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This is something that is enough to shock the mind of any general. There is no joking in the army. If you can't do it, you will be beheaded!

Li Shimin's move is also to put pressure on Xu Chen to see if this kid can withstand this pressure.

Anyone can say empty words, but if it means risking their own life, even the most confident people will hesitate.

If something goes wrong and the war fails, the first person to be executed is the one who issued the military order!

""Shen Hou, forget it. A real man can bend and stretch. When the Tang Dynasty becomes strong, it will naturally crush the Turks. Why force it now?" Seeing this, Changsun Wuji could not help but advise.

In his opinion, if Xu Chen signed this military order, it would be a life-and-death struggle. There was really no need for it!

Even Li Jing and other generals were tangled. They did not want Xu Chen to take such a big risk. If he lost the war, not only would Xu Chen die, but the entire Tang Dynasty might fall into chaos.

But if he asked for peace, it would be too humiliating! Besides, if Xu Chen won, wouldn't the Tang army be able to sweep across the grassland and dominate the world...

In the hearts of the generals, like Li Shimin, they also had a gambler's mentality, which made them silent.

Silence is tacit consent!

"A real man should stand tall and proud, why should he stretch or bend? I will force myself to do it!"

Xu Chen stood up, snorted coldly, and ordered,

"Today, I will issue a military order. If I fail, I will commit suicide on the spot to apologize. Bring me paper and pen!"

His shout was so deafening that eunuch Zhang hurriedly frightened him and fetched pen, ink, paper and inkstone to grind ink for Xu Chen himself. Xu Chen, in the shock of all the staff, wrote a military order with a big stroke of his pen and handed it to Li Shimin.

As soon as Li Shimin took the military order, he took a look at it, then folded it immediately, slapped his thigh and shouted:

"Good! Divine Marquis Xu Chen, listen to my order. I will immediately appoint you as the Grand Marshal of the Army of the World, the Second Rank General of the State, and command a total of 40,000 troops in the military camps inside and outside Chang'an. You can choose any civil and military officials in the court!"

As he spoke, he took out a golden dragon head gold medal from his arms, handed it to Xu Chen solemnly, and said solemnly,

"This is my military token for the whole world. Today I give it to the Lord of God for dispatch. I hope you can return this token to me in person."

The Grand Marshal of the Army of the Whole World is an honorary title that can only be held during wartime. Once the war is over, it will automatically disappear. However, the second-rank general of the state is the real power and honor.

Above that, there is only the position of the general of the cavalry!

Once the military token was handed over and the official title was established, Xu Chen was now truly powerful and in control of the grain, clothing, scientific research, and military power of the Tang Dynasty!

However, he did not look proud at all. He also took the military token solemnly, put it carefully in his arms, and bowed to Li Shimin:

"Thank you for your majesty's trust. I will definitely live up to your trust. Chief Bao, defeat the Turks!"

Dad trusts him so much, he must be real and show some real skills!

"Well, there is no time to lose. The Turks are now unstoppable and will soon attack Chang'an. I allow you to gather troops and set up camp outside Chang'an. I will personally swear an oath for you when the time comes!"

Li Shimin patted Xu Chen's shoulder and said slowly,

"After today's court meeting, I will issue the assembly order. Tomorrow morning, you can go to the barracks outside the city. Just tell me what you need. As long as it is possible, I will help you get it done!"

"You don't have much time left. I hope you can reorganize the army in the shortest possible time so that it can fight the Turks."

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Li Shimin knew this very well. He gave almost half of his power to Xu Chen today. To be honest, it was a helpless move. How could he not be suspicious in his heart?

But now, all suspicions and concerns must be put aside. At least this battle must be fought and the situation stabilized before slowly discussing it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I don't need too many generals, but if you are interested, you can come and watch me train or watch the battle."

Xu Chen bowed to Li Shimin, shook his head, and then looked at the dukes, looking them up and down.

Who should he let be his vanguard?

"Your Majesty, Lord God, I am willing to be the vanguard!"

The impatient Yuchi Gong quickly stood up and said to Li Shimin and Xu Chen.

His voice made Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and others beside him unable to hold back, and they all stepped out and shouted:

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to be the vanguard!"

"Go away, why are you a pioneer? Just take good care of your health. Lord Shen, what do you think of me, Old Cheng?"

"It's not easy to be a vanguard officer. I think you should forget it. Let me do it."

Everyone was fighting for the position of vanguard.

They were all smart people and naturally knew the benefits of being a vanguard officer. If they won the battle, it goes without saying that their military exploits would be second only to the chief officer. If they were lucky, they might even get the first place.

And if they lost the battle, the responsibility of the vanguard officer would not be too great. Most of the responsibility would still be on the chief officer. It was so cool!

Besides, as warriors who knew how to fight since birth, if they didn't fight for a year, their bones would probably be rusted. War was their career, and peace was the end of the world for the generals. For a moment, Xu Chen didn't know which one to choose, so he had to ask the system:

"System, help me see, among these national kilometers, which one is the most suitable to be a pioneer officer?"

When you are in doubt, ask the system, this will never go wrong

"Analyzing, please wait……"

"This battle against the Turks is a self-defense counterattack, which requires generals with high obedience and strong military capabilities. The following are their ratings.……"

"Cheng Yaojin, obedience three stars, military ability four stars"

"Qin Qiong, obedience 4 stars, military ability 3 stars"

"Li Jing, obedience three stars, military ability five stars"

"Li Ji, obedience three stars, military ability four stars"

"Hou Junji, obedience 2 stars, military ability 4 stars"

"Yuchi Gong, obedience five stars, military ability five stars"


"The above is the rating of all the senior generals of the Tang Dynasty. Among them, Yuchi Gong has the highest degree of compatibility with the host. The system recommends Yuchi Gong as the vanguard."The system's evaluation directly pushed out the best candidate for the vanguard, that is, Yuchi Gong, who had just recovered from a serious illness and had taken the RE001 nutritional pill to experience a second spring in his life!

Xu Chen looked at Yuchi Gong, pointed at him and smiled:

"Yuchi, how about you being the vanguard this time?"

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