Douluo: Forced to become a villain, I started to save myself

Chapter 91: Enshrined in the Palace of Consecration, Bibi Dong, the Position of the Holy Son

Bibi Dong had just come out of seclusion, and before she could become a demon, the Enshrinement Hall came to her door.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

In the dark hall, Bibi Dong held the scepter and stared closely at the person in front of her.

This is a tall and burly old man.

His body is like an iron tower, and just standing here is intimidating.

Time has only added some wrinkles to his face, but it cannot cover up the strong edges and corners in the slightest.

This old man is the Second Worshiper Golden Crocodile Douluo.

"Your Majesty the Pope, I and all the brothers also highly recognize the abilities of Your Majesty the Holy Lady."

"But it wouldn't be good to establish a saint and leave the saint son's position vacant. I wonder if your majesty has a suitable candidate in mind."

Looking at the aggressive Golden Crocodile, Bibi Dong tapped the floor with the scepter in her hand.

"As for the Holy Son, it is naturally my registered disciple Xie Yue."

"He and Nana are biological brothers and sisters, and the two have an extremely powerful martial soul fusion skill. As brothers and sisters, they have a perfect understanding and will not have any conflicts. They are the best candidates for the position of the Holy Son."

Golden Crocodile Douluo grinned: "Your Majesty the Pope, both the Saint and the Son are candidates for the future Pope."

"Xie Yue's talent is obviously not qualified. I do have a suitable candidate. I wonder if His Majesty the Pope would like to hear about it?"

Bibi Dong chuckled and said, "Who is the person that Second Consecrator can look up to?"

"Ju and Gui are two disciples of the titled Douluo, Meng Yuan."

Hearing this name, a strong murderous aura flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes.

Obviously, her murderous intention was also keenly caught by Golden Crocodile Douluo: "Could it be that His Majesty the Pope thinks it is inappropriate?"

"That's not right. There is a big problem with his identity."

Bibi Dong said extremely forcefully: "Meng Yuan's grandfather is the chief minister of Tiandou, and his fiancée is the princess of Tiandou."

"The relationship between him and the Tiandou Empire is too deep——"

Golden Crocodile Douluo interrupted directly: "It is precisely because of this that we want him to be the Holy Son in order to repair the relationship with the Tiandou Empire."

"Bibi Dong, don't think that your little tricks over the years have gone unnoticed. Going against Heaven will do us all harm but no good!"

"We old guys are not dead yet. The Wuhun Palace is not a place where you alone have the final say."

Facing this naked threat, Bibi Dong's face turned livid, and his majestic aura suddenly erupted.

Golden Crocodile Douluo stood proudly and said, "Let Meng Yuan be the Holy Son. This is my brother's wish. If you are not convinced, you can come to the Consecration Hall and argue with me in person."

"Brother also asked me to give you a message. The Pope's duty is to manage the soul master world well, not to suppress an empire wantonly."

As soon as he finished speaking, Golden Crocodile Douluo swaggered away, obviously not taking His Majesty the Pope seriously at all.

The scepter in her hand had obvious cracks caused by Bibi Dong. She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Why do everyone in this world have to go against me!"

His eyes have turned dark green, and on his forehead, a strange divine pattern is looming.

Now Bibi Dong is even crazier than before.

While Jin Crocodile went to have a heart-to-heart talk with Bibi Dong, Meng Yuan, who had just left Lingyuan Douluo, also happened to meet Tian Yue.

The only person Mengyuan truly regarded as a friend in Wuhun City was this little crocodile girl.

If it weren't for those unique golden eyes, Mengyuan almost didn't recognize her.

"Why, don't you remember me so soon?"

Tianyue hugged her chest and leaned against the wall, pouting and looking very dissatisfied.

Mengyuan smiled and denied, "No, I'm just feeling that you have changed so much."

"Everyone changes. Maybe this is the so-called trouble of growing up."

"You're only fifteen now."

"But I'm an adult now. Are you interested in eating something together?"


Two people were walking down the street together.

Mengyuan felt that compared with the bustling Tiandou City, Wuhun City seemed to lack a hint of fireworks.

As if she understood what Meng Yuan was thinking, the girl shrugged helplessly: "After all, the people living here are soul masters, and it is indeed not as lively as the Tiandou Imperial City."

"That's why I don't want to come back."

The corners of Tianyue's mouth suddenly raised: "I want to tell you some good news. You are now the Holy Son of Wuhun Palace?"

Mengyuan nodded: "I already know."

"In this round of the Soul Master Competition held in Wuhun City, if you can lead the team to defeat the Golden Generation, you will be the next Pope."

"This is what a big offering means."

Hearing this sentence, Mengyuan suddenly became interested: "Big offering?"

Tianyue nodded: "Yes, that is to say, we will be teammates soon, so have you thought about what kind of team you want to form?"

Meng Yuan said with a smile: "I think the two of us can sweep all competitions without a team."

Tianyue sneered and said: "It's a pity that the rules don't allow this, otherwise we wouldn't even be able to enter the finals. That woman will definitely change the rules of the competition for the sake of her favorite disciples."

"Of course, what's worse is that all the suitable candidates in Wuhun City have been included in the Wuhun team, and we are outnumbered in the future."

Mengyuan tilted his head: "My grandfather is the principal of Tiandou Royal Academy. Since Wuhun Academy can't find a suitable candidate, you can go to the Royal Academy to find foreign aid."

"Anyway, Tiandou is at the bottom every year, so it doesn't matter if we bring in some key players."

Tianyue hugged her shoulders and complained: "Do you really dare to say that since the level of Tiandou Academy is so bad, you still dare to take the initiative to take it in?"

Meng Yuan said nonchalantly: "There are still some good seedlings, such as a Nine Heart Begonia Soul Master."

"Nine-hearted Begonia?!"

Tianyue immediately became excited when she heard the term: "There can only be two soul masters with Nine-Hearted Begonia in this world. I always thought it was a legend, but I never thought it was true!"

Meng Yuan nodded: "Of course, I can also recruit a Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit Master to join us. The two strongest auxiliary spirits will be more than enough for a game."

Tianyue said unhappily: "That little princess from the Qibao Glazed Sect? Are you sure she can keep up with our level?"

Meng Yuan said with a smile: "The level can't keep up, but this little princess is a genius. Now she can assist two soul masters in fighting. When the soul master competition begins, it will not be a problem to assist an entire team."

Hearing this, Tianyue's eyes suddenly lit up: "In this case, we only need to find three more teammates to sweep the entire field."

Meng Yuan nodded: "Yes, we don't need defensive soul masters. With the support of Qibao Glazed Tower and Jiuxin Begonia, it is enough to switch to a full output lineup."

Although it doesn't have as strong a smell of fireworks as Tiandou Imperial City.

But this does not mean that Wuhun City does not have such a rich nightlife.

Young soul masters always like to be lively.

The snack streets here are relatively richer in variety than those in Tiandou Imperial City.

After all, this is an immigrant city, and the residents here are truly from all over the mainland.

Naturally, delicacies from all over the world can be easily found here.

"This is where you can find Xingluo's snacks."

Meng Yuan sighed in front of a food stall.

And Tianyue asked doubtfully: "Can't I buy it from Tiandou Imperial City?"

Mengyuan said in an exaggerated tone: "Oh, my eldest lady, don't you know that Tiandou people despise everything from Xingluo?"

"If you say you want to eat these snacks in Tiandou Imperial City, the boss will tell you that barbarian food will affect the development of your brain~"

Tianyue was so amused that she burst into laughter.

The stall owner of this stall said expressionlessly: "It is precisely because of eating Tiandou's nonsense food that has no nutritional value at all that Tiandou people can be pushed over like Ma Gan'er."

Then the boss laughed and said: "Divide the beef for one person into ten people, and put half of the meat bones on a big plate. The arrogant Tiandou people who are famous for their style always like to do this."

Meng Yuan corrected him: "It's wrong to say that this kind of presentation is specifically to deceive outsiders, such as Xingluo people who came to the imperial city for the first time."

"In a regular restaurant, you can be full and the food is delicious. The only regret is that each dish only has one bite."

The boss smiled, turned the flatbread mixed with egg liquid, and sprinkled it with mixed chopped vegetables, minced meat, eggs, and sauce.

Tianyue blinked and looked at the humorous sarcasm of the two people in front of her with interest. Because of the war eleven years ago and the new round of war that just ended, the relationship between the two empires has completely hit rock bottom.

Now that Tiandou and Xingluo people meet, they will most likely be beaten to a bloody head. Only in Wuhun City would it be possible for people from the two countries to live in harmony.

Wrapping the "coss cake" in paper, the uncle suddenly said: "I really want all the stupid Tiandou people to taste this exotic delicacy. Unfortunately, because of the war, I'm afraid Tiandou will resist everything from Xingluo even more .”

Meng Yuan took the food and said: "Many people died in the war. Nobles and citizens all hate Xing Luo."

"Only in Wuhun City can we talk so calmly."

"Ha, maybe. I used to be a Star Luo person, but that country was so cruel. Letting parents watch their children fight and compete for the so-called honor and inheritance... is really too cruel. This is why I gave up my title. The reason why I work as a street vendor."

Tianyue stared at him and asked: "Uncle, don't you regret it?"

The uncle shook his head: "Everyone has his own choice. My parents and brothers died in the hands of Tiandou people. I can't be friends with stupid Tiandou people."

"But my children are different. They are free to go anywhere in the world."

"Ah, after saying so much, you can treat it as an old man's murmur, don't take it too seriously."

After leaving the stall, Tianyue looked at Meng Yuan and said: "It would be great if the whole world could become like Wuhun City. There would be no fights and the Tiandou people would even buy food from the Xingluo people's food stalls. .”

Mengyuan smiled and shook his head.

The struggle in Wuhun City is even more fierce and dark.

It is the desire that makes us human.

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