Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1465 This time it’s a dragon egg!

When Witt realized that it was the last message of the cocoon, all the trees on the other side withered and shattered, and a cocoon emitting emerald green light...


To be more precise, it should be an egg!

And at the moment the egg appeared, the green ripples that had disappeared along with the disappearance of the forest, burst out again.

The emerald green light emitting rich vitality, after bursting out, condensed into an emerald green magic circle with complex patterns in an instant.

Witt didn't even have time to observe carefully, the magic circle burst out with a strong light again, and then the magic circle suddenly shrank and condensed into an emerald green crystal.

Then, the crystal fell on the egg, and like a drop of water, it seeped into the egg.

Witt watched this scene with his own eyes, but he didn't have time to think too much.

The underwater forest disappeared, and a thunderous roar like thunder came from all directions. Witt hurriedly poured out all his mental power and collected everything around him, including the egg, into his own reverse scale space.

At the moment when everything was collected, a series of terrifying forces, accompanied by the water rushing from all directions, fell on Witt.

And under the effect of this force, Witt's mind was instantly blank!

When he came back to his senses, he was enveloped by a strong sense of dizziness.

The touch around him made Witt know that he was still wrapped in sea water, but the power contained in these sea waters was something he could not resist at all.

And he was able to turn over constantly under the effect of this force, and everything he could see in front of him had become a kind of scene similar to a kaleidoscope.


Suddenly, accompanied by a sharp pain, Witt's back hit a hard stone wall.

Witt could even clearly hear the sound of the dragon's wings breaking behind him.

And his head was no longer wrapped in the water.

The stimulation brought by the severe pain temporarily relieved him from the strong dizziness and cleared his mind.

Unconsciously, Witt turned around, stretched out his dragon claws, and tightly grasped the rock wall behind him, and then rushed hard...


Another dull sound, and another severe pain came, making Witt groan.

Fortunately, the hard touch on his body made him feel relieved.

He had left the sea.



A strong feeling of dizziness came again, and Witt couldn't help but vomit. After a long time, the feeling of spinning all over the body slowly recovered.

And Witt's perception also returned to normal.

Looking around, he was lying on the rock in a miserable state, with his broken wings drooping weakly at his side.

Turning his head, he saw the turbulent sea behind him and the cliffs that were being hit by the waves.

And he was now at the top of a cliff.

Obviously, he was washed out by the strong water flow in the deep sea abyss, all the way to the edge of the coast, and crashed into the cliff behind him.

As for why he had no power to resist...

Just look at the sea area now, the underwater forest should have had a buffering effect.

Now that the underwater forest is gone, the water flow in the deep sea abyss has become stronger.

Of course, the current situation is probably not normal, but the power that has been accumulated for a long time has burst out at once, which makes him have no power to resist.

When this power is almost poured out, the undercurrent in this sea area will also become stronger, but it should not be as exaggerated as it is now.

The situation in the sea behind him was like this, and Witt then turned his attention to himself.

After the battle with the legendary dragon beast, the injuries that had been stabilized with great difficulty had, as expected, deteriorated in the two violent collisions before.

Witt quickly used his mental power to try to stabilize the injuries in his body, and by the way, propped up his broken dragon wings, and then... Life was healed (79)!

After a lot of work, Witt's injuries were stabilized again.

Then, after confirming the situation around him, Witt turned his attention to his own reverse scale space.

At the last moment, he collected all the things.

And you don't know until you see it, you will be shocked. Witt's reverse scale space is directly full!

Of course, he was not happy at all.

Roughly estimated, he originally used one-tenth of the reverse scale space, and the remaining nine-tenths were filled with the collection of cocoons.

Everything is there, emeralds, metal books, various ores, magic materials, etc.!

However, except for emeralds, all other things together only occupy two-tenths of the space, and the remaining 10% of the space is all emeralds.

This is equivalent to a person holding a bulging wallet, which is 99% of the money in it...

Who can be happy?

But Witt can't give it up. After all, after sorting out the experience of seeing the underwater forest, Witt is 99% sure that the cocoon is Linsda!

And the trees in the underwater forest, Witt felt familiar before...

How can it not be familiar? When Linsda is planted in it and a tail is revealed, isn't it those trees!

Of course, the most important thing is...

As soon as Witt thought about it, a dragon egg emitting emerald green fluorescence appeared in his claws.

Is it Linsda's dragon egg? Witt has never seen it. Although Antawana has seen Linsda's eggs, he knows what green dragon eggs look like.

Moreover, with Winters's knowledge, they would not treat an unknown dragon egg as a green dragon's egg.

So, this is definitely Linsda!

After confirming that it is Linsda, Witt can also help him put away those emeralds.

Who let Linsda grow up under his watch!

Even though it has been confirmed that Linsda is the "reincarnation of Lao Deng", for some reason, Linsda has not inherited all the memories of Jian, or in other words, has not inherited them for the time being.

For such Linsda, it is not a problem to say that he is a brand new dragon for the time being.

However, the operation of cocoon turning into Linsda made Witt think of another question.

Ancient forest dragons appear one at a time, Linsda is the fourth one, and now it is confirmed that Linsda is cocoon, so what is the relationship between cocoon and the other two ancient forest dragons?

Thinking of this, Witt looked at the egg on the dragon claw, and a strange expression emerged.

Could it be that all the ancient forest dragons are actually one dragon!

But the first three ancient forest dragons are all legends, and the life span of legends is extremely long. It is impossible to test what era the first ancient forest dragon lived in.

Can a real dragon do it, reincarnate again and again, so that it can successfully cross several eras?

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