District 9

Chapter 2206 Feng Ji’s situation

In the evening, at half past nine, Songjiang.

Daya stood in the municipal building and whispered to Meng Xi: "There is a problem now. If we station in Beifengkou, there will be nothing we can do here in Songjiang. We cannot mobilize garrison troops. If the Lu clan sends troops, We have no way to defend ourselves. Moreover, the number of captured Feng soldiers currently exceeds our combat troops. How to deal with this group of people is also a problem."

Meng Xi thought about it for a long time and said, "Take away all the captured soldiers of the Feng clan and enter the North Wind Pass together."

"This is a security risk." Ma Laoer immediately frowned and said: "Except for a small number of Li Jie's troops who escaped, the number of captive soldiers we have captured so far is more than 13,000. Their number is high As for our combat troops, once a mutiny occurs on the road, it will be difficult for us to control it. Moreover, these people are all die-hard Feng faction members. It is not very realistic for you to let them join the war to fight against the Liberal Party troops. In case of command on the battlefield, Not moving or causing riots will also have a great impact on us."

Meng Xi walked around the room and made a decisive decision: "We will not let these captive soldiers carry guns. After we take them into the Beifengkou battlefield, we will let them build fortifications, supply lines, and engage in military transportation. They are also soldiers. We should also contribute to the fight against the aggression of the Liberal Party. After the war, if these people perform well, we will send political cadres to do ideological work for them and quickly recruit them. But if they want to rebel and mutiny during the war, then it will be directly Kill them on the spot. The management unit does not need to report it, just report the exact number of people killed."

"But it's difficult for our field brigade to manage so many people alone." Daya thought for a moment and said, "How about we wait a minute and wait until our troops from the southwest theater arrive and give them some captured soldiers?"

"This is a good idea." Meng Xi nodded: "When the troops commanded by Commander-in-Chief Qi Lin arrive, give them general captive soldiers. This will make management easier."

"Then how to solve the Songjiang garrison problem?" Ma Laoer asked: "How about letting the Zhou troops withdraw 8,000 people and guard Songjiang first, and then we can move to the Beifengkou battlefield as soon as possible?"

Meng Xi shook his head directly: "Songjiang cannot be left to outsiders to be garrisoned. It must be garrisoned by our own troops."

"The Zhou family is not considered an outsider, right?" Ma Laoer said with a smile: "Commander Zhou is still a man of character, and he should not do any sneaky things."

"I didn't say who would do anything sneaky." Meng Xi explained softly: "It's just that we can't afford any more internal problems, so we have to be cautious. In this way, Brigadier Wang will first lead two full regiments, Rush to the Beifengkou battlefield, while Station Commander Ma and I stay to garrison Songjiang. When our troops from the southwest theater and the Lukou battlefield arrive, we will allocate a regiment from each brigade to garrison Songjiang together."

"That's okay." Da Ya agreed.

Ma Laoer lit a cigarette and asked Meng Xi softly: "Commander-in-Chief, did the division commander tell Feng Chengzhang how to deal with it?"

"He asked us to handle it ourselves." Meng Xi lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "I will call Feng Ji."

"Haha, Feng Xi is in trouble now." Ma Laoer said with a smile: "Even if they don't agree to our conditions, He Xi will be on guard against him. I think it's going to be dog eat dog down the line."

Meng Xi shook his head and said nothing more.

After Daya and others left, Meng Xi talked with Ma Laoer again and asked him to quickly contact celebrities from all walks of life in Songjiang to work together to stabilize the current chaotic situation in the city.

Ma Laoer has a wide network of contacts in Songjiang. He has contacts with journalists, local gentry, well-known enterprises, and high-level politicians. Therefore, now that the war in Songjiang is over, the Sichuan army must still rely on these people to exert power among all strata of society to prevent panic. The people calmed down so as not to cause large-scale riots.

After everything is settled.

Meng Xi finally got on the phone with Feng Ji.

"...!" Feng Ji felt complicated on the phone, and he didn't know how to communicate with Meng Xi. Because they were the first to break the alliance agreement, and now that Songjiang was defeated, he really had nothing to say.

"General Feng Ji, I have two conditions." Meng Xi was very straightforward and said without courtesy: "First, the Feng Clan completely declares surrender, disbands the military command department, and turns over guns to station in Songjiang. Second, you must Expose the He clique and Lu clique, colluding with the EU military and political forces, and the Liberal Party military and political forces in an attempt to seize control of the nine districts and start a war. If these two points are met, your father does not have to go to military court, and I will give him a decent life. In the end, let him retire in the Feng family apartment."

Feng Ji didn't reply.

"If the Feng Clan does not accept the peace talks and is prepared to continue on its path to darkness, then I'm sorry, but the captured core generals of the Feng Clan, as well as Feng Chengzhang, will be put on public trial immediately and executed as war criminals." Meng Xi said this. After a pause, he added in a soft voice: "General Feng Ji, you are one of the commanders who participated in the Northwest Battle. I have never doubted your feelings and loyalty to your nation and hometown. I hope you can choose carefully as soon as possible. End the Civil War.”

"...I hope to discuss this matter directly with Qin Yu." Feng Ji replied in a low voice.

"General Feng Ji, Commander Qin has given me full authority to handle the Songjiang issue." Meng Xi paused and said euphemistically: "What's more, if you let him talk to you at this time, what problem can you solve? "

"In the Lukou Port battlefield, you do not take any initiative; in the Beifengkou battlefield, the Wu faction and the Self-Defense Forces are also retreating." Feng Ji frowned and said: "This phone call between you and me may decide the war. Toward."

"Haha." Meng Xi smiled and replied: "General Feng Ji, let me tell you this. If Feng Chengzhang was not the father of you and Feng Yuchang, he might have died in the battle by now. You know the Zhou Clan, and the Wu Clan Are there many officers around who want to kill him? Do you know how many people in Songjiang want to kill him and make it quick? I hope you choose carefully, that's all."

After saying that, Meng Xi hung up the phone.

Feng Ji slowly put down the phone and buried his cheek in his hands, feeling extremely irritable and helpless.

Before Feng Chengzhang was captured, he made a phone call to him and told him personally that the Feng troops must not surrender, otherwise he would be doomed and the Feng family would be doomed as well...

Feng Ji understood what his old father meant. Once he surrendered, his life would no longer be his, but something that was in the hands of others and could be taken away at any time.

But if he didn't surrender, would Meng Xi really kill all the core generals of the Feng family in a rage?

The Sichuan government will never be lenient in doing this kind of thing, and Feng Ji knows this in his heart.

Continue to fight?

When will the civil war end?

In the past, Feng Ji had no right to make decisions. Feng Chengzhang was responsible for all the affairs of the Feng family. But now that he was suddenly captured, he was handed such a mess.

How to deal with it? Feng Ji was really confused.


Lu's troops have entered the city from the north gate.

On the military vehicle, Lu Bosen thought about it again and said: "Contact Chief Xiang immediately, I want to see him."

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