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The Turks actually attacked at this critical moment. How hateful!

The faces of military generals Li Jing and others were also very ugly. Now that the Tang Dynasty is weak, even if they are famous generals of the time, they have no soldiers. How can they fight this war?

For a moment, the atmosphere in Hanyuan Hall suddenly dropped to the freezing point. The joyful atmosphere a few minutes ago was gone at this time. A sense of panic spread in the hearts of the officials.……

"Oh my god, someone brought me noodle soup just when I was hungry. This Jie Li Khan is really my sweet friend.……"

Xu Chen was the only one who looked strange, muttering quietly.

Just now you were saying that you had no name for your master, and now they are giving you a name for yourself. Isn't this just helping you out?

"How can the Turks be so barbaric? We signed an alliance with them, but now there is no sign of them. They attack us as they say, without knowing any etiquette!"

The white-haired old scholar cursed angrily with a red face.

In his opinion, the actions of this barbaric country were too unkind!

"Haha, Mr. Liu, you are talking to a cow about etiquette. They are greedy and short-sighted. They don't even consider themselves a country. At best, they are just a group of large-scale gangsters!"

Li Ji snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, but then he frowned and muttered,

"However, this sudden invasion is a bit inappropriate. The Turkic people are not stable internally now. The two Khans, Jie Li and Tuli, are both respected. Even if they want to fight, they should stabilize the internal situation before launching an army.……"

As a general who is well versed in military tactics, Li Ji naturally knows that if he wants to send troops, the rear must be stable. Otherwise, if a fire breaks out in the backyard, wouldn’t the army be doomed?

"This time the Turkic army went south, it was the two Khans, Jie Li and Tuli, who came together, so……"

The messenger replied, and Li Ji's face turned pale.

The two major Turkic camps actually joined forces to attack the Tang Dynasty!

Can the Tang Dynasty really resist such a large army?

Even those brave and skilled generals were at a loss. In terms of combat effectiveness, the Turks are definitely the most powerful in the world. They only lack wisdom.

But if they go crazy and mobilize the whole country to fight, even if the Tang Dynasty is not destroyed, it will be riddled with holes.

"When a country has a military power in its vicinity or region, it has already posed a threat, regardless of whether the country intends to invade or not."

Li Shimin murmured gloomily, then turned to look at Xu Chen and sighed,

""Shen Hou, Shen Hou, I didn't expect that your words would come true today. Now the Turks are invading with their whole country, strong soldiers and sharp scimitars. What do you think we should do?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Xu Chen again, especially the several generals who went to Qinglong Village to listen to Xu Chen's explanation of military theory. They looked eager and said:

"Yes, Lord Shen, you are the best in the world in military strategy. Can you think of a strategy to defeat the enemy?"

"Do we really have to fight a protracted war as you said? But if we do so, the world, which has finally been at peace, will be in turmoil again."

"Bullshit! I think your majesty and the Lord of God are right. The Turks are so strong that even if they don't invade us and just stand aside, our Tang Dynasty will be unable to sleep or eat. In my opinion, we should destroy their country!"

""Destroying the country is easy, but how do you destroy it? Give me a rule?"

A group of military generals and dukes started to quarrel, and no one was convinced. After a long quarrel, they looked at Xu Chen again, wanting him to give an answer.

Invisibly, Xu Chen occupied a pivotal position among the civil officials and military generals! Sometimes, if he didn't speak, everyone could only quarrel, and if he spoke, it would definitely be the final word, and his words would be the final word!

Such a reputation did not come out of thin air, but was earned by Xu Chen's outstanding civil and military strategies.

"Haha, Dukes, please calm down and don't be sad. Your Majesty, this is a happy thing!"

Xu Chen took in everyone's expressions and said with a smile.

His smile was very contagious, and the tense atmosphere in Hanyuan Hall was relaxed.

"Happy? What does Shen Hou mean by that?"

Li Shimin asked hurriedly. Somehow, seeing Xu Chen's expression, he felt much more at peace.

"Weren't we discussing the wool thing just now? Just when we said that we couldn't have a legitimate reason, this Turk came to send warmth. With his coming, don't we have a legitimate reason?"

Xu Chen explained with a smile.

"This time, the Turkic army is rushing to the border in such a hurry. It seems to be extremely fierce, but in fact it is just a paper tiger. I dare say that Jie Li Khan is anxious!"

This argument made everyone look surprised and listened carefully, including Li Shimin, who listened to the class obediently like a student.

Only to hear Xu Chen say:

"On the one hand, the Turkic people were unstable, and he wanted to divert the conflict. War was obviously the best way to divert the conflict. As long as he launched a war against our Tang Dynasty, Jie Li Khan and Tuli Khan would become good brothers again. Their joining forces was proof! Can the brotherhood gained in this way last? This is one of his weaknesses!"

"On the other hand, winter came too early this year, and the weather was so cold that the environment on the grassland became even worse. Supplies were in short supply, and a large number of Turkic people and cattle and sheep were likely to starve to death. This was why they were so anxious to invade, in order to rob the Tang Dynasty of its resources and force it to offer gold, silver, treasures, cattle and sheep.���Resources, to provide blood transfusion for the people on their grasslands!"

Xu Chen's words made the ministers glare with anger, and several officials said indignantly:

"This is too much! Isn't this just robbery?! When they have nothing to eat or wear, they go to other people's homes to rob for their own use. These Turkic barbarians are so despicable!"

For a moment, the crowd was furious. Even the spineless peace advocates clenched their fists.

It's okay to advocate peace, but if the Turks shit on their necks and ask for paper after shitting, who can tolerate this?

""Fuck the Turks!"

Someone blurted out a vulgar remark, and everyone in the court started swearing.


Li Shimin looked at it and said seriously, but there was also a smile on his face. It seemed that his subjects were as strong as him!

The Hanyuan Hall became quiet. Li Shimin waved his hand and said expectantly:

"Come, take a seat! Lord Shen, please continue to express your insights."

The next chapter will be at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will go to bed first. Thank you for your support! Please subscribe~_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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