Douluo: Forced to become a villain, I started to save myself

Chapter 92 Tang San’s Graduation Choice

Time passed very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was time to graduate from the Junior Soul Master Academy.

Xiao Wu held her head in boredom and looked at the blue sky outside.

"Brother, we will graduate this afternoon. Have you decided which soul master academy to go to?"

"Really, Master is such a bad person. He just left without saying a word. I think he is a liar!"

Xiao Wu still feels bad about the master leaving without saying goodbye.

Tang San said expressionlessly: "Since he abandoned me, he is no longer my teacher. Xiao Wu, I hope you won't tell anyone that I once worshiped that liar as my teacher."

Xiao Wu nodded quickly and said, "Don't worry, brother, I won't let anything slip. Your future is the most important thing!"

The golden belt of murder and arson, in the hands of the soul master he killed, Tang San ruthlessly made a lot of money.

When he has enough to eat and drink, his physical development will naturally be much better than when he was a child.

Tang San is now much more mature than when Meng Yuan first met him, and his body looks very strong because he followed his father's instructions and went to the Blacksmith Association to pound iron.

In addition to the Holy Spirit Cult, the biggest beneficiary of this war was Tang San.

Soto City, located on the border between Xingluo and Tiandou, was affected at the beginning of the war.

As a killer with strong patriotic feelings, Tang San believed that he could not just watch the enemy occupy this city.

He also participated in the defense of Soto City, and also assassinated some officers during Star Dou's occupation of the city.

Tang San is now a thirty-level soul master.

Of course, after being stimulated by Tang San, Xiao Wu did not stop practicing and kept pace with him.

Now she was only one level lower than Tang San, and this made Tang San feel extremely depressed.

He cultivates quickly because he kills people to practice. Why can Xiao Wu level up so quickly?

With all the innate soul power, can it be achieved through cultivation?

At this moment, the arrival of a teacher interrupted the two people chatting.

"Tang San, Xiao Wu, come to the principal's office. The principal wants to see you if he has something to do."

After Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other, they followed the teacher and left the classroom.

This office filled with books and documents reduces the sense of oppression brought by the position of principal, and coupled with this chubby figure, it is easy to make people like him.

"Tang San, Xiao Wu, you guys are here! I would like to congratulate you first for successfully getting an invitation to the Tiandou Royal Academy!"

With that said, the principal carefully opened the drawer and took out two exquisite invitations.

This is a pale gold invitation, with the patterns on it made of hot gold foil.

The red sealing mud is even printed with the royal family emblem.

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. It was obvious that they didn't know why this academy, which sounded high-end at first glance, would send invitations to two people in a small rural town.

The principal said proudly: "This year Tiandou Royal Academy launched reforms and greatly relaxed the admissions requirements."

"Now, anyone with innate soul power level five or above is eligible to apply to study at the Royal Academy."

"And those who graduate from the Junior Soul Master Academy and obtain two soul rings can take the initiative to go to the Imperial City to take the exam."

"Geniuses like you will be directly invited by the Royal Academy to study there."

"As for the tuition, you don't have to worry about it. All invited students are exempted, and there is a monthly subsidy of fifty gold soul coins!"

Xiao Wu jumped up when she heard this, and pulled Tang San with a smile and said, "Brother, let's go to the Royal Academy! I haven't been to the Tiandou Imperial City yet!"

The principal smiled and said: "Xiaosan, why do you have any hesitation! I heard from my friends that the atmosphere of the Royal Academy has improved a lot. You don't have to worry about your identity, and civilian soul masters like you are the ones who are attracted by all parties. object."

"What's more, Tiandou Royal Academy has a strong faculty, and the principal, Meng Shenji, who is at the Title Douluo level, will personally teach the students."

"In addition, there are two Contra-level education committee members stationed there. There is no other such a good academy in the entire Tiandou Empire."

Xiao Wu's smile was bright and bright at first, but she immediately collapsed after hearing about a Titled Douluo and two Contras.

Tang San thought about it seriously and said, "Tian Dou Academy is indeed the best choice."

"Xiao Wu, let's go to Tiandou Imperial City! Hey, Xiao Wu, why don't you look so good?"

Xiao Wu forced out an extremely stiff smile: "It's okay, brother, it's just that I haven't been out so far before, so I'm a little excited."

Tang San patted her head lovingly: "Since you have no objection, then let's go to the Royal Academy."


Xiao Wu lowered her head and held the hands in her sleeves tightly.

Brother, I don’t want to go to Tiandou Royal Academy! Woohoo, Titled Douluo is dead, what should I do?

Tang San, on the other hand, happily received the two invitations on the Twenty-Four Bridges at his waist.

To be honest, he never thought about going to Tiandou Imperial City for a tour.

Just after the brother and sister left the principal's office with different moods, a tall figure blocked them in the corridor.


The man was wearing a tattered cloak, his beard and hair were tangled together, and he looked untidy.

Of course, the decadent and depressed temperament exuding from his body is the most eye-catching.

A hint of surprise flashed in Tang San's eyes: "Father, why are you here!"

Xiao Wu's eyes also flashed with surprise: "You are Uncle Tang!"

Tang Hao squeezed out a smile and nodded towards Xiao Wu, then said to Tang San: "Xiao San, will you go out with me for a walk?"

Tang San nodded, and then said to Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, go to the classroom and wait for me."

Xiao Wu nodded obediently. She also needed to be quiet and think about the rest of her life.

She decided to run away and fight to the death to get to Tiandou Imperial City!

"To be honest, Xiaosan and Tiandou Royal Academy are not the best choices for you."

After brewing his emotions for a while, the first thing Tang Hao said when he opened his mouth was to reject the path forward chosen by his son.

Tang San was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "Why, father?"

"Because of the special nature of your martial spirit."

"What's the special nature of my martial spirit?"

Tang Hao smiled and said: "My son, I am very proud of you for being able to assassinate Xingdou's officers, but have you ever discovered that your martial spirit can become stronger by killing?"

Tang San's eyes suddenly changed.

Tang Hao turned his head and looked ahead and said: "The Tiandou Imperial City is full of dignitaries, and the soul fighting field over there is a mixed bag of fish and dragons. The comfortable environment is not suitable for your growth."

"Of course, what's more important is that child Xiao Wu!"

After so long preparations, the most critical topic is this topic, which is related to a hundred thousand year old soul beast!

What a comfortable environment is not suitable for growing up, these are all Tang Hao's words to fool Tang San.

The mimetic training environment of the Royal Academy was definitely more efficient than Tang San's current practice of killing people.

The key issue is that Xiao Wu, the rabbit, must not be able to run away!

Tang San asked in confusion: "What does this have to do with Xiao Wu?"

Tang Hao said in a tone of great emotion: "Tian Dou Imperial City is in a state of dissipation and wealth, and there are even members of the royal family in the Royal Academy."

"Xiao Wu is a child with outstanding talents and has never seen the world. Can you guarantee that she will always be by your side?"

Tang San's expression changed, then he lowered his head and said, "Father, I just regard her as my sister."

A soft smile appeared on Tang Hao's face: "Xiao San, do you believe this? Let me ask you, once the Tiandou royal family wants to grant Xiao Wu a marriage, what will you do?"

Tang San forced a smile and said: "If you can marry the royal family... wouldn't it be good for Xiao Wu's future?"

Tang Hao just stared at Tang San without saying a word.

And Tang San seemed to mutter to himself: "If that doesn't work, let's find another place. But does Xiao Wu have to go to Tiandou Imperial City?"

Tang Hao smiled and patted Tang San on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Xiao Wu will not leave you."

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