragons were stunned. What does this have to do with rebellion?

Fortunately, Zhen didn’t mean to tease the dragons.

“Claude is not actually from here…”

“My family lives in the first block!”

Hearing this, the dragons were stunned for a moment, and then they all became embarrassed. They took advantage of the other person’s coma to discuss the other person’s family affairs, and then they were caught red-handed.

I don’t know when Claude woke up.

After noticing the expressions of the dragons, he smiled and shook his head.

"You don't need to care about it. This kind of thing is actually not a big deal. Just ask around and you'll find out. After all... the incident back then was quite a big deal."


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