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Zhang brought a chair from outside the hall, and Xu Chen did not refuse. He was indeed a little tired after standing for a long time. He thanked Li Shimin and sat down on it. Then he turned to the court officials and said in a deep voice:

"In fact, this is indeed their opportunity, because they took advantage of the fact that Your Majesty had just ascended the throne, the Tang Dynasty was still weak, and the weather was so bad, so they came to invade, which was a good opportunity! But, isn't this also our opportunity?"

"The Turkic army may seem to have many soldiers and generals, but in fact, they are just a pile of loose sand. Their purpose is to pretend to be a tiger and blackmail us! If we avoid the battle, it won't take long for them to have conflicts among themselves. If we use tricks and fan the flames at this time, I'm afraid we will see a good show!"

"What good show?"

Li Jing asked curiously.

""Dog bites dog, both get a mouthful of fur!"

Xu Chen blurted out, causing all the officials in the hall to burst into laughter. Even Li Shimin smiled, pointing at Xu Chen and shaking his head with laughter.

This Xu Chen's words were really unpleasant to hear, but he liked it, haha!

"According to what the Divine Marquis said, the Turks are just a fox pretending to be powerful. As long as we hold on to Chang'an, they will fall without attacking, right?"

Li Shimin smiled, and his expression was much more relaxed.

He was also a military genius, but the news was too explosive, which made him anxious for a while, so he didn't think about it carefully. Now after listening to Xu Chen's analysis, he immediately understood that it was indeed the case!

But now there is still a question, is it so easy to hold on to Chang'an?


Xu Chen shook his head and said seriously,

"If the two sides were equal in strength, there would be a chance for confrontation, but now the troops in Chang'an City are empty, and they are simply vulnerable to the Turkic cavalry! They are like a sharp sword that pierces an unbreakable shield, and will naturally stop, but our defense is too poor, at best we are just a thicker piece of tofu!"A sharp sword pierces tofu!" Such a vivid metaphor made everyone present feel cold.

"That's true. That's true.……"

Several generals looked at each other, and saw helplessness and bitter smiles on each other's faces.

Even if the Turkic sword was in tatters, and it might fall apart in the next second, as long as it was still there, it would be no problem to pierce the tofu.

"Alas, the Turks are already facing so many internal and external troubles, is it true that our Tang Dynasty is still unable to resist? What should we do?……"

The military officers all smiled bitterly, not to mention the civil officials. Pessimism spread again, and the peace faction once again gained the upper hand.

"My dear minister, what you said is really straightforward... I think that the only way I can take is to temporarily compromise and seek peace."

Li Shimin rubbed his temples with a headache, and his face changed from excitement to sadness because of Xu Chen's few words.

At present, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all. No wonder, the Li Shimin in the previous life signed the humiliating"Weishui Alliance" with the Turks and sent thousands of cattle and tens of thousands of sheep.

The Tang Dynasty did not have enough food for itself, and it had to send it out with a smile. It was so aggrieved!

No wonder that after a few years, Li Shimin was so ruthless that he destroyed the entire Turks. If the Turks were not destroyed, how could this shame be washed away?

Of course, now that Xu Chen is here, he will naturally not watch this happen. He still smiled and said:

"That's not the case. If I have 30,000 soldiers, I have a 50% chance of defeating the Turkic army. Every 10,000 more soldiers will increase my chances by 20%."

With his fighting power and the support of advanced military theories, it would be too easy for him to defeat a group of ignorant Turkic barbarians. 50% is just a conservative estimate.

Moreover, it's about defeating, not defending! If he only defends Chang'an, even if he only has 10,000 soldiers, he can defend Chang'an 100%! But the other cities cannot be taken into consideration.

"Are you serious about what the Divine Marquis said?!"

Li Shimin opened his eyes suddenly and asked anxiously.

He didn't want to beg for peace at all. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he was willing to give it a try! What's more, this person was the Divine Marquis Xu Chen, whom he admired a little.

"Reporting to the Lord of God, the Turkic army has a large number of troops this time, and they are still gathering from the base camp. Now there are more than 100,000 troops. When all are assembled, there will be 200,000 troops. If you only have 30,000 troops,……"

The messenger showed a worried look on his face and reported all the information he knew. Upon hearing this, all the ministers shook their heads.

Thirty thousand against two hundred thousand, the difference in strength is too great, isn't it?! Besides, the Turks are brave and savage. If they fight one-on-one, they are no match at all!

Even if you are really a military god, with these thirty thousand soldiers, you can't beat two hundred thousand, right?

""Shen Hou, you can't talk nonsense about this matter. It's better to be cautious. Otherwise, if you make a wrong estimate, our Tang Dynasty will fall."

Fang Xuanling bowed to Xu Chen and said earnestly.

Cheng Yaojin, Li Jing and others also nodded repeatedly. They have seen Xu Chen's military theory and know that he is indeed extraordinary, but that is just talk on paper. When you really go to the battlefield, the situation changes rapidly. How can a 14-year-old boy remain calm and make plans?

This is related to the whole country, so don't dare to gamble!

"Since I said it, I am sure of it. If you don't believe it, you can ask for peace with the Turks. Anyway, it's just sending countless gold and silver treasures, thousands or tens of thousands of sheep, which is enough to feed this jackal."

Xu Chen sat on the chair with an extremely calm expression.

The request has been delivered, and it is none of his business whether it is accepted or not. Even if he really asks for peace this time, it's no big deal. He can just fight back later.

It depends on whether Li Shimin can swallow this breath!

"Thousands of cattle and tens of thousands of sheep……"

Li Shimin muttered to himself, and everyone felt uncomfortable.���Such a large amount of resources, for the Tang Dynasty today, is like cutting meat.

Cutting meat to feed the wolf! And you have to feed it well, or it will bite you if you don’t feed it enough!

"This is really too much. I, Li Shimin, will not be humiliated by this Turkic dog!"

Li Shimin stood up from his seat suddenly. A gambler's heart was growing. His eyes were red and he said fiercely,

"Xu Chen, listen carefully! If I agree to let you lead the troops to fight, are you willing to sign a military order and come to see me with your head if you fail to win?!"

This time, with Xu Chen here, he made up his mind and took the gamble!_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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