District 9

Chapter 1874: Loss of control in the building

The moment the iron door was smashed open, it meant that the soldiers stuck in the corridor were completely unable to guard the entrance to the dormitory building.

Lao Qiao, Meng Xi, and He Dachuan had more than a hundred people here. As soon as the iron gate was opened, the momentum of the big guys was already rising. In addition, the people in front all grabbed the automatic rifles, and the people behind rushed forward, pushing the team in front, and almost instantly poured into the building.

At the entrance of the dormitory building, a dozen soldiers who were stuck behind a bunker to block the attack were instantly overwhelmed by the impact of so many people on the other side.

Meng Xi, He Dachuan and others who were standing in the front were charging with guns. The workers behind came up, wielding tools such as steel drills and hammers, and blocked the opposing soldiers at the entrance and beat them to death.

Crowds of people poured into the dormitory building and ran around, preparing to rescue the workers who were locked in their rooms.

When Meng Xi saw that the scene was a bit chaotic, he immediately pulled his neck and shouted: "Listen to me, everyone, don't run around yet. At least half of the management soldiers in the building have been reduced today, so our officers must have a clear purpose in doing things. This way Only then can everyone run out. Leader, don't get together with the brothers. There are iron gates upstairs and downstairs. We have to spread out to rescue the other brothers and try to use their manpower as much as possible. Those who can shoot should go to the entrance of the corridor. In the supervision room, take out the gun; if you don’t know how to shoot, get the tools and pry open the door quickly. We have to work quickly, otherwise the soldiers outside the compound will come over and we will suffer a loss."

When Old Qiao heard the sound, he also took the lead and shouted: "Yes, he is right. Listen to him, don't mess around, and use the fastest speed to rescue the other brothers, hurry!"

After Meng Xi and Lao Qiao shouted more than a dozen times, the chaotic corridor looked a lot more orderly. The workers had already prepared for a riot, so for every dozen people, there was a leader. They led the big guys and began to rescue them purposefully.


Meng Xi picked up two long guns and a short gun from the entrance of the corridor, turned to look at He Dachuan and said, "We have to go to the first floor."

"What are you doing on the first floor?" He Dachuan asked.

"Grab the phone." Meng Xi said calmly: "If you don't have a phone, running out is useless. The bombers have already taken off, and we can't catch them with our legs."

"Then there's no need to grab the phone!" He Dachuan replied in confusion: "I see that both the management office and the soldiers have walkie-talkies. Isn't it enough to just grab them?"

"Those are frequency-locked and can only be used inside the mountain. They cannot be used outside." Meng Xi shook his head and replied: "And the transmission distance of those gadgets is limited. Xibo is thousands of miles of no-man's land, so there is no use taking it out. .”

"Is there a phone on the first floor?" He Dachuan asked.

"Yes." Meng Xi nodded: "I observed when I came in. Opposite the room where we searched is the check-in point for soldiers and officers. After they come in, they will put their personal belongings in the cabinet over there. Let's go take."

"Okay, I'll take someone with you." He Dachuan nodded.

"Lao He, come here too." Meng Xi called.

"Here we come!" He Qiang led his brother and rushed over.

"Go, get down, hurry up." Meng Xi urged everyone, grabbed the gun, and ran towards the stairs.

The management of the dormitory building is like a very strict prison. There are two iron doors on every floor here: the first is at the end of the corridor, and the second is at the upper and lower stairwells. The place where managers usually stay is in the central corner of the stairwell and corridor. There are several offices there with surveillance videos that can see the situation in all rooms and corridors on the first floor.

This management method is extremely depriving of human rights, but it can effectively block the connection between workers and workers. And once a mass incident occurs, officers only need to control the situation on their own floor outside the iron gate to immediately control the situation.

But today's situation is somewhat special.

First, the Northeast Theater of the Fifth District decided to launch an attack on Tianjin Port in the early morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year. Because the Chinese New Year is a very important festival for the Chinese, the management of the military units stationed there will definitely be relatively lax. Therefore, when they implemented the plan, they transferred many soldiers from the dormitory building to help in the mountain project, which reduced the number of management personnel in the building.

Secondly, if the workers want to cause trouble or riot, they have not been preparing for it for a day or two. They have wanted to do it for a long time and are just waiting for the opportunity.

Third, the problems with the circuits in the first and second districts were accidental, and the workers who came out to repair them were improvised and there was no other solution.

The above three important factors, except for the first one which was planned in advance by the upper-level command department of District 5 of the 109 Mining Area, the remaining two factors are full of chance, with a certain degree of premeditation and a certain degree of coincidence.

The combination of these circumstances led to the riot, which fermented faster than previously expected on the seventh day of the lunar month.

There were few people in the building, but the workers suddenly came in. The only soldiers and officers left in the building were all in a state of confusion and panic. When they finally recovered, many workers had already grabbed their guns and started pushing back wildly inside the house.

If a dormitory where workers are detained loses control, it means that at least thirty or forty people lose control and run out. Even if these people usually don't dare to cause trouble, but now with so many people, they definitely want to run away.

Inside the building, the rescued workers all joined the riot. They began to grab guns and weapons to rescue more companions. Because everyone knows that if there are fewer people, it will be impossible to escape. Only the big guys can push together to get out.

The commotion became louder and louder, and more and more workers ran out. The guards in the building were completely unable to control the situation.

"Buzz buzz!"

In the No. 109 mining area, sharp sirens rang, and soldiers from various locations began to rush towards the dormitory building in formation.

Inside the first floor.

Meng Xi and others went to the entrance of the hall with a clear purpose, where they found the place where officers and soldiers clocked in when they went to work.

The crowd used hammers and firearms to open the lock of the cabinet and snatched many mobile phones from inside.

Meng Xi stretched out his hand and kicked the dead soldier on the ground, frowned and said, "Look for his phone number and use your fingerprint to unlock the phone screen saver."

"Okay!" He Qiang nodded.

Inside the mountain.

Jiang Xue led several members of the military intelligence department and blocked several engineers in a dispatch room with a clear purpose.

"Where are the bombers going?" Jiang Xue asked breathlessly.

The engineers looked at him without replying.


Jiang Xue didn't talk nonsense. He picked someone at random and raised his hand to hug the fire. After seven or eight shots, an unlucky guy's head was beaten into several pieces, his bones, skin and flesh were turned over, and he died in a very miserable manner.

"Where are the bombers going?!" Jiang Xue gritted his teeth and asked again.

Everyone in the room was horrified, and an older middle-aged man raised his hand tremblingly.

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