Dad Academy

Chapter 2280 Hanging from the Southeast Branch

In Little Red Horse Academy, Ding Jiamin waved and said hello to Xi'er and Chen Sisi who had just arrived.

The two children also waved to her happily, so enthusiastically.

Xi'er ran for two steps and suddenly stopped, looked back at Ding Jiamin, thought for a moment, and waved to her mysteriously, signaling her to come over.

"What's wrong?" Ding Jiamin stepped forward and asked.

Xi'er took out the food box containing the dumplings and asked proudly: "Sister Xiao Min, would you like to eat one dumpling?"


Ding Jiamin's eyes fell on the food box. The food box was shaped like a yellow cat's head and was cute.

Xi'er nodded, "hiahia, I made it~it smells so good~it's so cute."

Tan Xier, a child, boasts that the dumplings made by others are not only delicious, but also cute.

Ding Jiamin has eaten the dumplings made by Xi'er's children, and they are indeed very unique.

However, she still refused: "You must make it for other children. Although I really want to eat it, you should give it to them."

If she hadn't said that she really wanted to eat, Xi'er might have really given up. But when she heard that she wanted to eat, little Tan Xi'er would not let her go no matter what.

She was so passionate that she must fulfill Ding Jiamin's wish, and gave it to Ding Jiamin "toughly", and then she ran away happily to find Tian Xiaoya.

When passing through the woods, I saw several children hanging from tree trunks. One after another, they jumped into the air, grabbed the trunk, and hung in the air, dangling.

It hangs from the southeast branch.

Xiaobai took the lead, and Xiaobai was also there.

Xi'er did not go there, but went to the classroom to find Tian Xiaoya first. This matter was more urgent.

At the edge of the grove at the moment, where the small white pepper seedlings used to be, under a big mulberry tree, a group of children were hanging from the tree trunk.

I saw Xiaobai jumping up and down, grabbing a horizontal southeastern branch with both hands, then swinging, hanging on it, and yelling: "Stretching is my strength, I can hang on it all night."

Liuliu yelled: "You've been hanging all night, why don't you hang yourself to death——"

Xiaobai was furious: "Liuliu, you idiot! If you have the ability, come and do it."

"Hahaha, come here and look at my -"

Luoliu sprinted and jumped up with all her strength, but she was also caught on the tree trunk. However, she was not proud for three seconds. As soon as her hands loosened, she fell from the tree trunk.

Xiaobai laughed and laughed at her.

Liuliu was calm and composed, clapped her little hands, pretending not to hear Xiaobai's laughter, and said to the other children calmly: "Children, I'll give you a chance, hurry up."

Dudu stood under the tree trunk. He didn't need to sprint. He just jumped on the spot and hung on the branch, stable.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai was eager to try, and came to the tree trunk. He tried his best to jump on the spot, but he grabbed a handful of air and was far away from the tree trunk.

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard~~~~"

Luoliu laughed, mocking the children under three years old unscrupulously.

The little white tiger had a small face, he could not be killed but he could not be humiliated. He tried hard to save his face, so he jumped up and down again, but still missed.

"Hahahahahahahaha wow wow~~~~"

Luoliu laughed even louder.

The face she lost in front of Xiaobai must be regained from Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai was angry, with a tigerish face and a serious look on his face, and angrily said to Liuliu: "That's too much~"

Liuliu smiled and said, "What's wrong with me smiling? I didn't laugh at you."

Xiao Xiaobai is so angry.

Suddenly, she jumped up and down again, and Luoliu laughed again.


Liuliu's laughter stopped suddenly because Xiaoxiaobai managed to hang himself from the southeastern branch.

However, she was not hanging on the southeast branch, but on Dudu.

"Ouch, oops~~~" Dudu was very strong, but it was too much for a child to die. However, he still did not rush Xiaobai down, but tried hard to hold on until he could no longer hold on, and then urged Xiaobai Get down quickly.

"I'm going to fall-"

Xiao Xiaobai quickly let go, stood below, opened his hands and said: "Sister Dudu, come down quickly, I will catch you."

Dudu shouted: "Don't answer, just go away."

Immediately she fell down, and at this moment, Luoliu pulled Xiaobai away from her original position, and was almost knocked down by Dudu when she fell.

Liuliu said: "Dudu, look at Xiaobai, if she doesn't catch her little aunt and catch you, this little villain is a bit bad, you almost fell down."

This guy's skills to stir up trouble are activated automatically and don't require any charging time.

Xiao Xiaobai said angrily: "Liuliu, you are the little bad guy."

Liliu: "No, you are."

Xiao Xiaobai argued: "You are the little bad guy."

Liuliu laughed: "No, you are the little bad guy, and I am the big bad guy."

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."

I can't help my little friend anymore.

Fortunately, Dudu was not instigated by Liuliu. She just told Xiaoxiaobai not to do this next time, as he would be easily injured.

At this time, Xiaobai also let go and fell down.

As soon as they came down, other children jumped up one after another and hung themselves on the southeast branch together.

They are Xiao Lizi and Xiao Du.

However, these children are not as powerful as Xiaobai and Dudu. After hanging for a while, they fall off one by one, and then other children immediately jump up.

A group of children played the game of hanging from a southeastern branch. They enjoyed it endlessly and enjoyed the fun that adults cannot experience.

Lao Li was nearby and did not stop him, but watched with great interest.

On the other side, Xi'er and Chen Sisi gave the dumplings to Tian Xiaoya and watched her finish eating before running out of the classroom to join the children in the game of "hanging oneself on the southeastern branch".

Ding Jiamin was chatting with the principal, Aunt Huang, on the second floor at the moment. She talked about Chen Sisi's father. After listening to the suggestions, she came down from upstairs and left the classroom. She saw the children gathering under the big mulberry tree and smiled without stopping. He left the academy directly.

The next day, Chen Sisi's father came directly to Little Red Horse Academy.

This is a young man. Judging from his appearance, Chen Sisi has some imagination about him. There is no doubt that they are father and daughter.

He was holding a large rag doll in one hand and carrying a large bag of things in the other. He didn't know what was in it, it was probably snacks or something.

He found this place directly, greeted Lao Li, and wanted to come in to find Chen Sisi, saying that Ding Jiamin told him about this place.

Lao Li didn't know him, so he called Aunt Huang to talk. Aunt Huang hurried down and when she saw him, she recognized him as Chen Sisi's father.

Last night, Ding Jiamin sent a photo of him to Aunt Huang and told Aunt Huang that he might come here tonight.

Aunt Huang invited him to the office.

"We only open here at 5:30 in the afternoon. The children haven't arrived yet, and Sisi hasn't come yet either. Please sit down for a while. Officer Ding should pick her up soon," Aunt Huang said.

"Okay, thank you, thank you~"

Chen Sisi's father, named Chen Jin, kept thanking him.

Taking advantage of this time, Aunt Huang chatted with him.

"Do you work in Pujiang?" Aunt Huang asked.

Chen Jin replied: "Director Huang, I don't work in Pujiang, I work in Hangzhou."

"No wonder." Aunt Huang thought for a while and then asked, "When was the last time you met Sisi?"

Chen Jin didn't hesitate for a moment and blurted out: "It's been almost two years. Sisi was just two years old at that time."

Aunt Huang said: "It's been a long time. Sisi was young at that time. I don't know if I still remember you."

Chen Jin's face was full of sadness and shame, and he said: "At that time, I was young and ignorant. I didn't have the awareness to be a parent. My mentality has not changed. I only cared about myself and never thought about how much harm it would do to the children. I feel ashamed every time I think about it in the past two years." , I really want to make up for Sisi.”

Aunt Huang comforted him a few words. The fact that Chen Jin could say this made her impression much better.

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