Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1467 My future self, you are such a sinner!

Why did Witt rush all this way?

It was to control the one in his body, which was on the way to death.

He had just broken through to the high level of purple crystal a while ago. He wanted to break through to the legendary level before returning to his original time point, so he could not waste any more time on those insignificant things.

But now it seems that Witt has every reason to suspect that the law of fate in the dragon world is playing tricks on him.

Just like Jian, Jian could tell him directly about his relationship with Linsda, but the law of the dragon world did not let him open it. As a result, within a few decades, Jian's true identity was guessed by Witt.

Did he really guess it?

Of course, this is the arrangement of fate!

If he hadn't left the Dragon's Nest, if he hadn't stayed in the Meteorite Valley, he wouldn't have known who Linsda was.

Without knowing Linsda's specific origins, how could Witt have connected the cocoon with Linsda?

So, Witt directly regarded this matter as a warning from fate to him!

When you should know, you will naturally know, and when you should know, you will know, even if I need to personally go down and seal it, even if... this is a small matter!

And now...

Thinking of this, Witt suddenly smiled bitterly, and then shook his head helplessly.

Well, Witt admitted that he was a little crazy!

The main reason was that this journey was really smooth, and he could attribute the smoothness of this journey to the arrangement of fate.

But in fact, will fate really "focus" on him?

In the end, he was just a small purple crystal.

Everything in this world can be determined by fate, but at the same time, everything in this world can also be regarded as a choice. Choice after choice constitutes a whole dragon path.

And the choice is made by oneself.

Of course, Witt will definitely blame his current situation on his choice. Instead of making things difficult for himself, it is better to make things difficult for the illusory fate!

Well... it's better this way.

While Witt was thinking about this, a strong breath approached his position rapidly, and he had no choice at this time.

This breath is very strong, weaker than Boredia who was about to break through the legend that year. In other words, this is another strong man who is about to break through the legend.

Facing a strong man of this level, he can stand here and wait for the other party to come.

Fortunately, judging from the few short words just now, the other party knew him, and the relationship seemed to be good.

Thinking of this, Witt's thoughts became active.

At what point in time did the dragons from Desidero know his future self, but did not come to see him when he was born.

His aura was about to break through the legend.

This means that when he was born, the other party was probably sleeping, either sleeping to break through the legend, or already reaching the legend and sleeping to enter a higher realm.

This side is close to the Moon Shadow River. The Desidero Dragon Nest is very large. The side close to the Moon Shadow River is already the easternmost part of the Dragon Nest. Although it is in the middle of the Dragon Nest, it is the area with the strongest guard power.

After all, the entire Dragon Nest has people from the academy who need to be guarded.

Just like when he was still in the Dragon's Nest, he knew that there were three powerful dragons in the open, Winters, Albert, and Carlos, the undead dragon who was in charge of the dragon cafeteria.

At the time he was at, Winters was probably not born yet, and Albert and the others should not have grown up yet. The ones guarding the academy should be the previous generation of Winters and the others...

Thinking of this, Witt's mouth twitched, and his eyes were full of strangeness.


Just when Witt was still brainstorming, a bronze dragon that was slightly larger than him and maintained at about 800 meters landed in front of Witt.

A strong breath of water element came to his face.

Of course, there was still some distance between them, and it was likely that the other party considered that Witt knew him.

After landing, the other party first looked at Witt carefully, and then, a hint of nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and a hint of strangeness flashed in his eyes.

And the origin of this hint of strangeness was soon answered.

"I said that I almost didn't recognize you at first. It turns out that you haven't grown up yet. In this way, my appearance is a bit abrupt.

Moreover, this also explains why you were always keen to bully me when I was traveling with you."

Lailong's voice revealed a bit of old-fashionedness, and the slow way of speaking made this bit of old-fashionedness more obvious. Overall, the voice was quite gentle, but...


Witt looked at the other party silently, but a layer of cold sweat oozed out from under the dragon scales on his back.

The other party really knew him and traveled with him.

Of course, this is important. The important thing is that he seems to bully others often.

This is also important.

The most important thing is that this dragon is known to Witt!

Although he has never seen it, he has heard Winters mention it, whether it is Winters when he grew up or Winters when he was a child...

That's right, the dragon in front of him is Winters' teacher, the former dean of the academy who has never been seen and has been in a sleeping state - Kronos!

After an awkward silence for a while, Werther opened his eyes with shining golden light and looked innocently at Cronus opposite him.

"Senior, what are you talking about? How can I understand it?"


After another moment of silence, Cronus suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, you really haven't changed at all!"

While smiling, Cronus walked closer to Werther, and then put his head in front of Werther.

"But, compared to you in the future, you are still too young. You have forgotten my strength. Although I have been suppressing the pace of progress, my talent is not the same.

I have been able to touch the legend, and my perception of the breath on your body is quite keen.

Now is the time in your life.

From the past...from the future...

I believe in the latter more. After all, if you come from the past, your strength is consistent with your ability. Therefore, I dare not say anything.

But there is no doubt that the special fluctuations around you should be the power that keeps you here!

Moreover, your reaction just now shows that you know me.

So, you are from the future. "

Witte looked at the playful look in the other person's eyes, sighed helplessly, and then gritted his teeth.

"With your strength, you should be able to bully a junior like me!"

Hearing this, Cronus grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"you guess!"

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