District 9

Chapter 570: Powerful Combination Boxing

Inside the Black Street Superintendent.

Feng Yunian hung up the landline phone and immediately shouted to his secretary: "Call Qin Yu over."

"Okay." The secretary nodded and left.

A few minutes later, Qin Yu strode into the director's office and asked with a tired face: "What's wrong, leader?"

"Lao Wang is basically cold. The inspector has arrived at the police station." Feng Yunian frowned and said, "I just contacted people at the police station and recommended you to attend the briefing on the kidnapping case."

Qin Yu was stunned when he heard this: "Am I qualified? Shouldn't all leaders participate in such a glorious event?"

"I will attend the press conference, but you have to come to talk about the case." Feng Yunian responded with a smile: "After all, you are the deputy leader of the task force!"

"Then this is a good thing?!"

"Old Wang is probably going to be furious. I originally wanted to bring you to the task force to deal with you, but I didn't expect you to be punished now." Feng Yunian pointed at Qin Yu and said, "You are responsible for Bruna and Jin Yuting. The hostage was successfully rescued after returning, which is a great honor. But now it cannot fall on Lao Wang, do you understand?"

"Haha!" Qin Yu grinned: "Comfortable!"

"Cooperate well with the leaders of the police station, keep your attitude low, and be good at talking. After you finish this matter, I will push you to take a step forward." Feng Yunian said in a no-nonsense manner.

Qin Yu stood up immediately after hearing this, saluted Feng Yunian and said: "Thank you for your leadership, I am willing to take a step closer and share your worries for the leader..."

"Go away." Feng Yunian waved his hand.

"After everything is done, I will find a villa and arrange some Lao Wang programs for you." Qin Yu said sarcastically.

"Don't talk nonsense." Feng Yunian frowned and ordered: "Xiao Xing's line must be locked up. He is a hard-core dog-legger around Xu Liang. I suspect that the motorcycle killer who killed Lao Yang was also found by him. You have to dig deeper. Let’s find clues and try to solve this case.”

"I understand." Qin Yu nodded seriously.

"Go." Feng Yunian waved his hand.

Inside the clubhouse.

The third young master stepped to the window, and after hesitating for a long time, he dialed Wu Di's number.

Joy Palace.

Wu Di looked at the caller ID and said with a sneer: "What a fucking turn of events! I almost knelt down for him last night, but now he takes the initiative to find me."

"Who?" Ye Lin asked.

"Mistress." Wu Di gasped and reached out to answer the phone.

The phone was connected, but the two of them were relatively silent.

Tens of seconds later, the third young master lowered his head and said: "You make a price, and I will buy the subsequent materials in your hands."

"Okay, you ask Chalke Investment Bank to hold a press conference and announce that it will completely abandon investment in Songjiang, and I will let go." Wu Di responded softly.

"...Wu Di, don't make it impossible to end it." The third young master replied with a gloomy look: "If you have to hold on to the matter with this breath, it may not be easy for you later."

Wu Di took a sip of coffee: "Qin Yu asked me to tell you that he is a villain, and the character of a villain is to take revenge. You have tried to kill him again and again, but now he bites you, what do you think? Can he take the initiative to let go?"

The Third Young Master pondered for a long time, then gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, I will ask Chalke Investment Bank to announce its divestment, and you ask Qin Yu to relent."

"Okay, I'll wait for Chalke Investment Bank to hold a press conference." Wu Di agreed.


The third young master immediately hung up the phone.

In the office, Ye Lin frowned and asked Wu Di, "Are you really ready to let him go?"

"Let go!" Wu Di said with blazing eyes: "The wind outlet is now with me, I will kill him."

"I think so." Ye Lin immediately echoed: "I know very well what kind of character Xiaosan is. He is stalling for time and thinking of countermeasures, but he will never let Chalke Investment Bank give up investing in pharmaceutical factories."

"I will use this opportunity to cripple him." Wu Di put down the coffee cup and looked at Ye Lin with a smile: "I did the right thing by suppressing Qin Yu."

After the case press conference was successfully held, the director chatted with Qin Yu alone for five minutes, but he did not mention Lao Wang at all, and did not hit Qin Yu sideways. Instead, he said very vaguely that the police station might Promote a few more young cadres.

This is a signal, a signal that the director-general is not taking care of Lao Wang's affairs, and it is also a signal that Qin Yu has officially entered the sight of Songjiang's top leadership.

Of course, Qin Yu would not naively think how much Wang Quan admired him. He knew very well in his heart that Lao Feng had fought for this five-minute conversation for him, so this director was his biological father.

Qin Yu has been in the system for a long time, and has worked with three leaders, so he has found some ways now. He knew that Feng Si's support for him was not just as simple as some appreciation, but that Old Feng was also planning...

The next day.

Qin Yu began to interrogate Xiaoxing, and the main focus of the interrogation was not cases outside the district, but the case where he hired a murderer to kill economics expert Lao Yang.

Lao Yang is Feng Yunian's good friend, so it is clear at a glance whether this case is serious or not.

Inside the Songjiang Club.

Two public relations teams are urgently formulating plans to contact the people behind the scenes.

The third young master sat on the sofa with a stubble on his face, drinking strong tea and asked: "Who is behind this, have you figured it out? Do you know how much information the other party has? "

"I contacted several companies and they offered sky-high prices." A publicist who came from Fengbei frowned and said: "But it doesn't make much sense to buy the news back now. Because the other parties are looking for small studios. If you buy one, there may be ten others who have the material."

"What I want to hear is the solution, not for you to analyze the situation!" The third young master said with scarlet eyes: "I can't delay Wu Di for long, do you understand?!"

"Mr. Xu!"

At this moment, a clerk rushed in in a panic and shouted with a pale face: "Something... something big has happened. The other party has leaked information again."

The third young master heard the sound and jumped up: "What's wrong?!"

"The relationship between Jin Yuting and... and Mr. James was exposed. Photos of the two of them returning to the hotel and having close physical contact were also released..." The clerk swallowed and said: "The title is very It is instructive, which roughly means... In the projects invested by Chalke Investment Bank in Songjiang, there are a lot of power and sex transactions... Even celebrities have become commodities that can be drank, eaten and slept with..."

"I fuck your mother!"

The Third Young Master roared angrily, his eyes widening: "They are just trying to get away with it. Okay, okay, I'm looking down on you!"

Inside the new offices of Chalk Investment Bank.

James stared at the news dumbfounded, sweating all over his head.

"Dip Lingling!"

The phone rang. James looked down and saw that it was his wife.

"Hello? Honey!" James pretended to be calm and answered the phone.

"...You disgusting cowboy!" My wife seemed to already know something.

"Oh, no, dear, please listen to my explanation. This is something made out of nothing, and it's a secret..." James stood up, his brows furrowed, and he was already incoherent: "Someone maliciously attacked our investment bank!"

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