District 9

Chapter 572: Father and son beside the river

Before Lao Xu Lin went to Fengbei, he specially asked the driver to go to the city and pick up Xiaosan to the frozen Songjiang River.

By the river, the cold wind was howling. Old Xu, who was nearly sixty years old, was wearing a very old woolen coat, walking slowly on the stone steps with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

The car slowly came to a stop, and the third young master opened the door and walked out. He looked up and saw his father, with uneasiness and guilt in his eyes.

All the resources that the Third Young Master has were given by Lao Xu behind his back. And his various behaviors outside do not represent himself, but his father.

The collapse of the new airport project and the exposure of scandals have affected more than just a few people on the surface. If the Third Young Master loses, then in a sense, Lao Xu loses.

On the other hand, Wu Di was able to win this matter by luck, not because of his personal energy, but because he also had the support of big bosses behind him. Otherwise, the city's response would not have been so quick, and the judicial agencies would not have been so resolute in arresting people for interrogation.

Therefore, the third young master felt very uneasy and guilty. He felt that it was his own mistake that made his father so passive.

By the river, Lao Xu waved his hand at the third young master, beckoning him to come over.

The third young master stepped towards his father, his expression was depressed, his eyes were dull, and he did not even dare to raise his head.

Lao Xu held the railing with both hands and asked softly: "Why don't you answer the phone?"

"...!" The third young master was silent.


Lao Xu sighed, turned to look at the river covered with frost and snow, and whispered: "Your friend, your partner, trusts you so much and gives you support, but now something has happened to you and you are hiding, you let What should they do?"

The Third Young Master pondered for a while and replied: "I won't hide, I just haven't figured out how to deal with it."

"What is the name of the boy who has been following Wu Di during this period?!" Old Xu took out his cigarette case and recalled carefully: "His name...is his name Qin...?"

"Qin Yu!"

"Oh, yes, Qin Yu." Lao Xu sniffed, lowered his head and lit a cigarette and said, "This guy is Lao Li's disciple, I know him."

"What's up with him?"

"I was thinking that some time ago, this guy lost his backer and funds, and his suppliers may be pried away at any time. If he doesn't make the right move on his own, he will be doomed, but he still hasn't agreed to the conditions you gave him. ." Lao Xu smoked a cigarette and looked at the Third Young Master with a smile on his face and asked: "...How did he survive that period of time?"

The third young master was stunned when he heard this.

"You have received a higher education and are from a well-known family in Songjiang. How come you don't even have the psychological quality of a child waiting to come to the planning area?" Lao Xu asked softly.

The third young master was silent.

"Was it too smooth before?" Lao Xu asked.

"Dad, I... I just ruined the good card in my hand. I... I don't know how to face you, and I don't know how to face my friends." The third young master did not have any Quibble, just very depressed.

"The top chief executive of the Eighth District rose to the top after three ups and downs; Han Sanqian from Kaiyuan was in such a mess when he left, and almost lost his life. But after so many years, he is better than I was stronger before." Old Xu smoked a cigarette and sighed: "Life is a battlefield. Some people work for firewood, rice, oil and salt, some work for wealth and fame, and some work for ideals and ambitions... But have you ever seen anyone who is a victorious general?!"

The third young master pursed his lips upon hearing the sound.

"Son, you have to admit defeat, but you can't afford to lose." Lao Xu leaned on the railing: "Even if you are going to jail tomorrow and sentenced to death, you have to do well today and you can't live up to it. Those who have always trusted you. Have you ever thought about how many people will be disappointed as soon as your phone is turned off?"

The third young master did not expect that his father would not complain to him at all, but instead would be more patient than before to remind him.

"Things are not that bad. The worst outcome is that it only comes to my level. I stand up and give an explanation to the people." Lao Xu reached out and patted the third son on the arm: "I am sixty. I can work for two more terms at most, but you are different, you still haven’t finished half of your life, do you understand?”

The Third Young Master looked at his father, who had gray hair on his temples, with red eyes, gritted his teeth and nodded: "I understand, Dad!"

"Look at the situation clearly. If we lose this game, we have to endure the fight." Old Xu said softly: "It's time to deal with the aftermath, and it's time to deal with it. When you make up your mind, use the best state to meet the worst result. When you do this, you might find that many things are not as bad as you think.”

"Yes." The third young master nodded heavily.

"I'm going to Fengbei. I'll leave the house to you." Old Xu threw away the cigarette butt, stamped it out, and ran towards the car with his hands behind his back.

The Third Young Master looked back at his father, his fists clenched, his eyes red, but his uneasy and anxious heart stabilized again.

The next day, noon.

After Qin Yu finished eating, he said to Coco in a concise manner: "I have a friend named Zhang Liang. He has a large idle factory in Pingdao District. I asked him to call you this afternoon and you go over and take a look."

"I'm not a navigator, why should I go over and take a look?" Coco rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I asked Uncle Liu Zi to take you there."

"Who are you talking to?"

"Why do you look like you've taken gunpowder?"

"I'm here, my mother, and I feel extremely unhappy."

"Then stop the bleeding. You are so mean to me." Qin Yu responded with a smile: "That's it. Hurry up and see the factory. If it's suitable, use it as the address of the new factory. Wu Di is urging this. .”

"Okay, I understand." Coco nodded.


Qin Yu hurriedly left the yard, got in the car and rushed towards the superintendent.

Black Street Superintendent.

Qin Yu walked in the corridor and watched the two doctors leaving in amazement. He immediately asked the old cat: "Why are the doctors here?"

"Wen Yong was just routinely questioned by the police inspector. As soon as the other party left, he fainted." Old Mao replied scornfully: "Isn't there him in the villa? He must have been frightened to death. "

"...Haha, Lao Wen is also in a miserable state. He is unlucky for so and so." Qin Yu responded with a smile.

"If Lao Xu falls, Wen Yonggang will be miserable in the future." Old Mao sighed and said, "I feel a little pity for him now."

In the office of the Deputy Director.

Wen Yonggang was lying on the rest bed, with a hot towel on his forehead and an IV drip on his left hand. His whole face looked sallow.

"Si Wen, Si Wen... do you think this case can be handled this way?" The captain of the sixth team was sitting next to him and was reporting on his work.

Wen Yonggang's eyes were straight, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Wen Si, do you listen to me?"

"Fuck a horse, I thought about it all night and couldn't figure it out... Why did Lao Wang have to go to the window and fuck those two golden guys!" Wen Yonggang shook his head fiercely and cursed.

A team office area.

Qin Yu sat on the chair, turned to the old cat and asked: "Did Xiaoxing vomit?"

"No, this kid started to act like a rogue," the old cat shook his head: "He's playing dirty."

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