It has been two years since Mengyuan left Wuhun City.

He has just celebrated his eleventh birthday.

Wuhun City had not changed at all from the first time he came. This paradise on earth was not disturbed by the atmosphere of war.

Meng Yuan's two teachers, Ju and Gui, the two titled Douluo, are currently in the Star Luo Empire and it will take a while before they can come back.

Mengyuan's first stop when he returned to Wuhun City was to visit his god-sister Lingyuan Douluo.

Now Lingyuan Douluo is still an elder, but he is much busier than before.

She didn't sell Bibi Dong's account to the Pope at all, but Hu Liena, the saintly lady with a gentle style of dealing with things, would still selectively help.

Two years later, Lingyuan Douluo still looked the same as when they first met.

Time has left no trace on her face.

However, Meng Yuan has changed a lot from his previous image.

Now he has become a real teenager, completely different from the little one when he left.

This made Lingyuan Douluo very emotional.

Lingyuan Douluo complained to Meng Yuan: "I didn't expect that the frontal combat capability of the Tiandou Empire is even weaker now than it was eleven years ago. It seems that Tiandou has not learned any lessons in these years."

Under Xing Luo's sudden attack, Da Tian Dou was basically unstoppable.

If the soul master families from all over the country had not spontaneously participated in the resistance, and if the Xingluo royal family had not shown restraint, the shame of the city would have happened again.

Meng Yuan shrugged: "There is no way. In recent years, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has controlled Tiandou's military power. In order to check and suppress the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Emperor Xueye had to weaken the strength of the army."

"But after learning the lessons from this time, I guess Tiandou will also change his previous policy."

What's more important is that now that the Meng Shenji has broken through the Titled Douluo, Emperor Xueye can now take back his military power in a fair and just manner.

Lingyuan Douluo sneered and said, "If we don't learn a lesson this time, Wuhun Palace won't be able to help. That woman has already left seclusion."

Mengyuan raised his eyebrows, obviously not expecting that His Majesty the Pope would be so quick and easy.

It seems that the lesson Snow Emperor left to her is not profound enough, and she needs to find another copy for her to experience.

Then, Meng Yuan changed the topic. He sighed and said: "Kerkra failed to level up, his life span was exhausted, and he unfortunately passed away before the war started."

"According to his will, he has rested forever in his hometown, on the mountain behind a village in the Kingdom of Barak."

As for Kirkela's fake death, Mengyuan had already begun to lay the groundwork in the past two years.

There was no problem with his concealment and disguise to deceive the people in Tiandou Imperial City, but when he returned to Wuhun City, his secret would be revealed all at once.

So for Kirkela, the best option is to fake death and escape.

Lingyuan Douluo Luo nodded, and then said with emotion: "Life is limited, and separation between life and death is inevitable for us."

Mengyuan nodded, and then took out a fiery red flower from the other side of his soul guide.

This flower contains an extremely hot aura, and even the air is distorted by the high temperature it emits.

"When I was in the Sunset Forest, I discovered a strange poisonous weed. I used the characteristics of the martial spirit to cultivate a flower of the other side on it, filtering out the toxicity and retaining only the mild medicinal power. Maybe it can be helpful to my sister. .”

This Bana flower is the flower that has absorbed the medicinal power of Fiery Apricot.

This pair of jelly grass, born from the eyes of ice and fire, can only neutralize the toxins and be effective if taken at the same time.

If taken alone, any one strain is a strange poison in the world.

Among them, the Octagonal Black Ice Grass has been absorbed by Meng Yuan to make up for the inherent deficiencies of his second martial spirit.

The delicate attribute of this apricot plant is in great conflict with his two martial spirits.

Naturally, he left this fairy grass to his god-sister Lingyuan Douluo.

Now the Bianhua flower in Meng Yuan's hand has neutralized the violent energy in the fierce apricot.

Now this mild medicinal power can be absorbed smoothly.

Lingyuan Douluo took the flower that was filled with fire elements and said with a very solemn expression: "Thank you for your kindness. Xiaoyuan, if you need sister's help in the future, just ask, sister will help you no matter what you do! "

As soon as Meng Yuan took out this flower of the other shore, Lingyuan Douluo could feel the extreme desire of the martial soul in his body for it.

At this moment she knew that the value of this flower could make all the fire attribute soul masters on the continent go crazy.

Lingyuan, who was bold by nature, sat down directly in front of Mengyuan and began to absorb the medicinal power contained in this other side flower.

All nine soul rings spread out around her, and the majestic momentum exploded.

The Fiery Lingyuan Martial Spirit appeared behind her, and as Lingyuan Douluo continued to absorb the medicinal power of the other shore flower, he raised his head to the sky and screamed.

The scorching high temperature directly ignited the room, but Lingyuan Douluo was not affected at all by the raging fire.

Mengyuan stared closely at the martial spirit behind Lingyuan Douluo, as the other shore flower in her hand gradually withered and withered.

The martial spirit has also undergone extremely magical changes.

All the burning flames flew towards the Fire Spirit Kite, and then turned into a hot eggshell, wrapping it together with the Spirit Kite Douluo.

Obviously, this is the prelude to the evolution of Wuhun.

This was the first time Mengyuan witnessed the transformation of such a top martial soul, which looked like the evolution of a soul beast.

The fire eggs hatched very quickly, and within just a few breaths, obvious cracks appeared on them.

With a loud cry, a gorgeous red bird burst out of its shell.

Apparently, the Fiery Ling Yuan successfully evolved into the Red Luan.

Luan is the closest to the phoenix among the feathered martial spirits, and its bloodline is higher and purer than that of the kite.

Now the spirit quality of Lingyuan Douluo is at the same level as that of his teacher, Qingluan Douluo.

Regardless of Qingluan or Chiluan, they are both the top beast martial spirits on the continent.

Meng Yuan hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Congratulations, sister, the martial spirit has successfully evolved. From now on, level ninety-five will no longer be a bottleneck."

Lingyuan Douluo, on the other hand, suppressed his inner excitement and took back his martial spirit.

"Xiao Yuan, you, this human-loving sister, will never be done with this in this lifetime."

The evolution of martial souls has greatly increased the upper limit of Lingyuan Douluo's growth.

"By the way, Xiaoyuan, my teacher asked me to ask you whether you are interested in the position of Holy Son of Wuhun Palace."

Mengyuan's eyes lit up, then he bowed slightly and said, "If His Majesty the Pope approves."

Obviously, the Temple of Worship has sent itself an olive branch.

Meng Yuan, who wanted to do something big, naturally had no reason to refuse.

Holy Son, of course he is interested.

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