District 9

Chapter 1039 Interview for Acquisition

Mr. Fu slowly turned sideways, gently touched her calf and said, "I've suffered a lot of losses from helping you twice. This time the commotion has been so big, and you want to drag me in again. If you keep doing this, the company's senior management will I have an opinion."

The middle-aged woman pondered for a long time: "I will tell the superiors about this and give you some resources as appropriate."

"I want to join the Fengbei Branch. If the higher-ups are right, I'm willing to get involved in this matter." Mr. Fu replied calmly.

"It's not a big problem." The middle-aged woman nodded.

"Well, both parties are now at the wheel, and it is estimated that it will be some time before the fight starts." Mr. Fu smiled and nodded: "Let's wait and see first, don't be in a hurry."

The middle-aged woman looked at Mr. Fu lazily: "Have you been exercising regularly lately? How are you doing?"

Mr. Fu was stunned and knew he had to work: "The muscle-building effect is not bad, you can feel it."

"Really?" The middle-aged woman reached out and touched his arm: "It's a little stronger."

"Baby, I'm not talking about this muscle..."

"Hahaha, which muscle is that!"

The two of them laughed and started working happily.

Luhuai Tianlan Villa.

Mr. Huang and his wife had dinner with everyone, drank some wine, and kept making noise until late at night. During this period, everyone did not talk about any useful topics, but just chatted.

After the pleasantries were almost over, Mr. Huang said softly to Qin Yu: "You and Qi Lin, come up with me and let's talk."

"Okay." Qin Yu stood up.

"Xiaoxuan, you and Ke Ke and the others chat downstairs for a while, and we'll go up to talk about something." Mr. Huang ordered.


After saying that, Qin Yu, Mr. Huang, and Qi Lin went upstairs together, but it can be seen that Mr. Huang didn't call him, so he stayed downstairs sensibly and did not follow.

A few minutes later, in the study room upstairs, Mr. Huang sat on the sofa, took out a large medicine box, and took out a dozen Western medicines according to the measurement.

"You want to eat so much?" Qin Yu asked in surprise.

"When you are young, you exchange your body for money. When you are old, you have to spend money to support your body." Mr. Huang said with a wry smile: "Xiao Qin, you should pay more attention. If you don't feel good when you are young, now you are old. All the problems are found."

"Yes." Qin Yu nodded slowly: "What did the doctor say?"

"I can't die, I just have to suffer." Mr. Huang replied calmly while drinking water and taking medicine: "My liver and stomach are not good, so I have to take care of them... You are here today. If you want to be normal, I After ten o'clock in the evening, I rested, turned off the phone, and slept until dawn. I am very healthy."

"Very good, haha." Qin Yu smiled.

"To be honest, I haven't paid much attention to Yaoguang's management in the past few years. On the one hand, it is because my body and energy are really limited, and on the other hand, it is also because my son is not interested in this family business. No matter how big I am, , there is no one to take over, so I rely on the management to maintain it." Mr. Huang put down the water glass, turned to look at Qin Yu and said: "Before you came, Lao Yu and Ke Ke both called me. He said you wanted to The acquisition of Yaoguang... I have also seriously considered this matter, and I am not opposed to it."

When Qin Yu heard that the other party mentioned business, he immediately responded: "Well, I asked Coco and Uncle Yu to greet you about this matter, just because I was afraid that you would think too much about it. Because Yaoguang has given me so much help over the years. Everyone knows that, and Qi Lin has the privilege of independent accounting and independent management on your side, so if I want to talk about the acquisition again, it seems a bit too greedy..."

Mr. Huang nodded lightly and did not answer.

"Uncle, the changes outside the district came so fast this time, and I didn't have much preparation in advance, so I was caught in the middle of nowhere." Qin Yu sighed and said, "Now the military and political affairs of the ninth district have also publicly expressed their support for my move. It’s on the edge, so if I don’t want to move, I have to be forced to move.”

"Well, it's not good to take sides. There are many things you can't control yourself." Mr. Huang agreed.

"Yes. Although I have people available in Songjiang, they are only limited to doing business on the ground. It's really a tough battle. Compared with the professionals, there is still a big gap between these people." Qin Yu said truthfully My own situation: "So, the acquisition of Yaoguang is really a last resort choice for me."

Mr. Huang hugged his shoulders, turned to look at Qin Yu and asked: "Be honest with me, are you just buying Yaoguang to deal with the immediate situation, or do you have long-term plans? If it is just a need If a group of people help you fight the tough battle, then this company... I can't leave it to you."

Qin Yu was stunned.

"It is no exaggeration to say that Yaoguang is my second son and has brought up the industry single-handedly. Although I don't have the energy to take care of it now, I don't want to think about these old people in the company and the brothers who risk their lives for food. , and finally ended up in a doomed situation." Mr. Huang frowned slightly and said, "Even if I want to sell, I have to give these people a good home."

"Don't worry, the things around Dragon City are just an opportunity for me to acquire Yaoguang." Qin Yu immediately responded: "After this, I will still manage this company as a main industry and will not put it there. It doesn’t matter. I will do my best to do a good job in the subsequent benefits for the old management and the salary of the key staff. Let’s put it this way, I have even thought about your future.”

"My escape route?" Mr. Huang was startled: "What escape route?"

"For this acquisition, I will pay you all the money in one lump sum. In addition, I am going to leave 5% of the dry shares for your son. He does not need to participate in the operation, but I will pay dividends every year on schedule. All of them were put on his card." Qin Yu said with a serious face: "In this way, he will no longer have to worry about money for the rest of his life, whether he is a doctor or engaged in scientific research. "

Mr. Huang looked at Qin Yu in surprise: "Will the superiors agree to what you do?"

"The shares will be deducted from me. Why do they have any objection?" Qin Yu replied with a smile: "This five percent is given by me personally and has nothing to do with other people."

Mr. Huang looked at Qin Yu blankly, reached out and patted his shoulder and said, "No wonder Lao Yu has always been so fond of you. This little money is nothing, but you make me feel quite comfortable."

"Uncle Huang, without Yaoguang's help, I wouldn't be where I am today." Qin Yu replied seriously: "I may owe you everything for the time being, but I will definitely pay it back in the future."

Mr. Huang thought about it for a long time: "Okay, I will make two conditions."

"Okay, you say." Qin Yu nodded.

"First, to acquire Yaoguang Security, you have to pay me the full amount of 30 million in one time; second, if there are people in the old management who are unwilling to continue working and want to leave, you must follow the level and contract According to the length of service and the amount of dividends, we will buy them out in one go, so that when these people leave, they can also get a sum of money and live a good life." Mr. Huang intervened and said: "I have these two requirements, no Nothing else.”

Qin Yu was a little surprised: "Uncle Huang... you want 30 million from me, is it a little less?"

"It doesn't matter if I want less. If you have sufficient funds, spend this money on the brothers below." Mr. Huang sighed and said, "It's not easy for these people. They don't have to put their heads in their belts to earn a living. Money, as the boss... we can give more if we can within our capabilities."

"Okay." Qin Yu looked at Mr. Huang with admiration and nodded heavily.

"Then it's settled. You raise money as soon as possible, and I will talk to the management tomorrow." Mr. Huang made a decision.

At this point, Tiancheng's plan to acquire Yaoguang Security was officially launched.

The armed group of nearly 1,500 people and the logistics support team of nearly 500 people will soon change their names.

at the same time.

The area around Dragon City has begun to enter a state of cold war. A large number of living villages, led by the Wang family's large, second and fourth-bedroom houses, have begun to conflict with the third- and fifth-bedroom houses. All the businesses and industries that the two parties had jointly operated before came to a standstill, and the various living villages under the two parties' influence also began to stop moving.

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