District 9

Chapter 1876 Obstructed

In each large platform, the officers have arranged the defensive areas accurately and meticulously. Every soldier is in their respective positions, staring ahead with solemn expressions.

The internal space of the platform is large and the terrain is flat, so it should be a very good impact environment. But what the riot team faced were professional soldiers after all. They used the equipment in the arsenal to build several layers of defense zones in a very clear manner, and they were also equipped with n firepower points that could support each other.

In the tunnel, the deafening sound of footsteps has been heard.

The soldiers were not in a relaxed mood either. Their eyes were solemn, their faces were serious, and there were beads of sweat on their foreheads, and they were ready for battle.

Five seconds later, footsteps could be clearly heard outside the door.

The military chiefs on all major platforms immediately raised their hands: "Get ready!"

In another two seconds, the figure appeared in the tunnel.




Commanders in all major platforms issued orders almost simultaneously.


The leader of the riot team took the lead in rushing into the big platform with a gun, followed by Wuyangyang workers.

The sound of machine gun fire sounded almost at the same time, and a stick as long as one finger swept towards the door like a downpour.

The riot team had no body armor and no bunkers to rely on. They could only rely on their large number of people and hold iron and steel plates snatched from the construction site to block them and rush in.

On Platform 2, as soon as a hundred or so people rushed in, they were swept to the ground in an instant.

The cruelty of shooting at close range is unimaginable to ordinary people. When Zi D hits the body, it is not a small eye, but it will explode after penetrating the body. In addition, there are at least three to four machine guns in the defensive area, which can interweave firepower with almost no loopholes. Therefore, after only one round of confrontation, the entrance to the large platform was already covered with broken limbs and broken arms. No one who died was intact, and it was basically difficult to revive the injured ones.

The smell of fire and blood filled the air, and the sounds of wailing and gunshots intertwined.

The hell-like scene on earth is shocking.

"Charge, charge forward and win!"

Some people looked at the large open platform and saw the hope of returning home in their eyes. They temporarily gave up their rationality and rushed forward as a group.

In the first round of shooting, half of the hundreds of people were killed, but before the second round of shooting started, more than a hundred people rushed out of the tunnel.

"Be careful to save firepower on the machine gun. In the forward defense area, use self-d rifles and hand buds to suppress firepower."

The military commander on the platform kept shouting.


Meng Xi rushed in, hid in the middle of the crowd, and shot him in the head.

After the military commander fell, the junior officer immediately stood up, bent down to the command position and shouted: "I take over the command, don't mess up, continue to shoot according to the previous order."

The other side was also risking their lives. If one commander died, another one would step in immediately to ensure that there would be no chaos in the defense zone and no soldiers escaping.

In front, the workers who wanted to go home, relying on an indescribable obsession, broke through the two layers of defense zones and started fighting hand-to-hand with the soldiers.

"Abandon the defensive zone," the military commander waved his hand and shouted: "Make room for the helicopter formation outside and let them add firepower."

"Swish swish!"

In the defensive area at the back, after hearing the order, the soldiers threw grenades directly forward, ignoring the life and death of their comrades, and forcibly blocked the riot team.

At the same time, the helicopter hovering outside pulled its height to the same level as the platform and passed sideways.

"Da da da da...!"

Two large-caliber machine guns roared from the outside, firing massacres at the breached defensive zone indoors to supplement the interrupted firepower of the platform.

"Ah!!! I don't want to die in this place, I don't want to die...!"

In the defensive area, the beaten and bloody soldiers from the fifth area also wailed and took out their pistols and directly pulled out the safety ring.


There was a loud explosion, and a worker who was lying on top of the soldier was killed together with him.

The machine guns were still firing. After receiving the order, the soldiers in the rear began to press forward and take over the breached defensive area.

The riot team couldn't move forward and was beaten back by the opponent's strong firepower. Only the screaming and wailing compatriots at the door and the co-workers who died with hope...

The first half of the plan for this riot was able to go smoothly because most of the officers in the building had been transferred away. This is where success lies and where failure lies.

When all the rioters rushed to the big platform, the transferred officers and soldiers had already set up defensive areas and were ready to block the attack.

Most of the workers did not have guns or any protective measures. Under the strong pressure of the other party, they could only be mopped down one by one.

There are actually not many defensive soldiers in the several large platforms. The total may add up to more than half a battalion. When divided into various positions, there are only 70 or 80 people.

But these 70 or 80 people occupied favorable terrain and blocked more than 2,000 people.

The riot team retreated and returned to the long tunnel again, but the soldiers from District 5 in the defensive area did not pursue it.

But even so, before the riot team could breathe a sigh of relief, the containment troops coming up from the No. 1 Transport Tunnel had already appeared at each entrance.

"There are people coming down below, what should I do?!"

"There are at least several hundred people, and they are all at the fork in the road!"


Chaos began to arise within the riot team. Old Qiao kept shouting and suppressing, but to no avail.

The scene of massacre on the platform had brought everyone's emotions to the edge of collapse. As soon as the troops below came up, everyone was completely panicked.

"The one with the gun, block it below, while the others organize themselves and charge again." Jiang Xue waved his hands and shouted: "Don't spread out this time, just grab one point and charge. As long as we rush through the defense zone, even if we just go directly from here Jumping down is better than being shot!"

After hearing Jiang Xue's words, the leaders and key personnel immediately went down to defend.

"start to act!"

Li Zhixun shouted through the intercom in the command room.

Two minutes later, the troops of the two battalions below suddenly emerged from the major intersections. The front row personnel held explosion-proof shields and steel shields to resist the sub-d, and pushed upwards in a neat pace.

When the soldiers below began to advance, the enemy's snipers and explosive bomb throwing teams in the distance collectively greeted the center of the riot team.

There were defensive soldiers fighting desperately in front, and new regular troops behind.

Under attack from both sides, the combat effectiveness and firepower displayed by the regular army were completely unmatched by the insurgents. They cruelly and ruthlessly began to crush upwards.

"It's over, it's all over."

"We all have to die."

"You guys from CNM are the ones taking the lead, otherwise we, Chu Qi, will definitely succeed!"

"Kill them!"


The mighty riot team collapsed internally in an instant after encountering strong pressure.

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