District 9

Chapter 1877: Live towards death and move forward indomitably (Leader update)

Under the high pressure of machine guns, handguns, rifles, and a series of murder weapons, the riot team with more than 2,000 people collapsed internally in an instant.

Negative emotions such as timidity, panic, fear, etc. spread silently among the crowd, and panicked and nervous words were constantly transmitted, affecting everyone around them.

Most of the people were desperate and could not see any possibility of running out, and they did not have the courage to face machine gun fire again.

Below, densely packed regular troops were advancing upward at a very fast speed. Many people faced the muzzle of a gun, explosive D, and hand l, and unconsciously raised their hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Do it again. There aren't many people on the big platform. Let's rush together and get out!" Jiang Xue shouted loudly while shooting the soldiers rushing up from a lower position.

"Brothers, rush with me again!" Lao Qiao shouted unwillingly: "Come out of the big platform and we can go home."

Some people heard the shouts and approached Lao Qiao; some stood numbly, motionless; some even shouted surrender, raised their hands, and ran down.


In the tunnel, the sound of motors rang loudly, and four armored vehicles rushed up from behind.

The vehicle-mounted machine gun full of mechanical rods, the small-caliber howitzer mounted on the left side of the front of the vehicle, and the invulnerable shield of the armored vehicle appeared in front of everyone without warning.

"Da da da da...!"

The machine guns roared, and the workers who were standing behind, as well as those who ran down to surrender, were mowed down one by one.

"No fight, no fight..."

"Surrender, I don't want to fucking die."

"...Old Qiao, surrender, otherwise we will all lose."


Human nature is like this. Thinking about dying and actually facing death are always two different states of mind. At this moment, even those hard-boned and courageous leading workers completely collapsed. They either persuaded Lao Qiao, or they sat limply on the ground and gave up struggling.

More than two thousand people were trapped in the upper tunnel, like zombies, unable to move.

"Fuck me again," Jiang Xue pulled his neck and yelled: "If you want to die, I will die first, you guys, don't give up!"

No one paid attention to him, and there was no response. Even Lao Qiao was sitting on the ground numbly, at a loss.

"Meng Xi, lead your men to charge again. Trust me, there is still a chance." Jiang Xue hid behind the bunker, shooting while shouting: "We are stopping you, you charge."


The small-caliber howitzer opened fire.


The reinforced concrete wall pillars were shattered like paper. Jiang Xue was caught off guard and his ears were numb from the shock, and he fell to the ground with a blank mind.


"Brother Jiang!"


10 military intelligence officers gathered around and reached out to pull Jiang Xue out of the ruins.

At the entrance of the tunnel, Meng Xi, He Qiang, who was slightly injured, and He Dachuan, who was shot in the leg, were all sitting limply on the ground.

"I can't go back." He Dachuan said calmly.

"Dachuan, surrender... Maybe a few people can be left behind if you surrender." A bandit said numbly: "They won't kill all the more than 2,000 people."

He Dachuan looked at the ceiling blankly and said nothing.


The armored vehicles and soldiers all stopped, raising their guns and aiming murderously at the riot team.

"Zi la la!"

A burst of electric microphone sound sounded in the tunnel. The gunfire here stopped and suddenly became extremely quiet.

"All workers who participated in the riot, I give you thirty seconds to hand over all your weapons, kneel on the ground along both sides of the wall with your head in your hands, and wait for treatment." Li Zhixun's extremely gloomy voice came from the loudspeaker: "If you continue If you resist, this will become a slaughterhouse and you will all be shot."

At the same time as Li Zhixun shouted, at the entrance to the upper level of the tunnel, some of the soldiers who had been blocking the large platform quickly poured out. They were armed with weapons and stuck at the entrance, ready to counterattack and suppress at any time.

Below, the soldiers saw that most of the workers had given up resistance, so they did not press forward rashly. They were afraid that some people would resist in the ranks and cause heavy casualties. They were also afraid that if they interfered with more than 2,000 people at close range, the situation would get out of control again. .

"I repeat, for all those who participated in this riot, I give you thirty seconds to hand over your weapons, kneel on the ground along both sides of the wall with your head in your hands!!...!"

Li Zhixun had just finished shouting half of his words when Jiang Xue, who had been stunned just now, suddenly got up from the ground.

He was covered in dust, and there were bloody cuts everywhere on his face, body, and torso. His clothes were torn, his ears were bleeding, and he looked around blankly.

"Hand your gun, kneel on the ground with your head in your hands!" The officer below, who could speak Chinese, also began to shout loudly, and led his men to step forward and slowly press forward.

"Kneel down, I'll fuck you up!"

Jiang Xue shook the dust from his hair, picked up the gun again, and shouted in a high-pitched voice: "People from the military intelligence team, follow me and fight outside!"

As soon as the words fell, the ten military intelligence officers all held the stolen guns and looked at the upper passageway with a dead look.

"cnm, rush!"

Jiang Xue ignored He Dachuan, Meng Xi, Lao Qiao and others. Instead, he just shouted at his own people and rushed forward.

The soldiers at the entrance above originally thought that the rioting workers had surrendered, and were preparing to apply downward pressure with steel shields. However, they did not expect that eleven of them, Jiang Xue, actually fought back.

Moving forward, Jiang Xue and others passed through the crowd and collectively opened fire at the entrance above.

The four soldiers who were caught off guard were instantly knocked down, but the others also reacted and started to fight back with machine guns.

The 11 people didn't know where they got the courage to rush towards Zid.

Jiang Xue was at the front. He had fired all the bullets in his gun and lowered his head to replace the spare bullets he had grabbed.

"Da da da……!"

Several machine gun rounds came over, and Jiang Xue's left forearm was directly smashed into pieces.

Yes, sweep it away!

The palms and wrists were broken into several sections and fell to the ground in all directions.

The 10 military intelligence officers from District 8 only rushed out less than 20 meters before five of them were shot dead and fell to the ground.

They did not make any noise during their lifetime, nor did they instigate other workers, leaving only a back figure charging forward.

Five people died, three were injured, and the remaining two, relying on the bunker, still fired at the tunnel entrance.

There were not many people coming out of the entrance. After being attacked by 11 people, the soldiers who were not injured or dead immediately got back to the big platform.

Beside the wall, Meng Xi, He Dachuan, Lao Qiao, He Qiang, including the workers who were ready to surrender, stared at Jiang Xue and others in stunned silence, with indescribable emotions resonating in their hearts.

11 people charged towards death and fell on the gentle upward slope. This scene shocked every worker present.

Jiang Xue's left forearm was broken and he was covered in blood. After lying on the ground for a few seconds, he stood up again with one hand on the ground.

"Kneel down?! CNM, since the beginning of the war on the Northwest Front, have you seen any core officers or senior officers in the three regions kneel down to you?!" Jiang Xue looked at him stubbornly, holding a gun in one hand and shouting: "Everyone Wearing military uniforms, carry out my orders and attack the target location! If you can’t go back, your soul must go back to me!”

The two military intelligence officers heard the sound and followed Jiang Xue, rushing forward to the upper entrance.

Meng Xi looked at the three of them and slowly stood up. He may have thought that he was once a soldier and had sworn an oath under a certain flag in the Eighth District; or maybe he didn't want to be caught and shot to death as a leader...

He picked up the gun he had put down, pulled his neck and shouted: "Go home!!!"

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