District 9

Chapter 571: One point of explosion, the entire line collapses

James is a core member of the Chalke family in the EU III region. He is also one of the main directors of Chalke Investment Bank in Fengbei, and serves as the chief operating officer of the branch. Therefore, the family composition of such a character is, is extremely complex. They can make all the changes in society, but in some things, they are more fragile than ordinary people.

James's wife is the eldest daughter of a high-ranking political official in the European Union Region 3, and she is an out-and-out upper-class socialite. After the two got married, the two families transferred resources to each other, and James served as a link between them, so he gained a lot of tangible benefits. Even at a young age, he became a prince.

As for his wife, James lives in other districts all year round and has to deal and socialize every day, so some things are tacitly understood.

However, there must be a limit to this tacit understanding. To put it bluntly, no matter how you play, you must wipe your butt well, don't cause trouble, let alone affect the interests of both parties...

But once this shocking scandal broke out, it wasn't a problem of not wiping his butt properly, but a problem of James pooping directly in his pants pocket.

If the heroine of the scandal was just a meat seller, her wife would not even give James this call. But the bad thing about this is that the heroine is a very influential A-list star.

The two people's identities are combined, and during their playtime, they were on the verge of investing in the Songjiang Airport project, so the nature of this matter is not just gossip.

After James answered the call from his wife, he panicked and sat at his desk. Before he could think of a countermeasure, the head office's call came directly to his mobile phone.

An hour later, James and his team hurried to Songjiang North Station, took the nearest light rail train, and prepared to rush to Fengbei.

When he first got in the car, James received a call from the third young master: "Hello?"

"I will ask the public relations officer to come up with the most reliable plan and turn my attention to Jin Yuting..." The third young master frowned and was about to come up with his own solution.

"Oh, Xu, it's too late, everything is too late." James loosened his collar and replied with a tired and aggrieved expression: "The head office has already called me."

"...!" The third young master was silent.

"You know, the current speed of information dissemination is faster than a rocket." James said with a trembling voice: "The head office is very afraid that the news will spread back to the EU III region and have a huge negative impact on the investment banks, so I It may have to be refrigerated..."

When the Third Young Master heard this, he clenched his fists unconsciously.

"Peach news is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the media leads this matter to power and sex trade." James said with scarlet eyes: "You know, Xu... The political environment in the ninth district is special, and foreign-funded enterprises are in Every move here will be watched... The head office will not tolerate the fermentation of such negative news that will damage our reputation... So the best way is to keep me cold."

"Suspension?" Third Young Master asked with a trembling voice.

"I may have to go back to the beautiful District 3." James responded in a low voice.

"Then... what about investment?" Third Young Master asked unwillingly.

"I don't know, Xu, don't ask me, I'm very confused right now..." James shook his head: "That's it."

After saying that, James hung up the phone and looked out of the car with very sad eyes.

The assistant carried the heavy luggage and lifted it above his head, preparing to put it on the rack.


A loose bag was squeezed open by the luggage, and a brown cowboy hat fell out, landing right on James' lap.

The assistant was a little embarrassed: "Oh, sir, I'm sorry, I'm too short."

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!!!"

James threw his cowboy hat to the ground and kicked it like a mad dog.

Police hospital.

A large number of reporters didn't know where they bought the news. They crowded into the corridor of Jinyu's ward, holding cameras and taking pictures.

Seven or eight people in Jin Yuting's team, together with the police officers in the hospital, fought hard with each other. The corridor was full of noise and the scene was heated.

In the ward, the assistant kept calling the Third Young Master with a pale face, but the latter never answered.

In the club, the third young master looked down at several phones that kept ringing, and his head almost exploded. Things were developing too fast, and every call was asking him to make up his mind and come up with a solution, but now he was almost overwhelmed by the pressure.

Jin Yuting was lying on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling without saying a word.

In this matter, the Third Young Master wanted to get investment, James wanted to get political resources and land for horse racing, and even Lao Wang got two Charlie's Angels.

But when Jin Yuting thought about it carefully, what did he get? ! There is only the cake drawn by the third son, a kidnapping that hangs by a thread, and endless troubles.

Jin Yu stopped lying on the bed and turned to look out the door, but felt that he was not even as good as an assistant. He fell down and was shattered to pieces, but the assistant had no job, so he could still find another one.

This poor woman was very strong. The more she thought about these things, the harder she gritted her teeth. She didn't even shed a single tear, let alone shout or make a fuss.

2 p.m.

The Police Inspectorate and the Independent Commission Against Corruption held a press conference at the same time to announce the suspension of more than a dozen officials in the photos and videos exposed by the media for investigation. This decision was personally approved by the mayor.

At this point, Songjiang's political faction with Lao Xu as the core began to tremble.

The new airport project was announced to be temporarily stalled, and the investment from Chalke Investment Bank was not mentioned at all. All that was done was to clean up and quickly calm the public opinion.

It's about six o'clock in the evening.

Wu Di called Qin Yu and said bluntly: "It's just one knife away from killing the Third Young Master and Lao Xu."

"Which knife?!" Qin Yu asked.

"Negative news has been brought to Chalke Investment Bank and the new airport project. I will immediately let the media continue to pay attention and raise questions at several points. First, is it just entertainment and pastime behind the collective bombardment of some leaders? , or is there hidden corruption? Second, did James from Chalke Investment Bank get a large rebate for the project? Third, Lao Xu’s project team is required to disclose the details of the cooperation. The people of Songjiang have the right to know. What is Chalke Investment Bank trying to take away from our hometown..." Wu Disi said very clearly: "After the media's three attacks, I immediately brought the topic back to the death of Lao Yang. He once bombarded Guo Lao Xu, the Third Young Master, was also an expert in economics, but he was shot dead after telling the truth. What does this mean?"

Qin Yu said immediately: "I understand what you mean."

"As long as the murderer of Lao Yang can be found and the evidence chain is solid, Lao Xu will be defeated and Xiao San will be killed!" Wu Di said in a low voice: "And this is up to you."

"Okay, I'll do it."

"Spring is coming soon, brother." Wu Di said with a smile and hung up the phone.

Qin Yu, who had not seen each other for two days and one night, returned home at night and saw Coco and others eating.

"Hey, are you back?" Coco asked as she stood up.

"Damn, I'm exhausted." Qin Yu took off his coat and took off his smelly shoes: "Please help me get something to eat. I'll wash my face, eat something and go to bed."

"Holy shit, you're using me as a nanny?!"

"I beg you, eldest sister." Qin Yu replied sitting on the bed.

Five minutes later, Coco walked in with clean dishes, chopsticks and fast food. As soon as he set them for Qin Yu, he found the eldest brother sitting on the bed and snoring.

After running around the planning area all night and attending the press conference after returning, he was so tired that even an iron man couldn't bear it.

Ke Ke looked at Qin Yu, who had small cuts all over his body, and murmured in a daze for a long time: "This sand sculpture is really tired."


Lao Xu sat on the chair, looking down at the tablet, frowning slightly.

"We've already talked to the Wu family, but the city won't nod... The Independent Commission Against Corruption and the police inspector won't act so fast, without showing any mercy." The secretary reminded in a low voice.

"Book a ticket. I'll go to Fengbei." Old Xu said in a low voice: "I want to see what it means and how far it will take this matter to stop."

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