District 9

Chapter 2209: Secret battle, confrontation

In Fengbei, in the government affairs building, Lao Li frowned and looked at General Manager Xiang and said, "Hasn't everything been taken care of? Why are you staying here?"

"I still have some things to do." Commander Xiang turned to look at him: "You take our civilian staff and go to Nanguan Pass first. You must remember that if the Zhou department wants to control our people, everyone Be sure not to resist and actively cooperate.”

Lao Li has followed Mr. Xiang for many years and knows his temperament very well, so when he saw him insisting on staying, he already had a premonition in his heart: "Lao Xiang, there are only people...!"

"I know what I want to do and what I can do." Mr. Xiang looked at him with a smile: "Listen to me and leave quickly."

Lao Li clenched his fists.

"Let's go." Mr. Xiang waved his hand.

Lao Li knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he just looked at his old friend blankly for a while: "Then please pay attention to your safety."

After saying that, Lao Li turned around and left.

"Lao Li." Mr. Xiang called out.

Lao Li stopped and looked back at him.

"Take care." Mr. Xiang said with a smile.

Lao Li nodded numbly, opened the door and left the office.

General Manager Xiang stared at the empty office, walked to the desk, took out a file bag from the drawer, and called back: "Xiaowen."


A young man walked in wearing a suit.

"Has the car been arranged?" General Xiang asked.

"Okay, we're already downstairs." The young man nodded.

"Okay, get ready, I'll go down right away." Mr. Xiang replied.

"Yes." The young man turned and left.

General Manager Xiang took the file bag and went to the inner lounge. He put on a decent-style windbreaker. He stood in front of the grooming mirror and carefully arranged his collar and slightly messy hair.

His old face appeared in the mirror. Mr. Xiang fastened his buttons meticulously, looked at himself blankly for a few seconds, and then turned around and left.

Two minutes later.

The motorcade at the back door of the Government Affairs Building started. Seven explosion-proof vehicles, carrying more than 30 special police soldiers from the General Police Department, escorted General Xiang away.

The motorcade drove straight to the west side of Fengbei. The empty streets along the way were rapidly retreating. In the once prosperous Fengbei, now there was no one on the streets.

After driving for about ten minutes, the convoy arrived at the Xihuan District, passing through a main road and preparing to turn.


A violent explosion resounded, and the leading car was hit by an RPG without any warning. The front tire on the left side burst, and the car lost control. It rolled over and pushed forward five or six meters along the street.

In the car, a young man with his face covered in blood picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Enemy attack, defend!"

"Squeak, squeak!"

Two cars at the back stopped, and the special police officers in the cars got out of the car with guns in hand. After getting into position, they fired at the street entrance.

A large number of people wearing triangular scarves and special police equipment appeared on both sides of the street and began to advance forward to attack Chief Xiang's motorcade.

To the west of the city, in a private garden.

Yan Botao, wearing casual clothes, stood in the living room and shouted: "Don't take it, it's too late."

There was a sound of footsteps upstairs, and two guards rushed down with a woman, each carrying a large suitcase.

"Then... have you contacted me over there?" the woman hurried downstairs and asked.

"The contact has been made, let's go quickly."

"Have you arranged for someone to find Lao Xiang?" The woman came closer and asked very fast, "Can you think of a way to get Ziyu...?"

"Someone will handle the matter over there. We must leave now." Yan Botao said impatiently: "Otherwise, if the Zhou department comes in, we will all be finished."

"Okay, okay!" Yan Botao's wife nodded repeatedly.

"Come on!" Yan Botao greeted and led everyone outside.

At the gate of Bieyuan, a secretary saw Yan Botao coming out and immediately asked in a low voice: "The top brass of our General Council have also gathered. Do we want to go together?"

"No." Yan Botao waved his hand directly: "Let them rush to the garrison location of the Lu troops and assemble there."

"Okay." The secretary reached out and opened the car door.

Yan Botao bent down and sat in the car, and asked in a low voice: "Have you finished contacting Lu Xi?"

"After contacting us, they expressed their willingness to protect the safety of our personnel." The secretary got into the co-pilot.

"Okay, let's go." Yan Botao loosened his collar slightly nervously and urged him.

Tens of seconds later, the convoy started and rushed to the north area of ​​​​Fengbei.

Fengbei North Pass.

Lu Bosen, who was originally planning to join the military headquarters, had already withdrawn with the people from the headquarters. Because the Zhou Clan had penetrated the South Pass, it was obviously risky for them to forcefully enter the city center at this moment.

In the headquarters, Lu Bosen was scolding General Xiang, saying that he was a shameless politician who was double-dealing and had no position at all at the critical moment. He was a pure faggot.

The generals of the Lu family were giving advice and reporting on the fighting situation in the city.

Within the Western Ring District.

Seven or eight senior cadres of the regional council walked out of a government-dedicated apartment together, carrying their leather bags in their hands, and hurried towards the car.

"Chairman Yan, have you gone to the Lu family?" a middle-aged man asked his assistant.


"Damn it, we really have to fly away when disaster strikes." The middle-aged man cursed in a low voice: "We agreed to go together, but he still played his tricks..."


Just as the middle-aged man was speaking, a dull gunshot suddenly came from the street on the left, and a guard fell to the ground on the spot.


Several off-road vehicles rushed over from the side, and more than a dozen people in the vehicles picked up their automatic rifles at the same time, and pulled the triggers at the hurried politicians.

Fierce gunfire rang out, and the politicians who were preparing to flee alone were exposed at this moment. They were unable to resist the organized and premeditated massacre, and fell in a pool of blood on the spot.

The gunfire soon stopped, and a masked man wearing a SWAT uniform got out of the first car.

"Who...who asked you to come?" The middle-aged man who had spoken just now fell on the curb and asked in horror.

"From today onwards, there will be no party or government ties in the ninth district." The masked man replied coldly, rushed down and raised the muzzle of his gun.


A gunshot rang out and the middle-aged man was killed on the spot.

On the road to the north of Fengbei, Yan Botao was lowering his head and playing with the phone when he suddenly heard a muffled sound from the windshield in front of the car.

"There are snipers!" the driver yelled, pulling his neck.

Yan Botao came to his senses, immediately bent down, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Let the car in front handle it, don't worry about it, just drive over!"

Fengbei's Xihuan District is home to a large number of party and government cadres, and the Xiang family's ancestral home is here.

A very ordinary off-road vehicle stopped. Chief Xiang stepped out of the vehicle and said to the people in the vehicle: "You guys can go to Nanguan too."

"Commander, we are waiting for you."

"No need to wait." Mr. Xiang stood outside the car and patted the other party's shoulder: "I have a place for you to go. You can go."

The three people in the car, after being silent for a long time, gave him a police salute.

Mr. Xiang turned around with a smile and walked towards his ancestral home. He didn't go with the large convoy just now, but took only three people and took a detour back here.

This ancestral house is where Xiang's dream began, and now he has returned here.

At the same time, in Fengbei City, a large number of high-level officials of the regional council were shot and purged.

Mr. Xiang still left no room for these people.

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