District 9

Chapter 2208: One Thousand Flying Generals, Jumping over Dragon City

At Fengbeinan Pass, one thousand self-defense troops would definitely not be able to defeat Liu Zheng's troops with two regiments of troops, but their sudden attack could disrupt the battlefield and win a critical opportunity for the Zhou troops outside the city to attack.

outside the city.

After Commander Zhou learned that the self-defense forces in the city had joined the war, he immediately drove out of the camp and led a group of generals to the forward position.

When Zheng Kai saw Commander Zhou entering the battlefield, he immediately urged him urgently: "Commander, I'm here to command, so it will be fine. You go back and rest..."

"I'm fine." Commander Zhou stepped into the trench, reached for the long-tube military telescope, and looked at Fengbei City.

In recent days, Zhou's attack has not been smooth. The special zone wall in Fengbei is too strong, and there are a large number of arms warehouses on the left and right sides of the south pass in the city, where there are heavy steel plates that can temporarily repair the special zone wall. A hole is blown out. As long as it cannot be penetrated in one round, the gap will be blocked by steel plates. Then the enemy will build a temporary defensive position with three layers inside and three layers outside along the gap, so it is difficult to break through here.

Commander Zhou was anxious. He stood in the trench, frowned and said to Zheng Kai: "The Self-Defense Army does not have many people in the city. We cannot seize this opportunity. Once the people from the Lu family come in, there will be no one in this city." Law fight."

"Yes, I have asked the frontline troops to step up the attack and prepare to pile up all the explosives brought along both sides of the South Pass and blast two large gaps..." Zheng Kai whispered his plan. .

"It takes time to put the bombs up. Now I'm afraid that the Self-Defense Forces won't be able to hold on." Commander Zhou looked up at the special zone wall and said, "We can't seek stability at this time. If you do this, notify our air force and let the fighter jets forcefully enter." At the South Pass, detect the firepower density of the enemy's air defense units, and then let the helicopter formation carry the infantry and airdrop into the special zone wall. As long as the inside is disrupted, the door is opened, and a gap is blown outside, the battle will be over."

"Okay, I will select the combatants who will enter the city immediately." Zheng Kai nodded, looked at Commander Zhou and continued: "You'd better go back and rest, it's very chaotic here..."

"No, I'm right here." Commander Zhou refused again: "I'll see how you fight."

Zheng Kai couldn't resist him, so he turned around and called the chief of staff and began to deploy an siege plan.

About ten minutes later, at the small temporary military airport built near Xinxiang, the only dozen or so enemy fighter planes left in the World War II zone flew to Fengbei.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers with experience in rappelling were temporarily transferred from various departments and entered the camp where the helicopter formation was located.

Zheng Kai's military vehicle arrived, and more than a thousand soldiers immediately gathered. The officer in charge stepped forward and shouted: "Total one thousand and seventy-six people, please give instructions from the commander!"

Zheng Kai stepped in front of the soldiers. He wanted to say a lot in his heart to encourage everyone, but when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

Airborne into the South Pass is a very risky job. There are supporting anti-aircraft firepower and a large number of troops stationed in the city. If this group of people jump in, they don't know how many people will survive.

Zheng Kaixin felt somewhat ashamed and guilty for letting the soldiers fight with their lives, but if he wanted to win, there would be sacrifices.

Zheng Kai stared at the crowd, and after a long silence, he saluted and shouted: "Whether Nanguan Pass can be successfully captured depends on you all!"

"The battle will be won, the attack will be conquered!" the officer in charge shouted with his head held high.

"The battle must be won, the attack must be conquered!"

In the empty camp, the shouts echoed for a long time.

"The Eighth District has joined the war, and all the Sichuan Army has also gone north. We have no way out. This battle will either end with the annihilation of our entire army, or we will definitely win!" Zheng Kai shouted with a military salute: "Get on the plane. ,Set off!!"

As soon as the words fell, more than a thousand people scattered and rushed towards their respective crews.

More than 20 minutes later, we reached Fengbeinan Pass.

One of Liu Zheng's regiment leaders shouted on the phone: "How long do you have until you arrive? The Zhou Department is already preparing to attack. We may not be able to hold on. Please get in as soon as possible!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the air defense units in the city started shooting on their own, and more than a dozen enemy fighter planes flew in from outside the special zone wall.

Bomb nets were densely covered in the sky, and the enemy aircraft group suddenly raised their altitude, using air-to-ground missiles, and launched a fierce attack on the air defense firepower points in the city.

The error tolerance rate of air combat is too low. A small operational error may lead to tragedy of aircraft crash and death. What's more, this small-scale enemy-killing aircraft group is facing the military air defense force of the capital of the Special Administrative Region.

"Bang bang!"

Two explosions sounded over Fengbei. The two hit fighter planes chose to glide outward after being hit to avoid falling into the city and blowing up people's houses. However, the aircraft lost serious control. When one of the fighter planes was about to fall outside the city, it hit the wall of the special zone and exploded into pieces.

"Buzz buzz!"

The helicopter formation took advantage of the anti-aircraft firepower and quickly entered the scene while they were all pulling bomb nets upwards.

Fifty or sixty helicopters entered the city and immediately used machine guns to sweep the enemy positions.

At the same time, the commander shouted in the cabin: "Everyone is airborne, don't wait, jump!"

To say that the soldiers in the cabin were not afraid was sheer nonsense. Many young soldiers' legs became weak the moment they arrived at the cabin door. They looked at the firefight zone in the enemy's defense area with extremely frightened eyes.

"Must win!"

"Must win!"


The veterans jumped first. They shouted slogans and encouraged the people behind them to jump from the sky.

"Bang, bang bang!"

Several helicopters hovering in the sky were concentrated by anti-aircraft guns and instantly exploded into pieces. The soldiers in the cabin who had not had time to rappel disappeared together with the scorching light...

After landing, a large number of soldiers below gathered themselves and went straight to the center of South Pass to fight. The helicopters that had cleared the rope-dropping soldiers also quickly lowered their altitude and fired wildly at Liu Zheng's garrison troops.

Victory is won by sacrifice.

The garrison troops left behind by Liu Zheng originally had the idea of ​​​​escape early rather than later, so when they discovered that Nanguan Pass had completely fallen into a meat-chopping battle, they were afraid that their troops would be disrupted on the battlefield and unable to retreat, so they broke up first. , the commander also ordered the withdrawal of the defense zone in order to protect himself.

At this moment, the unbreakable south gate of Fengbei finally became loose.

More than 300 Zhou soldiers and officers fought desperately to fight all the way to the city gates, blasting open the defensive stronghold left by the enemy. Covered in gunpowder smoke and blood, they shouted outward: "The door is open!!! Enter the city. !”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Zhou soldiers who came in from the surrounding space immediately came over to cover him.

Outside the city, Zheng Kai took a walkie-talkie and shouted: "Now, all the frontline troops are pressing in!"

Inside the government building.

Lao Li looked at General Xiang and said, "Shall we also go to Fengbeinan?"

Chief Xiang looked at him and replied quickly: "You go first."

North wind outlet.

Several helicopters landed, and Qin Yu took people off the plane. Gu Tai'an went to the southwest and northwest, but he came to the northern battlefield.

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