Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1466 It can’t really be my fault!


Witt let out a long breath, and a hint of helplessness flashed across his eyes.

What's the point of thinking so much? Let's not talk about what the turning of the cocoon means. Their paths are different. He is just curious about the choice of the cocoon.

And if it's just curiosity, it's easy to satisfy.

The cocoon will not turn into an egg without leaving any tricks. What's the point of him living a new life with so much effort?

So, although Linsda has no memory of the cocoon now, one day the cocoon will definitely reappear in front of Witt.

If you are really curious, you can just ask directly at that time.

From the known information, the fate between him and the cocoon (Linsda) is not low. In the past, present and future, they have intersections.

With this fate, under the premise of no conflict of interests, he will definitely not be stingy with his knowledge.

However, before that...

When Witt looked at the dragon egg on the claw, there was a strong malice.

Leave a message, and then let him be so pitted so miserably, go back to the original time point to deal with Linsda, this is what I have to do in the future, now...

Witt carefully stretched out two claws, pinched Linsda's egg, and then...


Shake hard!

Shake desperately!

Let you exaggerate the number of gold coins, let you exaggerate the number of your collections, let you pit me, I will shake your yolk apart!

Anyway, the cocoon has completely turned into an egg. Without causing dissatisfaction to the other party, a little revenge is not wrong.

Of course, Witt knows the severity, he can't really shake Linsda's yolk apart.

However, since the future Linsda has been born, it means that he, his current behavior, is not wrong!

However, because Witt did not dare to pinch hard, for fear of crushing the dragon egg, so, in the process of shaking, Witt accidentally... The dragon egg fell!

Witt looked at the dragon egg that hit a protruding rock on the ground and then rolled away with a gurgling sound, and his face froze.

This should not be the reason why Linsda performed poorly later!

Witt took back the dragon egg with his mental power in a somewhat nervous manner, and then looked around cautiously.

Very good, no dragon saw it, which means he didn't do it.

Thinking of this, Witt hurriedly put away the dragon egg, and then looked around again like a thief.

Just when Witt saw that there were no witnesses around and was ready to rest honestly and recuperate his own injuries, Witt's brows suddenly frowned, and then looked towards the east.

Several strong auras, led by a legendary aura, flew towards this side.

"Is it the nearby flying dragon nest..."

Witt murmured, and after thinking for a while, he got up and flew towards the sea behind him.

He is not in good condition now. Although the opponent is a flying dragon, he has a legendary leader. As for the situation of a strange dragon, Witt does not want to contact the opponent.

As for why there is a dragon coming...

It is likely that when the cocoon put away the underwater forest before, the sudden increase in water flow not only strengthened the turbulence in this sea area, but also attracted the elements above the sea area, which attracted the attention of the surrounding dragon nests.

Of course, Witt was still a little unhappy about being forced to leave like this.

However, when he thought that all the good things in the Deep Sea Abyss had been packed up and taken away by him, his unhappy mood suddenly turned 100 degrees!

Of course, Witt was not going to cross the sea to Fast Continent, even though Fast Continent was on the west side of Saild Continent.

Similarly, Witt was not going to enter the teleportation space of the underwater dragon nest.

Although the teleportation space is very close, just in this sea area, if you want to go to Fast Continent from there, you still need to pass through Sykes Continent and Sekent Continent, which is a little detour.

Witt just used this sea area to avoid those flying dragons.

Moreover, Witt had planned the route before coming here.

There are two teleportation spaces on the Saild Continent that lead directly to Fast Continent. One is the Misty Valley that caused Kotlin to accidentally go to Fast Continent, and the other is the salt lake that was on the route of Witt's last action.

There is no record of the Misty Valley in "Traveling in the Dragon Realm". It is a new teleportation space. Witt doesn't know whether the Misty Valley exists at this time.

Therefore, his original plan was to return to Fast Continent through the salt lake.

And with the route planned, how could Witt not prepare in advance?

After understanding the rules of space jump, Witt's perception of space has improved by several levels, and the emergency teleportation magic circle, which was often used as a means of life-saving, was naturally transformed by Witt.

Of course, there are only two directions for the transformation of the emergency teleportation magic circle, one is safety, and the other is the teleportation distance.

And now the new emergency teleportation magic circle not only greatly improves the safety of emergency teleportation, but also directly triples the teleportation distance.

And Witt was naturally arranging while flying while rushing to this side.

After flying a little further, Witt calculated that the other party should not be able to detect the fluctuation of space, and he directly activated the starting crystal...

I won't say more about it.

After returning to the landing point of the bloody rain forest on the Saild continent, Witt then went directly east, and after reaching the edge of the endless sea, he began to move south.

Witt, who had once been to the salt lake, did not spend too much time to find the location of the salt lake even at a certain point in the past.

The location of the salt lake in Fast Continent is the southwest edge of the Great Icefield.

After arriving at Fast Continent, Witt did not stop for a moment and followed the edge of the Great Icefield to the Yaka Hills, or more accurately, the Moon Shadow River.

Without other things to do, Witt only had one goal in mind: to find Os!

In addition to helping Jian, Witt has decided not to wander around in the remaining time, but to settle down in the Meteorite Valley until the time fluctuations subside.

During this time, he also had only one goal.

Breakthrough legend!

Therefore, Witt was so eager to hurry.

The shorter the time to hurry, the more time he had left for cultivation.

Counting from the time Witt got the dragon egg from Linsda, after four years of rushing, Witt finally arrived at the Moon Shadow River.

“Desidero is ahead…”

A silver dragon of more than 700 meters stood on the west bank of the Moon Shadow River, looking far to the southwest.

Just now, when he was about to continue along the south of the Moon Shadow River, a warning mental force fell on him.

The opponent was very strong, at least a legendary.

Obviously, a strange dragon of his level, let alone approaching the junction of the Warren Rift and the Moon Shadow River as in the past, was forbidden to enter even the outermost territory this time.

With a bitter smile, Witt's eyes flashed with helplessness.

However, just when Witt was about to bypass, the mental force that had just warned him fell on Witt again.

“Are you… an old friend?”

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