Dad Academy

Chapter 2281 Dad in Memory

Chen Sisi came to Little Red Horse Academy, and Chen Jin finally met her.

The moment he saw his daughter, his eyes became wet.

When Chen Sisi saw this familiar stranger, she froze in place and didn't react. It wasn't until Chen Jin told her that he was her father that she weakly called him daddy.

She did not doubt the person in front of her. When she heard Chen Jin say that he was her father, she recognized the person in front of her.

Because she has recognized that this is the father in her memory.

Although two years have passed, the memory of her father has always been deep in her mind. The first time she saw Chen Jin, she recognized the person in front of her.

It wasn't until Chen Jin informed him that it was confirmed.

When Chen Jin heard Chen Sisi calling his father, he finally couldn't hold himself back any longer and tears burst into his eyes.

Father and daughter hugged each other.

Ding Jiamin and Xiaomi were also nearby. Xiaomi's eyes were bright and water-stained. She was very happy for Chen Sisi, but she felt a little sad in her heart.

Xiaobai, Xiaobai, and Xi'er heard the news and hurriedly ran down from home, crowded at the door and looked in, feeling happy for Chen Sisi.

Chen Jin let go of his daughter, smiled and gave her the stuffed doll he had brought, and said, "Dad, I remember that you liked a pink spotted leopard when you were a child. Then you lost it and you cried for a long time. You see, dad bought it for you." One."

Chen Sisi hugged the spotted leopard and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Immediately, she turned back and smiled at Xiaomi and others: "Xiaomi, look at the spotted leopard that dad gave me."

Xiaomi smiled and said: "It's so cute~"

Chen Sisi grinned.

Chen Jin held her little hand and thanked everyone for their help to Chen Sisi. He brought some snacks for the children in the academy.

After Aunt Huang took the snacks, she said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai~ come and take the snacks and give them to the children."

Xiaobai came in from the door, holding snacks in both hands, and said thank you to Chen Jin.

It was still early and there were not many children in the academy, so the snacks were put aside and distributed after everyone arrived.

Chen Jin asked Ding Jiamin at this time: "Officer Ding, can I take Sisi away? I will send her to Xiaohongma tomorrow evening."

Ding Jiamin did not answer him immediately, but squatted in front of Chen Sisi and asked her if she wanted to leave with her father.

Chen Sisi was a little tangled and asked, "If you leave, won't you come back? I have many good friends here."

Chen Jin said: "I will be back at this time tomorrow. Dad is just taking you to play."

When Chen Sisi was about to speak, Ding Jiamin spoke first, asking her to think carefully and not to make a decision in a hurry.

"I do."

Chen Sisi said firmly.

Ding Jiamin didn't say anything more. Chen Jin felt happy. What he was most worried about was that his daughter was unfamiliar with him and alienated her, making it difficult to get close to him.

Thinking that Chen Sisi was leaving with her father, before leaving, she said goodbye to Xiaobai and others.

When she came to Xiao Bai, she was hugged by Xiao Bai and whispered in her ear: "If you want to come back, come back quickly, or you can call me. Also, if you Dad is not good to you, you must remember to tell me."

"Thank you Xiaobai."

Chen Sisi felt warm in her heart, knowing that Xiaobai said this because he cared about her.

Xiaobai let go of Chen Sisi, and Xi'er immediately held her in his arms. Xi'er sounded crying, worried that Chen Sisi would leave them and never come back.

In just a few days, she has established a deep friendship with Chen Sisi. They make dumplings together, go to the zoo to play together, brush their teeth and wash their faces, go to bed and listen to stories together, like little sisters.

Xi'er has always had the consciousness of being a little sister. During this period, she really took care of Chen Sisi as her own little sister. She took care of her in every possible way and never hesitated to give words of encouragement.

However, Chen Sisi left with her father. While Xi'er was reluctant to leave, she was extremely happy for her in her heart.

She also really wanted her father to pick her up one day, but she already knew that her father would never show up again.

In some ways, Xi'er is very similar to Chen Sisi.

Chen Sisi's father left when she was two years old, and Xi'er's father left when she was two years old. However, one of their fathers just left, while the other's father really left.

The two hugged each other and talked a lot in whispers, and everyone stood aside without any impatience.

After a long while, Xi'er and Chen Sisi separated.

Chen Sisi walked up to Xiao Xiaobai and was about to open her arms to hug Xiao Bai, but Xiao Xiaobai hugged her first.

Xiao Xiaobai said "quietly": "If you are unhappy, Sisi, come to us and come to our little red horse."

Chen Sisi hummed heavily.

Xiaomi also whispered a lot to Chen Sisi and told her many things. She was mainly worried that Chen Sisi would be wronged and bullied after she left.

Xiaomi was equally sad and happy about Chen Sisi's departure. Her mother left when she was three years old and never appeared again. She wished she could suddenly fall from the sky like Chen Sisi's father.

Chen Sisi was led away by her father's little hand. When they walked to the door of the yard, the two of them turned back and waved to the person who was seeing them off. Xi'er finally couldn't help crying and loudly told Chen Sisi to be happy.

When she cried, Xiao Xiaobai also wiped her tears.

The two of them cried like little kittens, which made Chen Sisi, who was leaving, emotional and cry.

Chen Jin knelt down, carried Chen Sisi behind him, and finally left the Little Red Horse Academy.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi were busy comforting the crying Xi'er and Xiaobai. It took them a long time to stop crying. After Xiaobai and Xiaomi repeatedly assured that Chen Sisi would come back tomorrow, their mood gradually improved.

Gradually, around six o'clock in the evening, children began to arrive one after another. After hearing that Chen Sisi was picked up by her father, they were all reluctant to leave.

Ding Jiamin did not leave immediately, but stayed in Aunt Huang's office to discuss Chen Sisi's affairs. Zhang Tan was also there, as was the deputy dean, Teacher Xiaoliu.

Ding Jiamin said: "Today Chen went in to meet Chen Ning, and Chen Ning agreed with him to come to see Chen Sisi."

Her words completely eliminated the last trace of worry in the hearts of Zhang Tan and others.

Zhang Tan asked with concern: "Then what are their plans for Chen Sisi? Is Chen Ning going to give up Chen Sisi's custody rights and let her follow Chen Jin?"

There was a reason why he thought so. After all, Chen Ning was in such a state that it was really worrying for her to continue raising Chen Sisi, and it would be very detrimental to Chen Sisi's growth.

I believe Chen Jin also has such worries.

And Chen Ning's agreement to let Chen come in to see her daughter shows that she may also have such plans. Even if she is reluctant to give up, considering her daughter's healthy growth in the future, she may really give up her rights.

Ding Jiamin said: "I don't know what Chen Ning thinks. I haven't asked her. Maybe she has really thought about it."

Aunt Huang said: "Maybe she wanted to test Chen Jin. Didn't she ask Chen Jin to take Sisi away? If it can be proved that Chen Jin can take good care of Sisi in the past few days, and Sisi agrees with him, then Chen Ning will Only if you feel reassured can you agree."

Everyone nodded.

At this time, Teacher Xiaoliu said with emotion: "The willful behavior of adults has a great impact on children."

Everyone nodded silently. They didn't know the emotional entanglement between Chen Jin and Chen Ning, but they could see the hurt Chen Sisi suffered.

Aunt Huang said: "I hope they can take responsibility this time and give Sisi a stable relationship."

Teacher Xiaoliu said: "It can be seen that Sisi still has great affection for her father and approves of it."

This is indeed true, Aunt Huang is quite pleased, and Ding Jiamin is also happy about it.

I believe that Chen Ning also believed in the relationship between father and daughter, so she agreed to let Chen come in to visit her daughter.

Otherwise, if Chen Jin treats his daughter badly and her daughter doesn't like this father, then even if Chen Ning is in a drug rehabilitation center, she will not agree to Chen Jin taking away her daughter while others are in danger.

The worries in everyone's hearts gradually dropped and they all left.

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