Debut After Eight Years

508. Singing that spreads all over the world! The lights that illuminate the night sky in Los Angele

Many European and American audiences know that this is Wang Qian's last performance in Europe and America in a short period of time. The next time he comes to perform, he may participate in the Oscars and Grammys. Watch it on TV.

Moreover, the live performances of general evening parties are far less sensational and shocking than the current scene where more than 100,000 or 200,000 people gather inside and outside the venue.

Therefore, many audiences cherish Wang Qian's last performance appearance very much.

While watching the live images shown on the TV screen, everyone wished they could go to the scene to experience the shock in person.

While looking at Feiyue Wang Qian's social account on the mobile phone, he looked forward to whether Wang Qian would start a live broadcast immediately.

According to the practice of Wang Qian's performance in recent weeks, it is going to be broadcast live on Feiyue.

Therefore, many fans of Wang Qian's fans from all over the world also habitually stayed in Wang Qian's live broadcast room, hoping to see Wang Qian's broadcast as soon as possible.

As a result, there was a scene where the live broadcast room froze as soon as the broadcast started.

Because there are too many people. .

Wang Qian and Qin Xuerong took a look at the long number of online viewers, and they couldn't help being shocked because they were used to seeing all kinds of record-breaking numbers recently!

Because, this has far exceeded the record of the highest online audience created by Wang Qian last time when he started broadcasting on Feiyue, and it is far more than a section.

At this moment, the number of people online in the live broadcast room has surpassed more than 800 million people, which greatly increased the number of viewers in the live broadcast, and this record is being refreshed every second.

Because every second, millions of viewers poured into the live broadcast room, and every second raised this record number to a considerable height.

Wang Qian was about to say something to the screen when he suddenly saw tip numbers appearing on the screen.

Those rewards of a few dollars, tens of dollars, and hundreds of dollars can't be seen for a while, tens of thousands.

The tipping of tens of thousands of dollars is more eye-catching, and the tipping of one hundred thousand dollars is a little more eye-catching, but they can't be seen all at once, and there are also dozens of them.

However, the news of the ten million-dollar rewards that floated by in that instant was still extremely eye-catching, and the name also made the eyes of Wang Qian and all the audience in the live broadcast room brighten.

Hadid, Wang Qian's mysterious fan of local tyrants, reappeared, and as soon as he appeared, he immediately received a reward of 10 million US dollars.

And this is not the end, but just the beginning.

A million dollars!

A million dollars!

a million dollars...

The news of rewards worth millions of dollars did not stop at all, and Wang Qian didn't know how much he lost for a while.

And many viewers in the live broadcast room were more active in counting for Wang Qian. Among the densely packed bullet screens, the counting numbers floated the most.

God, thirty already.


You made a mistake. It's already forty. She has tipped Wang Qian $40 million. I'm going crazy.

Including her previous rewards, she has rewarded Wang Qian with a total of hundreds of millions of dollars in cash. Congratulations, Xie Te, who is she? Among all the rich people in the world, I can't find a few who can immediately Someone who puts out hundreds of millions of dollars in cash...

Professor Wang Qian's charm is simply irresistible. This fan is going crazy, and he has been tipping non-stop, which has exceeded 40 million US dollars.

Forty million……

Aren't you going to stop?

Forty million, still not stopping?



Wang Qian saw the figure of 40 million US dollars floating on the screen, and hurriedly shouted to the camera: Okay, okay, Hadid, enough is enough. I will let the officials return the money to you. This is what I said last time, I will not accept your tip again. Thank you very much for your support and love for me.

However, I cannot accept so many tips.

Hadid's eye-catching speech appeared on the bullet screen: No, you can use it for charity. This is the money I donated to your charity fund.

Wang Qian shook his head: No, the charity fund has enough money, and there will be no shortage of money in a short time. Moreover, I can't just use your money to maintain the charity fund. That's it, you just now For the reward of 40 million U.S. dollars, I will notify the Feiyue official, and I will return you the same way from the background.

Hadid was silent for a few seconds and said: If you do this, I will continue to give more rewards when you start a live broadcast next time. I want to support you...

Wang Qian: You have supported me enough, thank you. No matter what, I will return the money to you! Well, audience friends, thank you all for your support. This time in Los Angeles, it is a Very happy journey, I have gained a lot. The biggest gain is that I have gained so many fans and friends who support me...

Wang Qian ended the conversation with Hadid and pointed the phone camera out the window.

The car was still moving forward slowly, and it was still far from leaving the performance venue. Surrounded by more than 200,000 spectators, there were still dense crowds of spectators who couldn't see the end at a glance, waving their hands at Wang Qian continuously.

Moreover, a lot of people in the crowd raised their mobile phones, and on the screen of the mobile phone was Wang Qian's live broadcast, showing all the audience outside the car window.

Wang Qian saw it, and waved out the window with a smile on his face. At the same time, he shook his mobile phone to show that he saw it.

Immediately there were screams from the crowd!


Several female fans who were visible to the naked eye fainted on the spot, and several security guards who were maintaining order immediately stepped forward to lift them up and transported them to the side for emergency treatment.

And the other spectators around were also surprised by this.

However, many people saw Wang Qian’s interaction caused by the live audience watching the live broadcast. At that moment, more people took out their mobile phones, clicked on the screen of their mobile phones, entered Feiyue, and then showed Wang Qian the live broadcast screen on their mobile phones ...

The smile on Wang Qian's face was even stronger. He looked out of the car window, but kept saying to the phone: Thank you everyone... Thank you so much, I saw you...

Then, it became out of control.

More and more people took out their mobile phones to enter Feiyue, clicked on the live broadcast screen, raised their mobile phones high, and turned on the lights of their mobile phones at the same time.

Cell phones with lights turned on light up all around!

It takes less than a few minutes.

More than 200,000 people at the scene turned on the Feiyue live broadcast with their mobile phones, and at the same time lit up the lights of the mobile phone...

And it's still spreading, all the way to downtown Los Angeles, where there is no edge in sight. The number of people participating far exceeds 250,000 people, and it may reach 400,000 to 500,000 people.

Wang Qian looked at the screen of the mobile phone, and the dense bullet screens on the screen were all about the same content.

Wow, I was there, and hundreds of thousands of people turned on the lights on their phones, so cool. This is a genius idea...

Professor Wang Qian, you are singing to the mobile phone now, and everyone in the audience can hear it. Can we order a song, we will rock you? I think this is definitely the most suitable song for now!

Oh my god, who suggested we will rock you? This is simply a genius idea! Professor Wang Qian, come on...

Hahaha, I've already started, who is clapping? Yes, that's me...

I'm stomping...'s so cool, I will remember this kind of scene forever!

Professor Wang, let's sing...


Wang Qian was also very moved and throbbing when he looked at the densely packed barrage that belonged to the audience.

He started a live broadcast recently, and he has never sung in the live broadcast room.

Because, singing is really not his favorite hobby.

Usually there are so many performances and so many rehearsals, he has enough singing, and chatting during the live broadcast is enough.

Even the last time Hadid spent tens of millions of dollars asking Wang Qian to sing a song, Wang Qian refused!

But now...

There was a feeling of urgency in Wang Qian's heart.

And outside!

Already there were applause and shouts...

bang... bang... bang...

bang... bang... bang...

The 200,000 people who gathered around started to act almost at the same time, most of them were driven by the rhythm of the live broadcast room, and a small number of people acted together with the people around them.

Those who can come to watch rock performances almost all have a heart that is unwilling to be ordinary, and they all have a heart that wants to express themselves.


It's time for them to express themselves!

bang... bang... bang...

bang... bang... bang...

The voices gradually became uniform, and everyone found a rhythm.

Wang Qian could clearly see that all the spectators on both sides of the car were moving in unison, stomping, stomping, clapping, exactly the rhythm of we will rock you!

The other people in the car, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, He Fulin, Zhao Wei, were excitedly looking at this epic scene outside the arena, and seeing Wang Qian who created this scene, everyone's heart throbbed , want to join it.

Bang, bang, bang...

Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue moved first, stomping their feet and clapping their hands lightly, keeping pace with the rhythm outside.

Then, Juliet, He Fulin, and Zhao Wei also joined in.

Rhythm in the car together!

Wang Qian no longer hesitated, and gently opened the car window to eliminate the barrier between himself and the audience outside. The mobile phone was still on for live broadcast, and he sang to the mobile phone, so that all the live broadcast audience could clearly understand He heard his own singing voice from the mobile phone, and at the same time sang it to everyone outside, and the voice spread all over the world.

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise.

“Playing in the streets gonna be a big man someday!”

You got mud on your face...

You big disgrace...

Kicking your can all over the place...

Wang Qian shouted loudly: Singing...

Then, he pointed his phone at everyone outside!

All the fans outside had a tacit understanding, stomping their feet and clapping their hands to keep the rhythm, while singing loudly in unison.

We will, we will rock you...

We will, we will rock you...

For the first time, the sound was not wide enough or neat enough. Some people were slow to respond, and some people didn't react.

As for the second sentence, everyone was ready, so they directly mobilized the audience of more than 200,000 people, and the thunderous singing resounded through the sky and almost spread throughout Los Angeles.

Everyone in the crowd was full of excitement and excitement, proud and excited for being able to participate in such a scene.

Who of them has experienced such a scene?


This is their wanton flying youth.

Many media people were even more excited.

Who has seen such a scene?

And no one!

This is the historical moment they witnessed.

All the media people frantically took pictures from various angles to leave historical evidence, and at the same time turned on all the cameras or mobile phones, leaving everything behind.

They know that everything they experienced tonight is a precious historical image.

They may later benefit for a lifetime by participating in today's live shooting.

Such things are not uncommon, and many media reporters have benefited all their lives because they captured historical moments that are famous in history.

Naturally, the program group did not let go of this scene, and they were even the biggest beneficiaries.

A camera car followed Wang Qian at the same time, broadcasting this scene to the whole world simultaneously.

Audiences all over the world watched the live TV broadcast and watched Wang Qian’s mobile live broadcast at the same time. All the audience watched the crazy scene from the two platforms. Everyone was equally excited and shouted out this line of lyrics together. Which, added to the scene.

Diana followed the camera truck and shouted into the microphone: We will, we will rock you! God, this is crazy. I never thought that there would be a singer who made so many people crazy and lost. Reasonable! This song really has the charm of making people crazy when it is matched on such an occasion.

Nearly 2 billion viewers are still watching the live TV broadcast at the moment, which makes the program group and the TV station excited, wishing Wang Qian could walk on this road for a day and a night, or keep going.

Not far away, among the crowd, Bella, who was protected by five or six security personnel, waved her mobile phone excitedly, and shouted loudly at the same time: We will we will rock you...

Then, Bella's fingers kept clicking on the screen of the mobile phone to tip the reward, each time it was still one million, and it floated over fifty times, and all the cash in her bound card was tipped out. stop!

Another 50 million US dollars floated through the live broadcast room.

But, no one pays attention to this now.

Neither Wang Qian nor the other viewers paid attention to the never-ending tipping news.

They all devoted themselves to the chorus with the participation of hundreds of thousands of people.

Wang Qian's singing sounded again.

Then, hundreds of thousands of people sang in unison.

We will, we will rock you...

We will, we will rock you...

Fans gathered farther around all joined in the wave of sound, which has been spreading for tens of kilometers, all singing in a uniform manner, hundreds of thousands of people participated in it.

The lights spread densely from where Wang Qian's car is located to downtown Los Angeles. From dense to sparse, they have never been cut off. In the bustling urban area, they are still connected... I don't know how many people there are participate.

All I know is that more and more people in the urban area turned on the live broadcast and turned on the lights of their mobile phones to join the sound.

The singing sounded everywhere in Los Angeles.

The lights of the mobile phone almost lit up the night sky in Los Angeles.


The whole of Los Angeles fell into Wang Qian's crazy charm.

How long no one lasted.

Wang Qian didn't even notice how long it lasted.

Qin Xuerong looked at the time for a while, and walked back to the hotel from the performance venue. This short distance of more than ten kilometers took nearly two hours...

When walking back to the hotel.

Although the number of onlookers has decreased a lot, the road is still crowded enough to pass through, so it is not fast at all along the way, and the countless media have never stopped, and they have been following the car all the time, which hinders the passage speed.

At this speed, Wang Qian walked faster than this.

When the car arrived at the hotel, the media shot at a faster pace and kept shooting, recording Wang Qian's images from various angles.

Hundreds of security personnel gathered at the entrance of the hotel and surrounded Wang Qian's car.

Wang Qian also felt physically and mentally exhausted at the moment, looked at the hotel, wondering if he could come back from them alive tonight.


The door opens.

As soon as Wang Qian looked up from his seat, he saw Bella, who was exquisitely dressed and elegant, still wearing a maid outfit, but looked extremely noble.

Bella smiled at Wang Qian and stretched out her hand to help Wang Qian get off the car, and said softly, Welcome Professor Wang back!

Wang Qian looked at Bella's eyes, nodded with a smile, and wanted to get up by himself, but he really felt exhausted, so he grabbed Bella's hand and got up and got off the car.

Bella supported Wang Qian's arm with both hands, and whispered in Wang Qian's ear: Recently, I have turned off all the surveillance in the hotel. You can do whatever you want. But, Professor Wang, I hope today I can see you at night in the room on the top floor of the hotel.

You are going home. I don't want to miss this last chance. I will regret it for the rest of my life. You are the most precious gift God gave me...

My name is Bella Hadid!

Finish quickly.

Bella supported Wang Qian to stand up, and then stepped back gracefully to stand up, looking at Wang Qian with eyes full of smiles.

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