District 9

Chapter 1038 Heading to Luhuai

Noon on the second day.

Qin Yu called Coco and asked her and Qi Lin to check Meng and Fu Xiaohao to rush to Fengbei and prepare to go to the seventh district.


Next to the Fengbei light rail station, Ke Ke, wearing a windbreaker and a ponytail, got into Qin Yu's car with Qi Lin and others: "Have you negotiated?"

"Yes." Qin Yu bared his teeth and replied, "Shall we fly to Nanhu to talk to Mr. Huang?"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"Sister, your troops are very fast, and the other side is also making full preparations." Qin Yu replied helplessly: "This battle may start anytime, I don't have much time."

"Okay." Coco responded happily: "I'll go to Luhuai with you."


"Uncle Huang is not in Nanhu. He is recuperating in Luhuai." Coco replied softly.

"Okay, let's go directly to the airport." Qin Yu replied, waved his hand and greeted Xiao Hao: "Here, you drive."

"Were you having fun again last night?" Fu Xiaohao asked, baring his teeth.

"Oh, there's no other way. It's all about living." Qin Yu replied smoothly.

Coco snorted lightly, turned to look out the window, and ignored him.

"Keke, do you think Mr. Huang can agree to this?" Qi Lin asked worriedly.

"My dad called him and talked for a while, but he didn't say yes or no." Coco frowned and replied, "Let's meet and see Uncle Huang's attitude."

Qi Lin nodded and said nothing.

In the evening, around six o'clock.

The plane arrived in Nanhu, and Brother Xiao and Zhan Nan drove to pick them up.

"Ah, after returning to Songjiang, you spread your wings and skyrocketed to 90,000 miles." Zhan Nan joked with a smile as soon as he saw Qin Yu.

"Ninety thousand miles." Qin Yu shook his head and sighed: "Now I am completely sitting on the stove, being pushed forward by things, and I feel very uncomfortable."

"Stop talking nonsense." Zhan Nan didn't believe it at all: "I heard from Gu Laogou that the military and government have already expressed their support for you. This kind of attitude is rare. Brothers, don't forget each other even if you are rich or noble!"

"When I ascend the throne and sit in the palace, I will make you the prince." Qin Yu replied, touching Zhan Nan's dog head.

"Fuck you." Zhan Nan squinted and scolded: "Let's wait until the day you ascend the throne and sit in the palace."

"Ha ha."

When everyone laughed, Qin Yu immediately urged: "I'm not going to eat anymore. Let's go to Luhuai first. It's more important to talk about business."

"Okay, let's go." Brother Xiao greeted.

Although Qin Yu and Zhan Nan haven't seen each other for a while, they have always maintained close contact, and Brother Xiao is in charge of this stall in Nanhu, and he is also very helpful. Therefore, the relationship between the two parties has not weakened, but is actually better than before. They even kissed while fooling around in Nanhu.

Luhuai is the second largest city in District 7 and a commercial city after Nanhu. Many of the top trading companies and industrial companies across the region are here. It is relatively well developed among the Asian League economic cities. .

Qin Yu and others drove three cars and drove all the way. At around nine o'clock in the evening, they arrived at Tianlan Villa in the center of Luhuai City.

This private garden is the top residential area in District 7. Many wealthy businessmen and powerful people live here. There are high-rise buildings and single-family villas in the Villa, as well as special greenhouses, beaches, gardens and other entertainment areas, which can be described as luxurious to the extreme.

Qin Yu walked in the garden like a country bumpkin, turned to look at the surrounding environment, curled his lips and sighed at Zhan Nan and Brother Xiao: "Oh, this is a completely different world from the outside. In order to get food in the planned area, the territory , people’s heads are almost turned into dog heads, but here the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, the warblers are singing and the swallows are dancing... It’s really incomparable.”

"Even if the world ends a hundred times, classes will still exist." Brother Xiao replied calmly: "The only difference is that people in each class may change, that's all."

"Take good care of it. In ten years, I will develop a villa like this myself, and each of us will be given a villa like this." Qin Yu said with his hands behind his back like a boss.

"Did you see, the brainwashing started again," Brother Xiao pointed at Qin Yu and commented: "This kid is the best at deceiving."

"Railway, after the railway project is completed, I will definitely build a villa like this." Qin Yu waved his hand: "I will definitely not cheat this time."

When Fu Xiaohao heard this, he immediately said: "If I can really live in this place, why don't I bring my parents over to enjoy the happiness."

"Don't worry, brother, we will have this day sooner or later."

"If this day comes, I am willing to be your crown prince!" Fu Xiaohao licked it, just like Qin Yu.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the sound and followed Coco into the villa area.

Ten minutes later.

At the door of a Chinese-style villa, a dignified and beautiful woman looked at Coco with a surprised expression and asked: "Oh, honey, why are you here?"

"Hey, I'm here to talk to Uncle Huang about something." Coco smiled, turned around and introduced to everyone: "This is Uncle Huang's wife."

Qin Yu looked at the woman and was stunned. Seeing that she was only thirty-five or six years old at most, he couldn't open his mouth and called her aunt.

"Hello, Qin Yu, my name is Liu Xuan."

"Call me sister." Coco found a way for Qin Yu: "Let's discuss our own affairs, hahaha!"

"Hello, Sister Xuan." Qin Yu immediately shook hands with the other party.

"Hello, hello." Liu Xuan got to know everyone one by one, and then greeted softly: "Come on, everyone, come in."

Fu Xiaohao looked at the villa and Liu Xuan with great envy, shook his head and sighed to Cha Meng: "Who do you think this sister Xuan is, Mr. Huang's wife?"

Qi Lin heard the sound and added: "Obviously she is the fourth one. I have heard of her in Yaoguang."

"What an enviable life." Cha Meng also sighed.

The few people whispered to each other and entered the villa with Liu Xuan. At the same time, Huang Xiao, the boss of Yaoguang Company, also came down from upstairs, smiled at Qin Yu and said, "Long time no see, Xiao Qin."

"Uncle Huang!" Qin Yu respected him very much, and for no other reason than Yaoguang's help to Tiancheng over the years, it was not an exaggeration to call him dad.

"Haha, I don't have anyone here, otherwise I would have picked you up." Mr. Huang came down from upstairs, waved his hand and greeted everyone: "They are all old faces, don't be formal, everyone can sit wherever you want, I'll let Auntie do it Order some food and let’s have some drinks.”

"Okay!" Qin Yu nodded heavily.

Good luck.

In a bedroom with an indoor swimming pool, Mr. Fu and a middle-aged woman with short hair were lying on a lounge chair together and talking softly.

"Have you been contacted over there?" the middle-aged woman asked lightly.

"Yes." Mr. Fu nodded slowly: "I and Fengbei have received calls. Look at this matter, do we want to get involved?"

"It's a matter of stance. If you don't want to blend in, you have to blend in." The middle-aged woman drank some juice and replied calmly.

"Did Fengbei also give you instructions?" Mr. Fu asked, stunned for a moment.

"Yes." The middle-aged woman nodded: "Otherwise, I really don't want you to get involved."

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