District 9

Chapter 1875: The momentum is like a rainbow, killing all the way

Inside the dormitory building.

After Meng Xi, He Dachuan and others grabbed the mobile phones, they returned upstairs as quickly as possible and gathered near the covered bridge with a large number of workers.

Here, a dormitory holds about 30-40 workers, and with one upstairs and one downstairs, the number of rooms must exceed fifty. Therefore, the riot team of more than 100 people has now grown to more than 2,000 people. . The corridors upstairs and downstairs, and the stairwells, were all filled with workers who had just been rescued.

Lao Qiao struggled to squeeze through the crowd, ran up from downstairs, pulled his neck and shouted: "Brothers, I won't say anything else. If you don't want to stay in this place and want to go home, listen to my slogans later." , let’s rush out together as a fucking team!”

"rush out!"

"rush out!"


The roar of mountains and tsunami echoed in the building.

Lao Qiao raised his head and looked at Meng Xi, He Dachuan and others: "You know how to do it, tell me what to do?"

Meng Xi waved his hand when he heard the sound: "Quiet, everyone, be quiet."

Everyone who heard the shouting shut up and waited for Meng Xi to speak.

"Everyone must have seen it when they came here. There is a three-layer iron fence outside the building. In the base compound outside, there is at least one regiment of garrison troops, including machine guns, mortars, RPGs, armored vehicles, and helicopters." Meng Xi He shouted excitedly: "But we don't have decent weapons in our hands, and we definitely can't rush out with just the number of people. Therefore, we have to fight back into the mountain, and use ropes to get out from various large platforms. There is a cliff there, As long as everyone goes down and disperses, the soldiers at the base will definitely not be able to stop everyone. After a while, we will be at the front, and we will shoot. We will grab the soldiers when we see them. We will hug each other and go home. !”


He Dachuan waved his hands and shouted.


The bandits, almost each armed with a gun, rushed towards the corridor first.

"Don't break up the formation," Lao Qiao raised his arms and shouted, "Everyone, come with me and charge!"

"Follow me, do it!"

"Go, go!"


High-pitched and passionate shouts rang out in the building. He Dachuan, Lao Qiao and others led the team in front, leading the workers who were lined up like a long dragon, and rushed towards the mountain tunnel like a rainbow.

Meng Xi was dragged back, staring at a room that had no sign but a sign in Korean that said no entry was allowed.

"Lao He, come here." Meng Xi shouted.

"What's wrong?" He Qiang rushed over.

"There are good things in this room." Meng Xi rushed to the door of the room, took out his pistol, and fired several shots at the door lock.


He Qiang kicked open the room door.

The room was dark and there was not much space. There were more than a dozen bundles of fried t.n.t wrapped in moisture-proof paper placed on two rows of iron shelves.

"Damn it!" He Qiang was startled: "How do you know there are good things in this place?"

"Our circuit construction is quite special. When we are working on it, everyone has to get the tools here." Meng Xi said quickly: "I have noticed that several engineers have taken the directional tools here to open the tunnel. Explode."

"How to use it?" He Qiang asked.

"Quick, move quickly. When the workers go out, spread the explosives on the covered bridge and blow it up." Meng Xi said quickly: "If the amount is too much, go to the lobby of the building next to it." Throw two bundles. Once the wall collapses, the workers over there can come out."

"Do it!" He Qiang waved his hand and shouted into the corridor: "Someone can help."

A dozen workers rushed over from the corridor, carrying the t.n.t with the safety unplugged, and rushed out of the room.

These t.n.ts are semi-military and have special safety bolts and leads. If you want to use them, you must insert the safety bolts and then use the electronic leads to ignite them. Otherwise, just for a few people to blow it up with lighters or something, it would be quite difficult. Unless there is a huge fire here, it is possible to detonate it.

Meng Xi knew this thing and knew how to use it. After all the workers ran into the tunnel, they spread it directly on the ground and inserted the safety bolt.


He Qiang took the automatic rifle and smashed the ventilation window on the floor. He and his three brothers each held a bundle of explosives, inserted the safety bolt, unplugged the electronic leads, and threw it directly downstairs, all the while shouting: "Next to you. Brother Lou, hide at the door and throw bombs."

This toy was very heavy, and none of the three of them had ever thrown it before, so their accuracy was limited. Only two bundles of explosives fell to the wall of the dormitory building next door.

"Come back, come back." Meng Xi shouted.

Everyone ran away and rushed into the tunnel very quickly.

Ten seconds later.

"Boom!! Boom!!"

The T.N.T downstairs exploded, and a whole wall of the dormitory building next to it was blown open in an instant, creating a large hole more than four meters high.


The workers in the building next to him jumped out of the room one after another after the dust cleared.

Six or seven seconds later, the covered bridge exploded, orange flames shot into the sky, and the entire several hundred meters long bridge collapsed in an instant.

The heavy cement building hit the ground, raising thick dust. The mountain was shaken, and the snow that had not melted all year round rolled down.

There was complete chaos near the dormitory building. The workers who rushed out from the adjacent building rushed towards the mountain from below, trying to escape.

In the long and narrow tunnel, Jiang Xue had already joined the workers who rushed out. With the weapons they grabbed, they charged towards the large platform with overwhelming force.

At this moment, relying on the large number of people and the complex terrain of the mountain, the riot team was unstoppable and unstoppable.

The soldiers inside the mountain were too scattered, mainly concentrated near the large platform. The scattered blocking personnel simply could not withstand the attack of more than 2,000 people.

Jiang Xue led the large troops to the last tunnel leading to the major platforms. At this time, several tunnels equipped with rail cars were all in operation. Soldiers coming from the courtyard in military vehicles and armored vehicles were already Came over quickly for support.

On several large platforms, soldiers and officers have also set up defensive areas. They have machine guns, automatic rifles, body armor, and sufficient ammunition. Under the deployment of the general command room, they are organized into groups in an orderly manner, ready to block the oncoming workers.

Jiang Xue leaned in the tunnel and looked at the densely packed military vehicles and soldiers rushing up below. He swallowed with sweat on his forehead: "Damn it, here we are, just trembling for the last time. Rush to the big platform and grab the project With the hanging rope in the room, we can leave. Don't panic, guys, you'll rush with me later!"


"Rush over!"


Hope is ahead, the crowd is roaring and shouting.

Jiang Xue wiped the sweat from his hands, held the gun steady again, looked at Meng Xi who had just ran over, gritted his teeth and said: "According to the previously planned grouping, the leader will lead the people to attack the big platform. If you run out , let’s meet under the cliff.”

"Okay, let's do it!" Meng Xi nodded.

"Brothers, tremble for the last time, rush out and go home!" Jiang Xue shouted hysterically: "Kill!"


The stagnant crowd suddenly surged into action. Those who had guns picked up guns, and those who had tools picked up tools. Following the leader, they rushed out of the large tunnel crazily, followed various paths, and launched an attack on several platforms.

In the command room.

General Li shouted solemnly: "All the sergeants above the platform, stop these workers at all costs. Support will be here soon."

Two minutes later, fierce gunfire rang out inside the mountain.


Several helicopters flew over from the other side of the mountain, along the periphery of the large platform, ready to help the soldiers inside to block the attack.

The machine gunners were sitting in the cabin and had set up their machine guns.

In the uninhabited land of Xibo, an unknown area, a man called Wu Tianyin and said: "Yes, there was a sudden explosion in the No. 109 mining area. We don't know what happened..."

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