Debut After Eight Years

507. The crazy scene where thousands of people fainted! (Please subscribe!)

When Wang Qian was performing in the arena just now.

Although more than 200,000 people shouted and interacted together inside and outside the venue, the sound was so loud that it could almost spread across half of Los Angeles.


That is also across the field.

The 100,000 people in the arena and the hundreds of thousands of people outside are still separated, and the voices have not yet merged into one.

Although it is also very shocking.

But compared with the current picture of more than 200,000 people gathered outside the venue, and more than 200,000 people gathered together without hindrance, there is still a gap!

At least……

The dense crowd of more than 200,000 people gathered together was even more terrifying and shocking than the scene of hundreds of thousands of people gathered together just now.

Moreover, the singing voice of more than 200,000 people shouting together is more impactful.

People around more than ten kilometers away can clearly feel a huge sound wave coming. In the cold Los Angeles night, it seems to make the night not so dark.

The Los Angeles uniformed personnel who came to maintain order around them were more serious, and they were a little moved in their hearts...

Because, they all knew that this song was sung by Wang Qian to their colleagues who died and were injured, and the lyrics made them very substituted.

Now Wang Qian has attracted more than 200,000 people in the audience to shout out the lyrics together, as if these 200,000 people are seeing off those sacrificed uniformed personnel.

In their opinion, this is definitely the highest treatment!

Even when the great men in North American history passed away, they never received such treatment that shocked the world.

But at this moment, the area outside the performance venue is the place with the densest crowds, and a small area is almost crowded with hundreds of thousands of people.

It was almost a crowd of people, shoulder-to-shoulder scene.

However, with so many people and such a crowded place, everyone is still unwilling to leave. Many people are still trying to squeeze forward, wanting to get closer to Wang Qian.

in the crowd.

Christine, Garbo, Green, and Ellie stood together in a group near the front. The crowd around them was so crowded that they could barely move.

They could see crazy faces all around them. No one paid attention to who was next to them. No one even paid attention to the famous and famous Christine, let alone Green and Ellie. The three of Bao, all of them were stepping on their feet, stretching their necks to look at the figure standing at the exit over there.

This is crazy!

Jia Bao exclaimed: I have never seen such a crazy scene of chasing stars, these people are about to lose their minds.

Christine nodded, said nothing, and once again shouted out a line of lyrics with the people around her.

Knok, knob, knobin' on heaven's door...

The voice became louder, and many people's voices were hoarse, but they still shouted with all their might.

not far away!

Liu Shengnan, Chen Xiaowen, Ru Ke, Xiao Dongmei, Qin Xuehong, Wang Jingyu, Li Qingyao, and Yu Jingruo who came out of the arena just now gathered together and seized an area in a relatively front position.

The oldest Wang Jingyu was also blushing at the moment, and said: This is the craziest scene I have ever seen in my life! So many people are going crazy.

However, there were too many people around, singing, shouting, and screaming one after another, no one could hear Wang Jingyu's words clearly.

The others followed everyone and continued to shout the lyrics crazily.

Knok, knob, knobin' on heaven's door...

And at this time.

Wang Qian stood in front of the nanny car, under the protection of tens of hundreds of security guards and uniformed personnel, facing the dense crowd in front of him, and countless fanatical faces, thinking that he was about to leave here, facing Everyone waved their hands and said loudly: I love you, I love Los Angeles!


Wang Qian, I love you...


God, Wang Qian, I love you...

Almost sharp screams came from the crowd instantly, and under the screams were all bloodshot faces, and then...

There was a commotion among the crowd.

Because, at this moment, dozens of young women fainted on the spot, were quickly lifted up by the people around them, sent to the uniformed personnel, and were treated on the spot by the ambulance personnel who had been on call at any time.

All the media frantically filmed this scene, or broadcast it live, or posted it on social platforms, which shocked audiences all over the world, astonished by Wang Qian's amazing charm.

Seeing this, Wang Qian smiled bitterly, knowing that he could not stay here any longer, otherwise more people would definitely be in danger for himself.

However, Wang Qian still didn't turn around and leave immediately, but waved to everyone with regret on his face, and said loudly again: Goodbye!


Still did not stop.

And, the original more.

There are tens of thousands of people gathered in this small area alone, and many people are squeezed there, unable to move, so more people are screaming emotionally in this place, and the voices gather together and spread far away. .

Following that, more people fainted on the spot.

One by one, the fainted people were transported there for treatment, and instead of decreasing, there were more and more.

The ambulance crews there were overwhelmed.

Moreover, the hundreds of security guards and uniformed personnel standing in front of Wang Qian could hardly hold back.

Wang Qian waved to everyone again with some reluctance in his eyes, then turned and got into the car.

Qin Xuerong followed Wang Qian into the car without the slightest bit of nostalgia. She just wanted to take Wang Qian back to Huaxia immediately. On this stage, there are too many people who are interested in Wang Qian, and all of them are a great threat to her.

Qin Xuerong is not a fool, why can't Jennifer, Sophie, Miyuki Nakamori have thoughts on Wang Qian?

She was very smart and didn't express anything to the outside world, she just devoted herself to Wang Qian, and she just wanted to bring Wang Qian back to China as soon as possible, away from Sophie and Jennifer.

And Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet all looked back at the crazy audience at the scene, feeling a little strange in their hearts, they were still young people, and they still had a little bit of nostalgia for this kind of big scene experience at the pinnacle of the world.

It's just that the three of them are all top geniuses in the world, and they all have something they pursue in their hearts, so they can afford it and let it go. Opportunity to be on top of the world stage.

Therefore, the three of them quickly followed Qin Xuerong's pace and got into the car.

Only Zhao Wei and He Fulin were the most reluctant.

This trip to Los Angeles was as incredible as a dream for them.

A year ago, they would never have dreamed that they would have the opportunity to perform on such a stage for a rock performance, but also to engrave their names in the history of rock and roll, and they are destined to enter the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in the future.

Such an encounter is like a dream.

They all felt that it was unreal, but they also had self-knowledge, knowing that they might not have a chance to cooperate with Wang Qian in the future.

This trip to the World Championships is their last chance to show themselves on the world stage.

After returning home...

They and Wang Qian may part ways.

They are now glad that they agreed to join Wang Qian's team, which was not well-known at the time. I don't know if the two who left have regretted committing suicide?

At the same time, they are also very reluctant.

I don't want to leave the stage, and I don't want to leave the scene of the explosion...

Zhao Wei and He Fulin waved their hands to the screaming audience. They didn't care if the screaming was for themselves, they just bid farewell to the audience.

The media from all over the world took photos of them waving goodbye together, perfectly preserving their trip to the World Championship.

Then, Zhao Wei and He Fulin also got into the car quickly, and closed the door skillfully!


The doors close.

The uniformed staff in front waved to the driver, indicating that he could go.

The driver immediately started the car and was about to leave.

Under the light, you can see that there are dense crowds on both sides of the road ahead of the car, blocked by railings and teams of uniformed personnel, leaving a small road for the car to pass by.

The dense crowd on both sides were still shouting the lyrics and waving at Wang Qian under the lights!

Sparsely, there were also screaming fans who fainted on the spot, and the busy ambulance personnel could be seen running back and forth to treat the fainted people.

Wang Qian sat in front of the car window, did not close the curtains, just sat in front of the car window, exposed his face, and looked out with a smile at the fans who couldn't see and were crazy about him. He couldn't bear to close the curtains and let these fans Fans fans disappointed.

Sitting beside Wang Qian, Qin Xuerong also looked at the scene outside, and said in a low voice, These people are really crazy. The nearby hospitals are probably busy.

Murong Yue widened her eyes and said proudly: This is a crazy scene that has never happened in the entire history of pop music. And this is caused by us. From this point of view, we are the number one in the history of pop music, and we are also the first in the history of rock music. Number one in history...Professor Wang, awesome!

Murong Yue gave Wang Qian a thumbs up during the summer vacation.

Wang Qian smiled lightly, did not speak, and kept looking at the faces outside.

Juliet said softly: The teacher's talent and strength are enough to become the king of pop!

Zhao Wei and He Fulin didn't speak. They felt that their relationship with Wang Qian was still relatively unfamiliar. It was just an employment relationship. Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet were not as close as the three of them. They kept silent, but their faces and eyes were full of excitement.

Although Wang Qian also had a little nostalgia for this in his heart, he said to Qin Xuerong at the same time: Have you booked the ticket for the day after tomorrow?

Qin Xuerong nodded, and said affirmatively: The air ticket for the morning after tomorrow has already been booked. Tomorrow I will have the final handover of work with the program team of the World Championship, and I will go home early in the morning the day after tomorrow.

Wang Qian hummed, he felt a little tired.

All the performances in the World Championship have officially ended, and Wang Qian has also officially won the championship. Tomorrow is the time for the program team and Wang Qian to hand over the championship, calculate the amount of prize money, and so on.

It is already fast to be able to hand over in one day.

This is for Wang Qian's face.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for this kind of bonus not to delay you for a year or so, and it is a day if it can be delayed for one more day.

However, the program team did not dare to offend Wang Qian, and wanted to maintain a relatively good relationship with Wang Qian to lay the foundation for continued cooperation in the future.

After all, Wang Qian's popularity in the world is simply terrifying.

There is no company in the entertainment industry in any country in the world who dares to publicly offend Wang Qian. It is not an exaggeration to say that a few words from Wang Qian can bring them huge troubles, or even a catastrophe.

Although Wang Qian has never done such a thing so far, it does not mean that he is incapable of doing it.

With such influence, every word and deed will have a huge impact.

As many established companies in the entertainment industry and the old fried dough sticks are very clear, so they will not offend Wang Qian at this time.

Now is the time when Wang Qian is in full swing.

It is also the time when many fans all over the world are crazy about Wang Qian.

Just look at the 200,000 people screaming and shouting here, and look at the fainted fans who were carried away one by one, and you will know.

Diana was behind Wang Qian's car and said to the live camera: We can see that Professor Wang Qian has already left in the car. However, all the audience inside and outside the venue were unwilling to leave. Many people fainted with excitement I fell down. Just now, we got news that more than 300 spectators fainted, and the number is still increasing.

Fortunately, almost everyone who fainted was due to temporary hypoxia, and they were out of danger soon, and there was no danger to their lives.

At this point, our World Championship performance is officially over...


Inside the exit.

Sophie, Nakamori Miyuki, Adam, Elizabeth, Jonathan and other contestants didn't go out, just watching the crazy scene outside.

Except for Sophie and Nakamori Miyuki who were relatively calm, everyone else was a little excited and envious, and some even had obvious jealousy in their eyes.

How wonderful it would be if they could also enjoy such treatment?

Adam took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and said in a low voice, Professor Wang Qian's charm is really unstoppable.

Elizabeth nodded and said in agreement: Yes, only those who have experienced his live performance will know.

Adam smiled bitterly: We may have to leave later. With so many people gathered here, it may take a long time to restore calm and the road to be clear.

Sophie had already turned around and walked to the back, where Jennifer waved to her gently, she hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

Nakamori Miyuki also turned around and walked towards Qianyu Zhenzhu not far away, planning to go back with Qianyu Zhenzhu immediately to prepare for asking Wang Qian's questions at night.


this moment.

The whole world is still watching the live broadcast of the World Championship, the ratings are still high, and there are still two billion people worldwide watching and ending the game.

Although there is no live performance of the explosion, there is no Wang Qian's eye-catching figure.

However, the gathering of more than 200,000 people and the atmosphere of the scene where people fainted at any time also made many viewers very excited.

There are also heated discussions on social platforms in various countries, discussing the excited live scene caused by Wang Qian's departure.

At this time, Wang Qian also asked Qin Xuerong to open the Feiyue live broadcast.

After all, this was his last performance at the World Championships, and it was also his last chance in Los Angeles to attract attention for a fly date.

With the end of the World Championship and leaving Los Angeles, Wang Qian's attention in the world will inevitably drop a notch. This is a fact that Wang Qian and others can think of.

Therefore, he didn't want to miss this opportunity, and finally contribute a little bit of his own strength to the Feiyue platform.

Open Feiyue Live again.

There was an obvious freeze in the live broadcast room.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is a long series of numbers in an instant.

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong were a little shocked when they saw this number.

Then, the live broadcast screen also appeared one card and one card, obviously because there were too many people and there was a freeze.

The dense barrage is also one by one.


The few eye-catching numbers and names that appeared on the screen can still be seen clearly.

Hadid, the world-renowned fan of Wang Qian's mysterious local tyrant, once again directly tipped ten one million dollars in the live broadcast room...

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