District 9

Chapter 1040: Changing banners

After Qin Yu reached an agreement with Mr. Huang, he immediately notified Wu Di and asked him to quickly prepare the acquisition funds.

Five days later.

Golden Shield Security Training Company in the EU II Region injected 5 million into Tiancheng Group.

Seven days later.

The Shenzhou Military Technology R\u0026D Company in Fengbei City, District 9, injected 15 million into Tiancheng Group.

Ten days later.

Fengding FAW Heavy Industry Group in the Eighth District injected 25 million into Tiancheng Group.

It is said that the military and government have no money and are poor, but that is also relative. As soon as the superiors spoke, the capital hidden behind the troops opened their swords one after another and began to send capital artillery shells to Tiancheng Company.

The above-mentioned companies usually keep a very low profile. The Golden Shield Security Training Company has an office space in the EU 2 area with a total area of ​​only about 100 square meters. Including the manager, clerks, and cleaning staff, the total is There were only about twenty people.

But the background of this company is very deep. It is supported by armed forces outside the city in the EU area. It is said that there is also the shadow of Chen Jun from District 7 behind it. The so-called security training, to put it bluntly, is a company that serves the armed forces and trains mercenaries. It also secretly operates some arms business that cannot be brought to the table. In short, the background is extremely complicated. Not to mention that he suddenly took out five million. For an organization like this, it is normal for him to get a few fighter jets from any warehouse in a hurry.

Starting from the Nanhu period, Qin Yu helped the military and government grab the arms business, and then went to Yanbei to help the Gu family on a trip to the European Union. After returning to Songjiang, he firmly stood on the side of the military and government, and did a lot of things with the Han family and the party and government. A tough battle...

In the process, the team around Brother Xiao was almost wiped out, and Qin Yu himself also escaped death several times. After paying a series of bloody costs, he finally received rewards from his superiors.

These 45 million in funds were not given to Qin Yu out of kindness by the military and political affairs, but were earned by them at the risk of their own lives.

Qin Yu had been struggling on the ground for so long, so it was time for the higher-ups to show him some care. What is having children at home? That’s not something you can do just by talking about it, you have to take some practical actions after all!

Therefore, this time the upper management injected a large amount of capital into Tiancheng Group and behaved very generously. The money is given to you, but they don't care how you operate, manage, or fight. They only have a symbolic share in the newly established Tiancheng Security Company that does not play any decisive role. Otherwise, the upper management would not choose to allow funds to flow in from the Eighth District and the European Union District.

This transfer of cash several times is to avoid suspicion, and to tell Qin Yu that in this new Tiancheng Security Company, you have absolute discretion. As long as you do the job well and achieve the goal, everything else will be fine. It's a small problem.

Three days after the full payment was received, Qin Yu had dinner with Mr. Huang and the top team of Yaoguang Security Company in Nanhu.

Early the next morning, Mr. Huang, in the name of the president of the security company, held a share transfer meeting at Yaoguang headquarters, with nearly a thousand people present.

Outside the cold room, Mr. Huang sat on the rostrum, holding the microphone with some excitement and said: "...I hope everyone understands that when I, Mr. Huang, leave, I am not leaving because I have made a lot of money over the years, and now I want to take the money and run away. It’s the end of my life, but my energy and body no longer have the ability to take Yaoguang to the next level, so I chose to hand over the company and everyone to a better team. I also hope that all of you will be with me. The elderly who are waiting for the planning area to be busy can find a stronger sense of belonging in the new Tiancheng Security Company."

Mr. Huang paused for a moment when he said this, then slowly stood up and bowed deeply to everyone: "Thank you to the management team for supporting me over the years and sharing weal and woe with me, Mr. Huang. I also want to thank the nearly 2,000 people in Yaoguang, Thank you all for your loyalty to the company and trust in me, Mr. Huang, over the years, thank you!"

Mr. Huang stood up and saluted everyone and shouted: "I am retiring and let the younger Mr. Qin take over. I wish I will shine even better, and I hope you will do better!"

There was thunderous applause below the rostrum, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

Mr. Huang stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation and said with a smile, "Mr. Qin, please say a few words."

Qin Yu picked up the microphone, looked at the crowd of people below, paused for a long time, then pushed aside the prepared speech, slowly stood up and said, "Actually, in the past two years, Yaoguang and Tiancheng have I always wear a pair of pants, just like what the Jiangzhou Li family scolded me, saying that I am Mr. Huang’s illegitimate son. Before I was twenty, I was raised in the European Union. In short, the gossip is that I have a nose and eyes. , I can’t refute it.”

"Ha ha!"

Everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

"Why do people say that? In fact, the reason is quite simple. Whenever Tiancheng makes a move in the past two years, Yaoguang will be the first to take action. As long as we don't retreat, you won't retreat. So sometimes, I I even wonder if I have some blood relationship with Mr. Huang." Qin Yu joked with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Everyone smiled knowingly again.

"You have me, and I have you, this is the truest portrayal of the relationship between Tiancheng and Yaoguang." Qin Yu's face gradually became serious, he held up the microphone and said: "So, I hope everyone will not feel bad about this acquisition. Do you have any excessive thoughts? For example, the old man is worried about being expelled, the brothers in the front-line team are worried about having their benefits reduced, etc... I can tell you responsibly that what was there before will also be there in the future; what was not there before, We will try our best to improve it.”

Qin Yu looked at the crowd loudly and shouted: "I came out to do this just to support my family, and I, Qin Yu, am also a person who makes a living in the area to be planned. I have personal experience of how difficult it is for everyone. Put it this way Well, starting from today, I will ask the management team to come up with a new employment contract, with a salary increase of at least 20%, and a lifetime contract will be introduced in the future. When you are twenty years old, you will do front-line work. When you are thirty years old and can no longer do front-line work, I will let you do logistics. When you can no longer do anything, the company will provide you with a pension insurance! This promise today is not a boast, as long as I am still in Tiancheng For one day, if what you say has the final say, it will always be effective. We don’t make false claims, and we don’t make any slogans. Everything depends on actions. That’s it!”

After the words fell, there was silence below for a few seconds, followed by deafening applause.

In fact, what Qin Yu said was absolutely correct. He came out to do this job just to support his family and earn some money that ordinary people could not earn. Then it's useless no matter how much you say in official terms. Whether people have a sense of belonging depends entirely on your actions and attitude.

Qin Yu bent down on the chair and signed the acquisition contract with Mr. Huang on the spot.

At this point, Tiancheng Security Company was officially established, and this was also the beginning of Qin Yu's unintentional embarkation on another path.

The Wang Family of Dragon City.

Han Sanqian whispered to Wang Zonghan: "Yaoguang changed his banner and changed his name to Qin."

Wang Zonghan was stunned: "The agreement was reached so quickly?!"


The next chapter will be posted around 9:10.

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