Debut After Eight Years

506. Historical ranking? The sound that pierces the night of Los Angeles! (seeking subscription)

The show is over.

The on-site live broadcast signal has not been interrupted, and the exit highlights of many big-name stars from all over the world are broadcast live to the world again.

As usual, the host Jennifer once again found several big-name celebrities to conduct on-site interviews and interactions. The achievements of both parties can be hyped around the world.

Jennifer asked Feder, a big-name male star from Europe: Is this your first time watching our live performance at the World Championship?

Fei De nodded, with the blush of a star on his face, and his voice was a little hoarse when he opened his mouth: Yes, this is the first time for me to watch the performance of the World Championship. I want to say, I regret it. I regret that I only came to see the World Championship now. I don't know how many wonderful things I missed!

Jennifer smiled: So, do you think the tickets for this show are worth it?

Feder nodded earnestly at the camera: Yes, it's very worth it. This is the most exciting live performance I've ever seen since I was a child.

Jennifer: So whose performance left the deepest impression on you?

Without hesitation, Fei De said directly: Of course it is Wang Qian from China. To be honest, I just got off the plane to Los Angeles yesterday. However, I have heard all his previous works, and I have watched some of his live performances. I I thought his performance was just like on TV. However, when I arrived at the scene, I knew that the TV signal was far from conveying one percent of his true feelings of the live performance...

I'm still excited, I still want to say something!

Knok, knob, knobin' on heaven's door...

Fader shouted the lyrics to the camera, making his voice even more husky.

However, his eyes staring at the camera are still full of madness and excitement.

Jennifer continued to interview Ryder from Hollywood later: Wow, Mr. Ryder. I see you again.

Ryder shrugged and smiled: Yes, I see you again, beautiful Jenny. You are more beautiful than ever tonight.

Jennifer smiled: Thank you. You haven't been absent since the first World Championship performance, right? I remember being able to interview you every time.

Ryder said proudly: Who says no? Who makes me unable to refuse these wonderful performances? Although, your show tickets are almost bankrupting me. But if there is another show, I will still buy the most Tickets in front, watching the show at the closest distance, this is so enjoyable...

Ryder's face was full of excitement, and his voice was obviously hoarse. He also used all his strength to roar just now.

Thinking about it now, he still feels crazy, as if he has returned to the days of chasing stars when he was a teenager.

However, the price he paid for this was also high. Every time he sat in the front seat, he had already paid tens of millions of dollars just to buy the tickets.

If he hadn't been able to earn a fortune in the pop music market, his finances would have been almost unbearable.

Jennifer: Who's performance on stage attracted you the most?

Ryder said without hesitation: Of course it is Professor Wang Qian. His four performances tonight surprised me in every one of them. Especially the ballad 500 fans lls, it is simply a portrayal of my youth. You It is simply unimaginable that Professor Wang Qian can compose and perfectly sing such a touching ballad.

I'm already a huge fan of his.


Interviewed two big-name stars in Los Angeles and Europe. Jennifer searched her eyes and wanted to interview a musician from the pop music circle, preferably a big-name singer, such as Christine or Green, Elle, these young singers who are now in full swing .

It's a pity that these people have already rushed out, obviously they don't want to be interviewed, or they don't have time.

Jennifer's eyes lit up, and she caught Max sitting there, not moving because too many people went out.

The pianist from the Juilliard School was sitting quietly in his seat at this time, looking out of place with the crowds around him.

Jennifer stepped forward quickly and asked, Hello, Mr. Max.

Max smiled and nodded: Hello, Jenny!

The two sides have known each other for a long time.

Jennifer has an extraordinary background, she has seen Max's concerts when she was young, and she will often see Max, the pianist, at high-end parties in New York.

Therefore, the two sides are relatively familiar.

Jennifer looked a lot more solemn in front of the camera, and asked Max: Mr. Max, I saw that there are many masters of classical music and art in tonight's performance. May I ask why?

Max didn't hide anything, and said directly: We are here to see Professor Wang Qian's performance.

Jennifer: So, did Professor Wang Qian's performance satisfy you?

Max nodded: Of course, it even exceeded my initial expectations. Whether it is the performance of the Chinese musical instrument suona or the beginning of the series, it is a work that is enough to cause a sensation in the world. I am very much looking forward to him continuing this piano. The series of works...

Jennifer: How do you rate Professor Wang Qian?

Max thought for a while and said, His talent is already comparable to those few music masters in history. He is now only short of a work that can establish a position in the field of classical music art, and a world tour performance! I Very much looking forward to this…”

Jennifer's eyes lit up, and she continued to ask: If Professor Wang Qian has achieved these two points, then what will be his position in the history of music? Where can he be ranked?

Max took a careful look at Jennifer. Based on his life experience and knowledge, he immediately saw the reason and purpose of Jennifer's question. A smile appeared from the corner of his mouth, and he said, Jennifer, you are doing something dangerous. matter.

Jennifer was slightly taken aback. Max might have seen his own thoughts, and said immediately: Sir, I believe in myself. What do you think of my question just now?

Historical ranking?

Max thought for a while.

Wang Qian's historical ranking, this question, no one has thought about it yet!

Of course, if it is about the historical ranking in the field of pop music.

Then Wang Qian’s commercial performance is enough to be ranked in the top three in history. The reason why he is not ranked first is because Wang Qian does not have an official album and his debut time is too short. If his first new album is also a big success, then Wang Qian Will really sit on the throne of the number one pop music history, and no one may be able to shake it in a short time.

This is Max's idea.

Moreover, he feels that this is also a fact that others cannot deny.

Because, in popular music, everything speaks with performance, sales data, and business achievements.

Wang Qian's sales data is indisputably crushed in the entire pop music history, and other pop music professionals can't refute it, and it also led to the explosion of the entire pop music market, which made other The pop music practitioners who have benefited greatly have no way to oppose Wang Qian.

However, in the field of classical music art, it is not such a simple matter!

Because, art!

At any time, when the artist is alive, he is worthless, and his status ranking will not be too high.

The reason is still the same!

Because you are still alive.

All artists who are conferred gods, whether they are music artists or calligraphy and painting artists, are conferred gods after their death. Some of them were poor and could not afford to eat when they were alive, but they were conferred gods after death. A piece of work can sell tens of millions of dollars, this is art!

Therefore, it is really embarrassing for Max to rank Wang Qian, who is only 30 years old, in the history of music art.

Even for those music masters who have been dead for hundreds of years, their rankings are still in dispute! There are quite a few fans who think that the master they support is the number one.


In the blank era of classical music art that has been silent for nearly a hundred years, Wang Qian was born out of nowhere and released works that became popular all over the world. He also demonstrated unprecedented performance skills and unique talent in history.

The existence of this kind of connection between the past and the future will not have a low status in history.

Max thought for a while before turning to the camera and said seriously: If it is the current ranking, then just relying on his current works and performances, he is enough to rank fifth in the history of music art! In front of him, Those are the four master musicians...

If this series of his works is completed and is recognized by us, then his ranking may go further... All this depends on his future development.

Max expressed his thoughts cautiously and boldly, ranking Wang Qian directly behind only a few master musicians, and squeezing all other music artists in history behind.

Jennifer smiled all over her face, as if she had received a satisfactory answer, she gave Max a light hug and said, Thank you, Mr. Max.

Watching Jennifer leave, Max heaved a sigh of relief, but his expression was still serious.

He knew that his words had already been broadcast to the world through the live broadcast, and he would definitely bear tremendous pressure for this.

Because the field of classical music art is more conservative and stubborn than the field of pop music, it is also more xenophobic, and the voice of resistance to Wang Qian has never stopped.

Now that Max has pushed Wang Qian's historical ranking so high, he will definitely be boycotted and suppressed by those music artists and their students who boycotted Wang Qian.

However, Max is not afraid of this. He was born in Juilliard School, which is itself a top school in the world, and he has always had an upright attitude throughout his life. For this reason, he also has a large number of supporters.

A professor from the Juilliard School behind Max said in a low voice: Professor, you shouldn't say that, even if it's true, you shouldn't say it. Maybe, when he really does it in the future, let's say it. In this way, no one can object. Speaking out now will bring you and the academy a lot of trouble.

Max sat there tall and straight, and said with affirmation: What I said is the truth, I am not afraid of them. Moreover, the ranking I mentioned is not enough to describe the strength, talent and contribution of Professor Wang Qian. In fact, , his ranking can be higher...

The professor behind him was surprised: What? Why? He didn't complete this series. He debuted less than a year ago. Although the released works are all excellent and caused quite a stir in the world, after all, the background is very shallow. No. With a professional background, no awards, and no professional concerts... It is unbelievable for you to rank him fifth in history.

Don't tell me, do you think that he can compete with those masters? What makes him?

The musicians from the Juilliard School who were waiting for Max were very puzzled by this, thinking that Max might be old and confused.

Max’s face was full of seriousness and he said: This is the mentality of you, or all those who resisted him. It’s too narrow! You only pay attention to his achievements on the piano, but ignore that he is in other fields. Musical instruments, especially the achievement of bringing Chinese musical instruments to the world. This is a unique achievement in history!

He has enriched the development of classical music in the world and brought a new classical music system to the world. If he can continue, he must be the first person in the fusion of classical music in the world in the future. In this alone, he is enough to match those few A master musician.

If he really becomes a great master in the field of western music, and at the same time brings oriental Chinese classical music to the world to be recognized by the world... By then, he will become the world's number one person in classical music art. None of the century-old master musicians can match his achievements.

Max's voice was resounding, and he spoke with great seriousness and certainty, as if this was what he believed to be the truth!

Several music artists from the Juilliard School around listened to his words and fell silent. After thinking rationally and objectively, they immediately felt that what Max said was very reasonable.

In the era of the decline of classical art music, the existence of bringing classical music to the mainstream of the world by one's own efforts, and integrating Eastern and Western classical music, will definitely become the most dazzling existence in the history of classical music...

This kind of existence, they didn't dare to think about it before.

And now...

Wang Qian was doing such a historical feat in front of them.


Can he succeed?

The professor asked Max his own question: Can he make it?

Can you become a master musician? Can it bring oriental classical music to the world stage and integrate it with western classical music?

Max looked at the exit where everyone at the scene was eager to go. He knew that these people left the scene so impatiently that they just wanted to go out, see Wang Qian again from the sidelines, and want to interact with Wang Qian outside the field.

This process...

The few times he watched Wang Qian's performances in the World Championships were all like this, without exception.

Every time, Wang Qian can conquer all the audience and drive them crazy.

This is the magic of pop music.

Max said in a complicated tone: It depends on whether he can devote more energy and time to classical music art.

When the people around heard this, they all smiled bitterly in silence, and at the same time, there was some regret in their eyes.

All those who support Wang Qian and resist Wang Qian must admit that Wang Qian's strength and talent in classical music art are unique in history.

But at the same time, Wang Qian's strength and talent in the field of pop music is also unique in history.

It is almost impossible for such a musical genius to focus on one field.

If he had not spent so much time and energy in the field of pop music in the World Championships, and had been focusing on classical music, they all believed that Wang Qian would definitely achieve higher achievements, and might even have become a music giant?

Max shook his head, didn't think about it, stood up and walked outside with the gradually decreasing crowd, and said softly: Wait a few days, let's go to Huaxia Central Music, and listen to his class again, and we can learn some information gone.

Several other music artists from the Juilliard School quickly followed and protected Max from falling and bumping.

However, several people have already started to fantasize about going to Huaxia Yangyin to listen to Wang Qian's class by themselves, and their expressions are full of anticipation and excitement.

Wang Qian’s class at Curtis Institute last time has been quoted by all music and art schools in Europe and America. Many teachers and students have watched it many times, and almost all of them have gained something. They have some more or less feelings for Wang Qian worship.

Naturally, they were looking forward to Wang Qian's next lecture.


The 100,000 people at the scene wanted to leave as soon as possible, so they gathered outside the arena and interacted with the 100,000 spectators outside the arena with Wang Qian who had left.


The outside of the scene quickly became very crowded, and it was almost a real crowd. The black crowd almost turned into a crowded arrangement like sardine cans.

However, even though it was so crowded, not many people left immediately, but looked towards the backstage exit together, expecting the voice they wanted to see.

Diana took the team outside to shoot, and simultaneously transmitted the signal to the world.

This scene of creating a historical record in pop music once again shocked all the audience in front of the TV sets all over the world, so the ratings data did not drop much.

Almost all spectators watched the scene where two hundred thousand people gathered outside the arena, wanting to see how long this scene could last.

Every audience in front of the TV once again has a sense of epic history as a witness.

When Wang Qian led the band members out of the backstage exit and walked towards the commercial vehicle parked at the door.

The dense crowd of tens of thousands of spectators crowded outside became excited, and directly yelled loudly the line of lyrics they sang the most tonight.

Knok, knob, knobin' on heaven's door...

The resounding singing of tens of thousands of people rushed to the sky.

Together with the rhythm, all the 200,000 people gathered outside were mobilized in an instant.

Knok, knob, knobin' on heaven's door...

Even louder, the singing sounded directly piercing the night.

Wang Qian did not leave immediately in the car.

Although, he was a little tired and wanted to go back to rest immediately.


He thought that this was his last public appearance in Los Angeles in a short period of time, and he felt a little bit sad for the audience who supported him all the way.


Under the excited gaze and recording of all the media people at the scene.

Another scene engraved in the historical records happened before all of them, and in the camera.

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