District 9

Chapter 2207 Sight

On the Fengbei battlefield, Liu Zheng and Lu Bosen discussed that the Lu faction would let them out of the city, and part of their main force would be stationed at the south gate. After the Lu faction entered the battlefield, the two sides would immediately exchange defensive positions and let the remaining troops Withdraw from Fengbei.

At first, Lu Bosen wanted to eat Liu Zheng's troops and didn't want to let them leave. But now the battle situation has become complicated. Whoever captures Fengbei first may decide the outcome of the war. Therefore, he can only accept Liu Zheng's conditions. .

After Liu Zheng led the core generals of the command to withdraw from Fengbei, Lu's main force on the north began to enter the city on a large scale, and rushed to the south gate as soon as possible to prepare to take over the city defense position.

in the car.

Lu Bosen ordered his subordinates to contact Commander-in-Chief Xiang, and said bluntly: "Commander Xiang, we need to meet and talk. Although the Shensha Corps has fallen, the alliance between us can continue..."

Director Xiang took the phone, was silent for a moment and replied, "Where can we talk?"

"Just stay at the headquarters of the former Military General Administration. I'll have someone pick you up." Lu Bosen replied.


After that, the two parties ended the call.

The chief of staff sat in the co-pilot, looked back at Lu Bosen and said: "Commander, in extraordinary times, we still have to be careful about Lao Xiang. After all, his son is over there in Sichuan. If he has any special ideas, it will be very difficult for us. It’s also a hidden danger.”

"That's why I asked him to come." Lu Bosen intervened and replied: "Liu Zheng has left, but the situation in Fengbei City is also very complicated, and the party and government also have a certain influence in the hearts of the people, so if Lao Xiang comes later Yes, you need to send troops to station around the municipal building to control the situation. You also need to control some of the self-defense forces operating in the city."

"I know." The chief of staff nodded.

Lu Bosen lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "Hurry up and urge the frontline troops to quickly complete the defense change with Liu Zheng's troops. As long as the south gate is defended and the Zhou faction cannot get in, the Fengbei war will be over."


"If Lao Xiang is willing to continue to cooperate with us, then we still need to win over him." Lu Bosen frowned and said: "It is really difficult for others to get around the Ninth District Government Affairs Gate except him, and the European Union District There, they also value his influence."

"Yes." The chief of staff nodded: "The situation is so complicated now. If we can win over more influential political factions and leaders, it will have a positive effect on the outcome of the war."

"As soon as the Liberal Party's troops attack, we will have no way out. We can only win, not lose." Lu Berson sighed and said, "...the war started too early."

After the words fell, the car fell into silence.

Near the municipal building.

Chief Xiang was wearing a windbreaker, sitting on a step, looking at the staff of the logistics unit in front of him, who were distributing relief materials to the refugees.

The secretary tried several times to persuade him to stay in the building to avoid danger, but Mr. Xiang refused.

Not far away, a middle-aged man in his fifties came over panting, bent down and sat next to Mr. Xiang and said, "Oh, I haven't worked for a long time. My whole body aches when I move..."

"Lao Li, you said we live in Fengbei. Why haven't you noticed before that this city has such a side?" Mr. Xiang stared blankly at the scene in front of him and asked in a low voice.

The middle-aged man named Lao Li lowered his head and unscrewed the kettle, thought for a moment and replied: "Chief, one moment and another moment. In the past, we sat in conference rooms and offices, surrounded by social elites in suits and leather shoes... They have blocked a lot of sight for you and me. Now that there is a war, Fengbei City is in a state of turmoil...the social elites in front of us have all dispersed...our sight has returned."

Chief Xiang took out his cigarette case, considered it for a while and murmured: "I remembered when the district was first established. At that time, people came into the city and the streets were full of refugees... You and I were maintaining stability on the streets like this... In a flash... Years have passed and it seems like history is repeating itself.”

Lao Li drank water and said nothing.

Not far away, a guard came over and whispered in Chief Xiang's ear: "The troops of the Lu family are almost at the defense change point."

Chief Xiang lit the cigarette slowly and said in a low voice: "Actually... at the last moment, haha, I still have my own political interests to consider."

"I know, if Xiao Xiang leaves, it will be a cold stove to burn Qin Yu, and if you stay, it will be a hot stove to burn Chensha Corps." Lao Li replied softly: "No matter whether the stove is hot or the stove is cold, whichever party invests in the right way, Xiang Xiang No faction will fall."

"Now that I think about it, it's a bit ridiculous, haha!" General Xiang grinned and commented softly: "I now understand a little bit why Gu Tai'an was able to win the military and political struggle in the Eighth District, and why he was able to win after the war. The situation has to be stabilized so quickly.”

Lao Li didn't answer the call again.

"Alas." Chief Xiang sighed, turned to the guard and said, "You give the order."

"Yes!" The guard nodded.

"The intervention of external forces has pushed the national sentiment to the extreme, and the hot stove of unification is burning unstoppably." General Xiang stood up and said: "I... let me add some fuel to the fire."

"Yeah." Lao Li nodded heavily.

Chief Xiang said nothing and walked towards the crowd.

On the way to the Military General Administration, Lu Bosen's Chief of Staff suddenly received a call: "Hello?"

"Yan Botao's people called and said that Lao Xiang might be making some moves at the South Gate." The person on the phone spoke quickly.

The chief of staff was stunned.

At the south gate, a rally call sounded suddenly from the Self-Defense Army camp, and a thousand soldiers on standby quickly assembled.

"Every unit has it. The target is Fengbei South Gate, Liu Zheng's defensive area." The leading officer stood in front of the soldiers and shouted: "Punch through there, open the door, and welcome the Zhou Dynasty into the city."


The soldiers shouted in response.

"Set off!"

The officer issued the final combat order.

Inside the city.

Yan Botao whispered to his subordinates: "Lao Xiang, that bastard, has been threatening me with my son's safety. Now that Lu Xi is in the city, this is the best time to retaliate against him. Catch him and come back in exchange for Ziyu."

"Understood!" A middle-aged man in a suit nodded heavily.

Fifteen minutes later.

Fierce gunfire rang out at the south gate of Fengbei, and a thousand self-defense troops in the city rushed towards Liu Zheng's defense area.

outside the city.

An officer from the Zhou Department was at a loss when he heard the gunshots in the city: "Didn't they change defense? Why did they open fire?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Kai's call went directly to the headquarters, and he said very quickly: "The self-defense forces in the city are ready to open the door to us. You can regroup your forces and attack them in one go!"

at the same time.

Gu Tai'an took a plane and headed straight to Sanfeng Mountain.

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