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Chen saved Yuchi Gong's life, so Yuchi Gong's obedience to him was naturally the highest. It can be said that he followed Xu Chen's lead!

And his military ability was definitely the strongest among the people in the early Tang Dynasty. When he was under Liu Wuzhou's command, he defeated the Tang army and was a thorn in Li Shimin's eyes!

Even later, after Comrade Li Er surrendered Yuchi Gong, many people in the camp still proposed to kill Yuchi Gong, the unstable factor. Fortunately, Li Shimin was generous and took him as his confidant. Apart from anything else, just looking at the part about forcing the palace at the Xuanwu Gate Incident, it is enough to know how strong this guy is. Letting him be the vanguard is indeed the best choice!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Lord God, haha! This vanguard officer is mine!"

Yuchi Gong showed a pleasant expression on his face, and hurriedly bowed to Xu Chen and Li Shimin to express his gratitude, and said excitedly.

Now that he has lost one hand, he thought he would never have the chance to return to the battlefield, but he did not expect that Xu Chen would trust him so much and even appointed him as the vanguard.

This great favor is also beyond repayment! For a moment, he did not know how to repay Xu Chen.

At this time, he had secretly made up his mind that if Xu Chen had any instructions in the future, he would never hesitate even if he was torn to pieces!

"Humph, you have no skills, you only know how to use the back door"

"That’s right, you’re just relying on your good relationship with the Divine Marquis, look how proud you are!"

"Yuchi, can you do it? If you can't, just tell me. Don't force yourself.……"

Cheng Yaojin and the others were immediately furious when they saw Yuchi Gong's smug look. They sneered at him."

Old brothers, you are slandering me, but I am not angry about you. This adds some fun to the court."

"Ahem, stop making trouble. What a disgrace!

Li Shimin coughed dryly and said with a serious face:

"I am a little tired today. Do you have anything else to report? If not, then we will adjourn the court."

Today's court session was the most tiring one he had ever had. He was exhausted both physically and mentally. He just wanted to return to the harem and talk to Empress Changsun to relax.

Afterwards, several civil officials submitted some insignificant memorials. After Li Shimin made decisions one by one, he dismissed the morning court session. All officials naturally followed the court etiquette and dispersed in an orderly manner.

When he left Hanyuan Hall, a group of people surrounded Xu Chen, some flattering with smiling faces, some trying to get close to him. They surrounded him in three layers, so that Wu Shigui, who originally wanted to talk to his son-in-law, could not get in at all and could only listen from outside the circle:

"Congratulations, Lord Shen. You are truly a young and promising person. You are a rare genius in the Tang Dynasty!"

"Yes, Lord Shen, your hybrid rice and wool sweaters really open my eyes. It is a blessing for all people to have you in the Tang Dynasty!"

"Hey, although you have an engagement, a marquis will always have three wives and four concubines. I have a daughter at home who is ready to get married. She is so beautiful that she is not even married yet. I think…

"Yes, yes! I also have a niece who is not married yet. If she is, it is simply a blessing that she has cultivated for several lifetimes. You see, when will she come to my house to sit down?…"


The more these officials said, the more outrageous they were. They all had unmarried girls in their families. The more Wu Shigui listened, the more frightened he became. This won't do! This is the rhythm of fierce competition. If Xu Chen really married a few more daughters of officials, if one of them was powerful, wouldn't his silly daughter's position as the eldest wife be in jeopardy?

No, no, I have to go home right now. I have to talk to Xiao Wu. I must capture Xu Chen's heart. If necessary, I can take extraordinary measures to make it a done deal for him!

Wu Shigui's heart raced. He didn't talk to Xu Chen anymore. He hurried out of the palace gate, ran back home, and taught Xiao Wu about his experience.

And Xu Chen could only helplessly resist the compliments and congratulations from all sides. There was no way. These people were all colleagues. They couldn't hit smiling people. They couldn't have a Sima face when they came up to congratulate him, right? After talking for a long time outside the palace gate, Xu Chen finally dealt with all the people, took off his court clothes, and then returned to Qinglong Village alone.

Although Li Shimin rewarded him with a house, he did not like living in the city. He still liked the atmosphere in the countryside. If he wanted to eat something, he could just go to his uncle's and aunt's house and get some. They were all family.

At the foot of the imperial city, the difference in levels was very obvious, and there was a difference between the superior and the inferior. One could not see the sincerity and good intentions of others. There were only humble and flattering"Marquis".

As he walked along, he looked around. The atmosphere in Chang'an City was somewhat different from usual. No Turkic merchants could be seen on the road, and there were no more people like Grusha selling cattle and sheep outside the city. The news that the Turkic army was invading the whole country spread quietly and quickly in the city. Chang'an was under martial law at this time. Every household had closed its doors and windows and entered a first-level alert state.

"Stop! His Majesty has ordered that the entire city of Chang'an be closed at this time, and no one is allowed to enter or leave the city gate!"

As soon as Xu Chen walked to the city gate, a stern-looking soldier stood out and stopped Xu Chen. It was quiet everywhere. As expected, no one came in or out, and there were no vendors selling goods around. It was a sharp contrast to the usual bustle.

"This speed is really fast.……"

Xu Chen frowned slightly, then said,

"Can't I go home? The whole city is under martial law, and no one can enter or leave?"

This is too unreasonable! Such behavior is more likely to cause riots.

"Yes, no one is allowed to enter or leave, this is an order from above, you should go back!"

The soldier said coldly, stretched out the spear in his hand, and stabbed Xu Chen back, it seemed that he would not compromise at all.

"Orders from above? Who is your superior? No, your superior is not qualified to see me. Ask your superior's superior, the person in charge of Chang'an City Defense, to come see me!"

Xu Chen's face turned cold, and he waved his hand and ordered.

This person in charge of the city gate doesn't seem to understand psychology at all. The more you do this, the more uneasy people will be, and it is easy to cause a mutiny!


When the soldier saw Xu Chen getting angry, he was a little unsure. There were many nobles in Chang'an City. Who knew if the young man in front of him was the second generation of a noble family? He couldn't afford to offend him. After discussing with the soldiers guarding the city, they sent out the fastest errand runner.

After a while, a man who looked like a military officer came on horseback and shouted:

"Who wants to see me? I, Yuchi Baolin, am here!"

The leader in charge of the northern city defense is Yuchi Gong's eldest son, Yuchi Baolin!

"Meet Lord Yuchi!"

Several soldiers guarding the city responded respectfully. The soldier who spoke first also looked at Xu Chen and said in a neutral tone:

"My superior's superior, Yuchi Baolin, is here now. Just say whatever you want to say!"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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